975 resultados para 16s rDNA


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利用PCR-DGGE技术对长江口外低氧区海域和黄海冷水团海域的细菌群落组成进行了分析。 长江口外低氧区海域的细菌群落组成分析结果为:对获得的25条DGGE条带进行了克隆、测序,所得到的序列进行了系统进化分析(细菌16S rRNA基因V3区序列),分别归属于4个细菌类群:变形菌门(Proteobacteria)、拟杆菌门(Bacteroides)、厚壁菌门(Firmicutes)和蓝细菌门(Cyanobacteria)。其中有16条分别与变形细菌亚群的γ和δ-Proteobacteria相似。通过时空分析发现,低氧水体的细菌群落组成与非低氧水体的组成是不同的。低氧水体的优势菌群是拟杆菌门(Bacteroides)中的Flavobacteria。 黄海冷水团海域的细菌群落组成和优势菌群分析结果为:细菌16S rDNA V3区特征片段经DGGE分离、条带切割,共得到24条DGGE条带,克隆、测序后,将所得序列进行系统进化分析,分别归属于2个细菌类群:变形细菌门(Proteobacteria)和拟杆菌门(Bacteroides)。在24条序列中有16条分别与变形细菌亚群的γ和δ-Proteobacteria相似,有5条与拟杆菌门相似。通过时空分析发现,10月份(冷水团存在期),冷水团内部水体的细菌群落组成包括γ-Proteobacteria、δ-Proteobacteria和Bacteroides,而冷水团外部的水体的细菌群落组成包括γ-Proteobacteria和Bacteroides。冷水团内部水层的优势菌群为γ-Proteobacteria。4月份虽然冷水团没有形成,但是所调查的海域海水温度都不高,在7℃-12℃范围内,所以4月份所有站位,不管是底层的还是总的的细菌群落组成都与10月份冷水团内部(海水温度低于10℃)水体的相同,与10月份冷水团外部(海水温度大于19℃)的不同。


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利用流式细胞仪分析了聚球蓝细菌在胶州湾的时空分布和营养盐的影响, 并对聚球蓝细菌亚群分化及其影响因子做了进一步探索。分离获得六株海洋聚球蓝细菌,分别定名为IOCAS0401、IOCAS0402、IOCAS0403、IOCAS0404、IOCAS0405、IOCAS0406。对其中两株(IOCAS0401、IOCAS0402)进行鉴定,并进一步研究了其生理生态特征。有三株菌(IOCAS0403、IOCAS0404、IOCAS0405)具有异养生长能力,选取其中两株(IOCAS0403、IOCAS0405)构建了遗传操作系统。具体内容摘要如下: 1、聚球蓝细菌在胶州湾的时空分布和营养盐的影响 胶州湾近一年的微微型浮游植物群落分析表明,聚球蓝细菌逐月的最高丰度中心有从湾外→湾口→湾内,再由湾内→湾口→湾外的变化趋势。在月变化中,聚球蓝细菌9月丰度最大,平均丰度为4.87×103 cells/ml,1-4月丰度很低,其中3月平均丰度最低为66 cells/ml。选取D5站的0 m和30 m作为表层和深层,对微微型浮游植物和营养盐的研究表明,在9、10月,N/P主要在10-30之间,聚球蓝细菌占优势51.6%(9月),98.5%(10月),其它月份大多数N/P<10或者>30,尤其以8月和11月最为显著,而这两个月也恰恰是超微真核浮游植物占优势92.1%(8月),84.8%(11月)。流式细胞仪数据表明,夏末和秋季部分站位会出现聚球蓝细菌的两个亚群,并且当N/P在33左右时可能会出现两个亚群分化,经过对N源的分析后发现,产生亚群分化时NO3-N/PO4-P在14左右。 2、 所分离到的六株聚球蓝细菌的吸收光谱表明,胶州湾的聚球蓝细菌色素种类十分丰富,基本都含有叶绿素a和藻红蛋白(PE),同时也有含藻蓝蛋白(PC)的种群。研究中发现有三株菌具有兼性异养生长能力,当有光照的时候,合成色素,自养生长进行产氧光合作用,没有光照时,色素逐渐消失,启动异养生长的代谢过程。 3、 利用流式细胞仪分析黄海近海水样中聚球蓝细菌种群组成,发现主要有不同藻红蛋白含量的两个类群组成,流式细胞仪分选后,用SN培养基培养纯化得到两个亚群优势种聚球蓝细菌IOCAS0401和IOCAS0402。荧光显微镜下镜检,两株菌在蓝色激发光(450-490 nm)下发桔红色荧光,并且IOCAS0401的荧光较IOCAS0402强。扫描电镜观察发现IOCAS0401呈椭圆形,长轴大约1.2 μm左右;IOCAS0402近似球形,直径约有0.6 μm左右。吸收光谱的检测表明,两者都有叶绿素a和藻红蛋白的特征吸收峰。其中IOCAS0401有藻尿胆素(PUB)和藻红胆素(PEB)吸收锋,而IOCAS0402只有PEB的吸收峰,两者均无藻蓝蛋白(PC)吸收锋。通过16S rDNA测序分析,结果表明两株菌都位于MC-A中的clade II类群,与从日本海域分离获得的MBIC10224菌株有较高的亲缘关系,虽然这三株菌都归为clade II,但单独成一分支,表明它们带有明显的西太平洋特色。 4、 选取其中两株IOCAS0403和IOCAS0405构建遗传系统,抗生素图谱表明,IOCAS0403对四环素有抗性,自然转化结果显示,IOCAS0403不能自然转化,IOCAS0405具有自然转化能力,同时两者都不能进行接合转移。


