991 resultados para 19-189
Apoia o movimento que reivindica representação política para o Distrito Federal. Ressalta a importâcia e necessidade de realização de eleições, dando voz ao povo do Distrito Federal na escolha de seus governates por meio do voto.
Apresenta a nota de entidades do Distrito Federal, resultante do "Seminário sobre a Representação Política no Distrito Federal" organizado pelo Centro Brasil Democrático-CEBRADE, na qual é apontado o caminho para que o habitante da capital do país reconquiste o direito de escolher seus representantes para o Governo do Distrito Federal.
Apoio à criação da representação política para o Distrito Federal. Posicionamento favorável ao restabelecimento das eleições diretas em todos os níveis.
Defende a necessidade de representação política para o Distrito Federal e protesta contra deficiências da administração de Brasília no setor dos transportes coletivos.
Após lembrar projeto de lei de sua autoria, apresentado na Legislatura passada, que dispunha sobre a representação política do Distrito Federal, comenta e apoia entrevista concedida ao Correio Braziliense pelo Senador Cattete Pinheiro, em que S. Exa. defende a mesma tese.
Em conformidade com o Edital nº 1/1992, torna pública a lista dos candidatos convocados para a 2º prova, referente ao cargo de Agente de Segurança Legislativa.
Em conformidade com o Edital nº1/1992, torna público o resultado da prova de Língua Portuguesa e Legislação do cargo de Contador.
Em conformidade com o Edital nº 1/1992, torna pública a lista dos candidatos convocados para a 2ª prova referente ao cargo de Operador de Máquinas.
[Es] En este trabajo se presentan los resultados de un estudio piloto realizado en la Comunidad Autónoma del País Vasco con una muestra de sujetos con edades comprendidas entre 12 y 40 años. Dentro de una investigación más amplia donde se pretende relacionar la dieta televisiva y los valores implícitos y explícitos que se perciben en los contenidos televisivos, se exponen algunas diferencias y semejanzas respecto a los hábitos y dieta televisiva de los diferentes grupos de edad. Los datos encontrados nos permiten concluir que los programas más visionados no son los más perniciosos para adolescentes y jóvenes, ni tampoco que el visionado de la televisión impida el desarrollo de otro tipo de actividades.
CONTENTS: Livelihoods and languages: a SPARK-STREAM learning and communications process, by Kath Copley and William Savage. Towards broader contextual understandings of livelihoods, by Elizabeth M. Gonzales, Nguyen Song Ha, Rubu Mukherjee, Nilkanth Pokhrel and Sem Viryak. Using tools to build shared understandings, using a sustainable livelihoods framework to learn, by Nuchjaree Langkulsane. Learning about rattan as a livelihood, by Mariel de Jesus and Christine Bantug. Meanings of “community-managed area,” by Arif Aliadi. Lessons learnt about processes for learning and communicating, by Graham Haylor and Ronet Santos.
CONTENTS: One-stop Aqua Shops: an emerging phenomenon in Eastern India, by Graham Haylor, Rubu Mukerjee and S.D. Tripathi. Ranchi One-stop Aqua Shop, by Ashish Kumar. Kaipara One-stop Aqua Shop, by Kuddus Ansary. Bilenjore One-stop Aqua Shop, by Bhawani Sankar Panda. Patnagarh One-stop Aqua Shop, by Dipti Behera and Lingraj Otta. Using bar-coding in a One-stop Aqua Shop, by Christopher Keating.
The Marine Mammal Tagging Office has been created by consensus of the agencies responsible for marine mammal management and the scientific community dealing with marine mammal tagging and marking. The purpose of ths office is to facilitate the dissemination of information with regard to tagging, marking, tags, and marks; to determine the need for new and better materials for tags; and to stimulate research, development, and testing programs. The American Institute of Biological Sciences was requested to coordinate a workshop to determine the status of pinniped tagging both nationally and internationally. Approximately 30 scientists were invited to participate in the workshop which was held on 18-19 January 1979 at the Sand Point Laboratory of the National Marine Fisheries Service in Seattle, Washington. Topics included ranged from specific tagging programs to general considerations and similar problems encountered by researchers. Participants also participated in one of three working groups -- Sea Otters, Phocids, and Otariids --to address pertinent issues. These break-out sessions resulted in the general recommendations and specific considerations sections of this report. Abstract authors include: Alton Y. Roppel; Ken Pitcher; Burney J. Le Boeuf; Wybrand Hoek; Robert M. Warneke; Don B. Siniff; Doug P. DeMaster; Daniel J. Miller; Ian Stirling; Roger L. Gentry; Lanny H. Cornell; James E. Antrim; Edward D. Asper; Mark Keyes; R. Keith Farrell; Donald G. Calkins; Bob DeLong; T. A. Gornall; Tom Otten; and, Ancel M. Johnson (PDF contains 54 pages)
Since the STREAM Initiative’s official launch on 1 December 2001, this Regional Conference was the first opportunity for many colleagues directly involved in STREAM to come together. (PDF has 30 pages.)
Sustainable Aquaculture for Poverty Alleviation (SAPA) is a strategy under the overall national program for hunger eradication and poverty reduction. This reflects high attention by the Ministry of Fisheries (MOFI) to the poor. Since the strategy was initiated, several actions have been taken. Recently, conferences and meetings were conducted in Hanoi, Thai Nguyen and Quang Tri. Consequently we also have workshops on a regional basis, and today we are pleased to conduct a workshop in Long An on livelihoods analysis. Now at the Ministry, there are more than 340 projects in aquaculture to attack poverty. The launch of SAPA has been given a high priority among support agencies. Recently Mr Gill of the World Bank and the Ministry agreed that they would act to strengthen aquaculture for poverty reduction. So today with the support of the Long An People’s Committee, NACA and STREAM we have a workshop to strengthen learning about livelihoods analysis. (PDF has 61 pages.)
- 1.1 化合物的生成焓,反应焓及燃烧热
- 1.2 热化学定律
- 1.3 热力学平衡与自由能,化学平衡与反应自由能
- 1.4 质量作用定律及可逆反应的平衡常数
- 1.5 平衡常数和标准反应自由能的关系
- 1.6 温度和压力对平衡常数的影响
- 1.7 绝热火焰温度计算
- 1.8 化学动力学中采用的几个基本概念和定义
- 1.9 反应的分类
- 1.10 阿累尼乌斯(Arrhenius)定律
- 1.11 双分子反应碰撞理论
- 1.12 反应分子数及反应级数
- 1.13 影响化学反应的因素
- 1.14 链锁反应
- 5.1 燃烧波的两种形式――缓燃(或火焰正常传播)及爆震
- 5.3 马兰特和利-恰及利耶的简化分析法
- 5.4 层流火焰传播速度的无量纲分析法
- 5.5 泽尔多维奇和弗朗克-卡门涅茨基的分区近似解
- 5.6 分区近似解的改进
- 5.7 精确解
- 5.8 物理化学参数对S1的影响及对火焰厚度的影响
- 5.9 火焰传播界限
- 5.10 用层流火焰传播速度计算化学动力参数的方法
- 5.11 火焰的基本性质及火焰的几何学
- 5.12 本生灯火焰稳定的条件
- 5.13 层流火焰传播速度的实验测定
- 5.14 单组元燃料滴燃烧