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海洋是一个巨大的生态系统,多样的微生物是构成海洋生态系统的基本元素。海洋微生物的群落结构及演变深刻的反映着海洋生态系统的变迁。本文采用分子生物学技术,研究了近海沉积物生态系统——胶州湾沉积物中细菌的多样性、群落结构的时空演替规律以及远洋深海沉积物生态系统——东太平洋海隆北纬13o附近深海沉积物中细菌和古细菌群落结构沿沉积物断层的分布情况,结果表明在两处沉积物中,微生物群落的结构都与环境因子有显著的相关性,是反映海洋沉积物环境特征的重要(分子)标志物,并且可能在这些环境中参与生物地球化学循环等重要过程。 1.从胶州湾不同区域的8个代表性站点采集4个季度的沉积物样品。提取总基因组DNA,利用16S rDNA作为分子标记,采用克隆文库对胶州湾沉积物中细菌群落的组成、空间分布和季节演替规律进行了研究。结果显示沉积物中的细菌具有高度多样性,来自于13个细菌门,同时还有28%的未鉴定克隆,表明胶州湾沉积物中蕴藏着巨大的微生物资源。其中已鉴定的优势种群是α-、β-、γ-、δ-变形细菌、绿弯菌、厚壁菌、蓝细菌和放线菌。同时还包括酸杆菌、拟杆菌、浮霉菌、疣微菌、芽单胞菌、绿菌、梭杆菌、异常球菌-栖热菌等类群的存在。将各克隆库的组成与温度、总碳、总氮等环境因子结合分析,结果显示细菌群落结构更替的主要驱动力是季节变化所带来的温度等环境因子的演变。对数据库中与本研究所获得序列具有最近亲缘关系序列的来源环境进行分析表明,胶州湾中细菌群落受航运活动、水产养殖、重金属污染等人类活动的明显影响,同时这些活动表现出显著的空间特异性,比如C4和D6等站点明显受到航运活动的影响,而A3和Y1等站点则容易受到沿岸径流所带来的淡水和油污染的影响。 2.分别利用PCR-DGGE和克隆文库技术对东太平洋海隆北纬13o附近深海柱状沉积物样品中细菌和古菌群体进行研究,结果显示这些微生物群落沿四个分别代表不同沉积年代断层明显的成层分布,与环境因子结合分析表明这种成层分布与氧化还原性质等地球化学特征的成层分布相吻合,提示我们该生态系统中的微生物受到环境因子的巨大作用,同时也表明这些微生物可能参与该生态系统中硫、金属元素代谢等过程。通过系统发育分析,四个断层中的微生物群落中呈现出很多与热液活动相关的个体(其中34.7%的细菌序列和31%的古菌序列与来源于各种热液环境的序列具有最近的亲缘关系)。但总体群落结构分析表明该区域可能属于热液活动影响区域的边缘,处于从热液活动环境到普通的低温沉积物环境的过渡区域。 3.将在胶州湾和东太平洋海隆北纬13o附近海洋沉积物生态系统中都存在的优势细菌类群(α-、β-、γ-、δ-变形细菌和放线菌、绿弯菌、厚壁菌、酸杆菌、浮霉菌)进行系统发育分析和背景比较分析,结果显示两处沉积物中的细菌优势种群虽然在大类群上很多是相同的,但是可能由于两处沉积物中不同物理化学等环境因子的选择作用(如胶州湾的近海特征和人为活动,东太平洋深海特点和热液活动),而导致优势种群在系统发育关系上距离比较远。这表明独特的微生物群落结构,特别是优势种群的群落结构信息是描述特定环境生态系统的重要方面。本研究表明在全球环境变迁中,自然环境因子和人类活动都在深刻改变着微生物群落的结构和功能。本文阐述了在环境变迁特定时期两处沉积物生态系统中的微生物群落结构及时空差异,为研究大范围生态系统的演变提供了依据,同时也为在两处沉积物环境中进行微生物参与的生物地球化学研究奠定了基础。


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海洋趋磁细菌在黄海、东海的近岸海域沉积物中分布广泛,形态上以球菌为主,部分地区有杆菌、螺旋菌。在青岛汇泉湾发现大量的海洋趋磁细菌,趋磁球菌占优势,最大丰度可达105 cells/cm3。 透射电镜观察潮间带趋磁细菌以球菌或卵球菌占绝对优势;潮下带菌体形态多样,有球形或卵球形、长短杆状、弧状和螺旋状,其中球形或卵球形趋磁细菌占优势。电镜观察还发现磁小体的排列方式多样化,大多数呈链状排列,有单链、双链及多链,还有的呈环状或者成簇排列。磁小体的形态也多种多样,有正方体、棱柱体、立方八面体、子弹头状、片状和齿状。 PCR-RFLP分析RT收集潮间带得到的三个菌株同属于α-变形菌亚纲中的未培养的趋磁球菌,三者之间相似性都在98%以上,可能都属于同一个属。潮下带RT收集,测序分析得到10个菌株。发现9个属于α-变形菌亚纲,1个属于γ-变形菌亚纲,共有8个不同的属,优势种是MRT-81和MRT-82。目前尚未获得这些细菌的纯培养。 结合电镜观察的结果发现,潮间带形态单一,属于同一个属;潮下带形态多样,属于8个不同的属。电镜结果跟RFLP的结果一致。结合区域特点我们分析潮间带水深大约0.5-1 m,在大潮最低潮时可能暴露于空气中,且受潮汐的影响,物化环境变化较大。潮下带水深常年>2 m,物化环境比较稳定。这可能是造成两个区域多样性差别的主要原因。 我们得到的所有的序列与未培养和已纯培养的海洋趋磁球菌的16S rDNA相似性都不高于94%,两优势菌群与纯培养的MC-1相似性都不高于88%,可能为新发现的海洋趋磁细菌资源。


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冷泉是指温度接近于海水,而以高于周围水环境浓度的烃类化合物(主要为甲烷)、硫化物或二氧化碳为主要成分,受地质构造或压力梯度作用渗出沉积物表层的流体。对冷泉沉积物中微生物群落的调查,有助于认识该极端环境中某些生理未知微生物类群的功能并理解微生物活动对整个系统的影响。 本文对从鄂霍次克海冷泉区采集获得的沉积物样品按深度划分得到的11个断层中的6个断层进行了总基因组的提取,利用16S rDNA作为分子标记,构建克隆文库并结合总有机碳、总氮、硫等环境因子对该样品中的细菌和古菌群落结构沿沉积物断层的分布情况进行研究,结果显示该沉积物中的细菌和古菌均具有高度多样性且显示出明显的成层分布: 1.细菌群落主要来自10个细菌门,优势门类为绿弯菌、未定门JS1、γ-、δ-变形菌,同时还发现浮霉菌、未定门OP8、放线菌、酸杆菌、拟杆菌、疣微菌的存在。我们还在分布于表层沉积物δ-变形菌类群中发现了占该层群落15%以上的SRB(硫酸盐还原菌)类群,这强烈提示着该沉积物环境中存在着AOM(甲烷厌氧氧化)过程。 2.古菌类群主要划分为DSAG、MBG-D、MCG、MGI、MBG-A和MHVG等类群。其中MBG-D类群沿断层的垂直分布与沉积物中硫含量表现出相似的变化趋势,这提示MBG-D类群可能参与该环境中硫相关的地质化学过程。


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Magnetotactic bacteria are a heterologous group of motile prokaryotes, ubiquitous in aquatic habitats and cosmopolitan in distribution. Here, we studied the diversity of magnetotactic bacteria in a seawater pond within an intertidal zone at Huiquan Bay in the China Sea. The pond is composed of a permanently submerged part and a low tide subregion. The magnetotactic bacteria collected from the permanently submerged part display diversity in morphology and taxonomy. In contrast, we found a virtually homogenous population of ovoid-coccoid magnetotactic bacteria in the low tide subregion of the pond. They were bilophotrichously flagellated and exhibited polar magnetotactic behaviour. Almost all cells contained two chains of magnetosomes composed of magnetite crystals. Intriguingly, the combination of restriction fragment length polymorphism analysis (RFLP) and sequencing of cloned 16S rDNA genes from the low tide subregion samples as well as fluorescence in situ hybridization (FISH) revealed the presence of a homogenous population. Moreover, phylogenetic analysis indicated that the Qingdao Huiquan low tide magnetotactic bacteria belong to a new genus affiliated with the alpha-subclass of Proteobacteria. This finding suggests the adaptation of the magnetotactic bacterial population to the marine tide.


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We conducted this study to assess the diversity of bacteria associated with the surfaces of algae based on 16S rDNA sequence analyses. Twelve strains of bacteria were obtained from the surfaces of the following four species of algae: Gracilaria textorii, Ulva pertusa, Laminaria japonica, and Polysiphonia urceolata. The isolated strains of bacteria can be divided into two groups: Halomonas and Vibrio, in physiology, biochemical characteristics and 16S rDNA sequence analyses. The phylogenetic tree constructed based on 16S rDNA sequences of the isolates shows four obvious clusters, Halomonas venusta, Vibrio tasmaniensis, Vibrio lentus, and Vibrio splendidus. Isolates from the surface of P. urceolata are more abundant and diverse, of which strains P9 and P28 have a 16S rDNA sequence very similar (97.5%-99.8%) to that of V. splendidus. On the contrary, the isolates from the surfaces of G textorii, U. pertusa and L. japonica are quite simple and distribute on different branches of the phylogenetic tree. In overall, the results of this study indicate that the genetic relationships among the isolates are quite close and display a certain level of host species specificity, and alga-associated bacteria species are algal species specific.


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The effect of S-10, a strain of marine bacteria isolated from sediment in the Western Xiamen Sea, on the growth and paralytic shellfish poison (PSP) production in the alga Alexandrium tamarense (A. tamarense) was studied under controlled experimental conditions. The results of these experiments have shown that the growth of A. tamarense is obviously inhibited by S-10 at high concentrations, however no evident effect on its growth was observed at low concentrations. Its PSP production was also inhibited by S 10 at different concentrations, especially at low concentrations. The toxicity of this strain of A. tamarense is about (0.9512.14) x 10(-6) MU/cell, a peak toxicity value of 12.14 x 10(-6) MU/cell appeared on the 14th day, after which levels decreased gradually. The alga grew well in conditions of pH 6-8 and salinities of 20-34 parts per thousand. The toxicity of the alga varied markedly at different pH and salinity levels. Toxicity decreased as pH increased, while it increased with salinity and reached a peak value at a salinity of 30 parts per thousand, after which it declined gradually. S-10 at a concentration of 1.02 x 10(9) cells/ml inhibited growth and the PSP production of A. tamarense at different pH and salinity levels. S-10 had the strongest inhibitory function on the growth of A. tamarense under conditions of pH 7 and a salinity of 34 parts per thousand. The best inhibitory effect on PSP production by A. tamarense was at pH 7, this inhibitory effect on PSP production did not relate to salinity. Interactions between marine bacteria and A. tamarense were also investigated using the flow cytometer technique (FCM) as well as direct microscope counting. S-10 was identitied as being a member of the genus Bacillus, the difference in 16S rDNA between S-10 and Bacillus halmapalus was only 2%. The mechanism involved in the inhibition of growth and PSP production of A. tamarense by this strain of marine bacteria, and the prospect of using it and other marine bacteria in the biocontrol of red-tides was discussed. (c) 2005 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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Bacteria isolated from a highly toxic sample of gastropod Nassarius semiplicatus in Lianyungang, Jiangsu Province in July 2007, were studied to probe into the relationship between bacteria and toxicity of nassariid gastropod. The toxicity of the gastropod sample was 2 x 10(2) mouse unit (MU) Per gram Of tissue (wet weight). High concentration of tetrodotoxin (TTX) and its analogues (TTXs) were found in the digestive gland and muscle of the gastropod, using high performance liquid chromatography coupled with mass chromatography (LC-MS). Bacterial strains isolated from the digestive gland were cultured and screened for TTX with a competitive ELISA method. Tetrodotoxin was detected in a proportion of bacterial strains, but the toxin content was low. Partial 16S ribosomal DNA (rDNA) of the TTX-producing strains was then sequenced and compared with those published in the GenBank to tentatively identify the toxic strains. It was found that most of the toxic strains were closely affiliated with genus Vibrio, and the others were related to genus Shewanella, Marinomonas, Tenacibaculum and Aeromonas. These findings suggest that tetrodotoxin-producing bacteria might play an important role in tetrodotoxin accumulation/production in N. semiplicatus. (C) 2008 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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In this study, the intestinal microbiota of kuruma shrimp (Marsupenaeus japonicus) was examined by molecular analysis of the 16S rDNA to identify the dominant intestinal bacteria and to investigate the effects of Bacillus spp. on intestinal microbial diversity. Samples of the intestines of kuruma shrimp fed normal feed and Bacillus spp. amended feed. PCR and denaturing gradient gel electrophoresis (DGGE) analyses were then performed on DNA extracted directly from the guts. Population fingerprints of the predominant organisms were generated by DGGE analysis of the universal V3 16S rDNA amplicons, and distinct bands in the gels were sequenced. The results suggested that the gut of kuruma shrimp was dominated by Vibrio sp. and uncultured gamma proteobacterium. Overall, the results of this study suggest that PCR-DGGE is a possible method of studying the intestinal microbial diversity of shrimp.


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The Continuous Plankton Recorder (CPR) survey has collected plankton samples from regular tracks across the world's oceans for almost 70 y. Over 299,000 spatially extensive CPR samples are archived and stored in buffered formalin. This CPR archive offers huge potential to study changes in marine communities using molecular data from a period when marine pollution, exploitation and global anthropogenic impact were much less pronounced. However, to harness the amount of data available within the CPR archive fully, it is necessary to improve techniques of larval identification, to genus and species preferably, and to obtain genetic information for historical studies of population ecology. To increase the potential of the CPR database this paper describes the first extraction, amplification by the polymerase chain reaction and utilization of a DNA sequence (mitochondrial 16S rDNA) from a CPR sample, a formalin fixed larval sandeel.


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RATIONALE: Characterization of bacterial populations in infectious respiratory diseases will provide improved understanding of the relationship between the lung microbiota, disease pathogenesis and treatment outcomes.

OBJECTIVES: To comprehensively define lung microbiota composition during stable disease and exacerbation in bronchiectasis patients.

METHODS: Sputum was collected from patients when clinically stable and before and after completion of antibiotic treatment of exacerbations. Bacterial abundance and community composition were analyzed using anaerobic culture and 16S rDNA pyrosequencing.

MEASUREMENTS AND MAIN RESULTS: In clinically stable patients, aerobic and anaerobic bacteria were detected in 40/40 (100%) and 33/40 (83%) sputum samples, respectively. The dominant organisms cultured were P. aeruginosa (n=10 patients), H. influenzae (n=12), Prevotella (n=18) and Veillonella (n=13). Pyrosequencing generated over 150,000 sequences, representing 113 distinct microbial taxa; the majority of observed community richness resulted from taxa present in low abundance with similar patterns of phyla distribution in clinically stable patients and patients at the onset of exacerbation. Following treatment of exacerbation, there was no change in total (p=0.925), aerobic (p=0.917) or anaerobic (p=0.683) load and only a limited shift in community composition. Agreement for detection of bacteria by culture and pyrosequencing was good for aerobic bacteria such as P. aeruginosa (kappa=0.84) but poorer for other genera including anaerobes. Lack of agreement was largely due to bacteria been detected by pyrosequencing but not by culture.

CONCLUSIONS: A complex microbiota is present in the lungs of bronchiectasis patients which remains stable through treatment of exacerbations suggesting that changes in microbiota composition do not account for exacerbations.


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In this study, a combination of recA-based PCR assays and 16S rDNA restriction fragment length polymorphism (RFLP) analysis was used to determine the genomovar diversity of clinical Burkholderia cepacia complex isolates. Twenty-eight isolates were prospectively collected from patients attending a large Australian adult cystic fibrosis (CF) unit, 22 isolates were referred from other Australian CF units and a further eight isolates originated from patients without CF. The 28 prospectively collected isolates were distributed amongst the following genomovars: Burkholderia cepacia genomovar I (28.6%), Burkholderia multivorans (21.4%), Burkholderia cepacia genomovar III (39.3%), Burkholderia vietnamiensis(3.6%) and Burkholderia ambifaria (7.1%). The results of this study highlight the usefulness of 16S rDNA RFLP typing for the identification of other Burkholderia spp. and non-fermenting gram-negative bacteria.


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AIM: To analyse the microflora of subgingival plaque from patients with Papillon-Lefévre syndrome (PLS), which is a very rare disease characterised by palmar-plantar hyperkeratosis with precocious periodontal destruction.

METHODS: Bacterial isolates were identified using a combination of commercial identification kits, traditional laboratory tests, and gas liquid chromatography. Some isolates were also subjected to partial 16S rDNA sequencing. Plaque samples were also assayed for the presence of Porphyromonas gingivalis, Prevotella intermedia, and Actinobacillus actinomycetemcomitans in a quantitative enzyme linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA) using monoclonal antibodies.

RESULTS: The culture results showed that most isolates were capnophilic and facultatively anaerobic species-mainly Capnocytophaga spp and Streptococcus spp. The latter included S. constellatus, S. oralis, and S. sanguis. Other facultative bacteria belonged to the genera gemella, kingella, leuconostoc, and stomatococcus. The aerobic bacteria isolated were species of neisseria and bacillus. Anaerobic species included Prevotella intermedia, P. melaninogenica, and P. nigrescens, as well as Peptostreptococcus spp. ELISA detected P gingivalis in one patient in all sites sampled, whereas A. actinomycetemcomitans was detected in only one site from the other patient. Prevotella intermedia was present in low numbers.

CONCLUSIONS: Patients with PLS have a very complex subgingival flora including recognised periodontal pathogens. However, no particular periodontopathogen is invariably associated with PLS.


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The resolution of evolutionary relationships among deep-sea incirrate octopuses has been hindered by the paucity of individuals available for morphological studies and by the lack of tissue samples preserved using fixatives compatible with simple DNA extraction techniques. Evolutionary relationships from 11 species of deep-sea incirrate octopuses were investigated using 2392 base pairs (bp) of DNA from four mitochondrial genes (12S rDNA, 16S rDNA, cytochrome c oxidase subunit III, and cytochrome b) and the nuclear gene, rhodopsin. Morphological examination of these species was also undertaken. Molecular analyses distinguish a species of octopus from hydrothermal vents at Manus Basin from the vent octopodid Vulcanoctopus hydrothermalis known from vents on the East Pacific Rise. Both are herein considered members of the clade currently assigned the name Benthoctopus, although taxonomic implications preclude formally naming Vulcanoctopus as a junior synonym. Morphological investigations led to the conclusion that Benthoctopus macrophallus is a junior synonym of Benthoctopus yaquinae. An amended diagnosis of Benthoctopus is provided with additional information on male reproductive characteristics. Copyright © 2009 · Magnolia Press.