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Aims/hypothesis We assessed systemic and local muscle fuel metabolism during aerobic exercise in patients with type I diabetes at euglycaemia and hyperglycaemia with identical insulin levels.Methods This was a single-blinded randomised crossover study at a university diabetes unit in Switzerland. We studied seven physically active men with type I diabetes (mean +/- SEM age 33.5 +/- 2.4 years, diabetes duration 20.1 +/- 3.6 years, HbA(1c) 6.7 +/- 0.2% and peak oxygen uptake [VO2peak] 50.3 +/- 4.5 ml min(-1) kg(-1)). Men were studied twice while cycling for 120 min at 55 to 60% of VO2peak, with a blood glucose level randomly set either at 5 or 11 mmol/l and identical insulinaemia. The participants were blinded to the glycaemic level; allocation concealment was by opaque, sealed envelopes. Magnetic resonance spectroscopy was used to quantify intramyocellular glycogen and lipids before and after exercise. Indirect calorimetry and measurement of stable isotopes and counter-regulatory hormones complemented the assessment of local and systemic fuel metabolism.Results The contribution of lipid oxidation to overall energy metabolism was higher in euglycaemia than in hyperglycaemia (49.4 +/- 4.8 vs 30.6 +/- 4.2%; p<0.05). Carbohydrate oxidation accounted for 48.2 +/- 4.7 and 66.6 +/- 4.2% of total energy expenditure in euglycaemia and hyperglycaemia, respectively (p<0.05). The level of intramyocellular glycogen before exercise was higher in hyperglycaemia than in euglycaemia (3.4 +/- 0.3 vs 2.7 +/- 0.2 arbitrary units [AU]; p<0.05). Absolute glycogen consumption tended to be higher in hyperglycaemia than in euglycaemia (1.3 +/- 0.3 vs 0.9 +/- 0.1 AU). Cortisol and growth hormone increased more strongly in euglycaemia than in hyperglycaemia (levels at the end of exercise 634 52 vs 501 +/- 32 nmol/l and 15.5 +/- 4.5 vs 7.4 +/- 2.0 ng/ml, respectively; p<0.05).Conclusions/interpretation Substrate oxidation in type I diabetic patients performing aerobic exercise in euglycaemia is similar to that in healthy individuals revealing a shift towards lipid oxidation during exercise. In hyperglycaemia fuel metabolism in these patients is dominated by carbohydrate oxidation. Intramyocellular glycogen was not spared in hyperglycaemia.
In unicolonial populations of ants, individuals can mix freely within large networks of nests that contain many queens. It has been proposed that the absence of aggression in unicolonial populations stems from a loss of nest mate recognition, but few studies have tested this hypothesis. We investigated patterns of aggression and nest mate recognition in the unicolonial wood ant, Formica paralugubris. Little aggression occurred, even between workers from nests separated by up to 5 km. However, when aggression took place, it was directed toward non-nest mates rather than nest mates. Trophallaxis (exchange of liquid food) occurred very frequently, and surprisingly, workers performed significantly more trophallaxis with non-nest mates than with nest mates (bias 2.4:1). Hence, workers are able to discriminate nest mates from non-nest mates. Higher rates of trophallaxis between non-nest mates may serve to homogenize the colony odor or may be an appeasement mechanism. Trophallaxis rate and aggression level were not correlated with geographical distance and did not differ within and between two populations separated by several kilometers. Hence, these populations do not represent differentiated supercolonies with clear-cut behavioral boundaries. Overall, the data demonstrate that unicoloniality can evolve despite well-developed nest mate recognition. Reduced levels of aggression might have been favored by the low rate of interactions with foreign workers, high cost of erroneously rejecting nest mates, and low cost of accepting foreign workers.
OBJECTIVE: We aim to explore how health surrogates of patients with dementia proceed in decision making, which considerations are decisive, and whether family surrogates and professional guardians decide differently. METHODS: We conducted an experimental vignette study using think aloud protocol analysis. Thirty-two family surrogates and professional guardians were asked to decide on two hypothetical case vignettes, concerning a feeding tube placement and a cardiac pacemaker implantation in patients with end-stage dementia. They had to verbalize their thoughts while deciding. Verbalizations were audio-recorded, transcribed, and analyzed according to content analysis. By experimentally changing variables in the vignettes, the impact of these variables on the outcome of decision making was calculated. RESULTS: Although only 25% and 31% of the relatives gave their consent to the feeding tube and pacemaker placement, respectively, 56% and 81% of the professional guardians consented to these life-sustaining measures. Relatives decided intuitively, referred to their own preferences, and focused on the patient's age, state of wellbeing, and suffering. Professional guardians showed a deliberative approach, relied on medical and legal authorities, and emphasized patient autonomy. Situational variables such as the patient's current behavior and the views of health care professionals and family members had higher impacts on decisions than the patient's prior statements or life attitudes. CONCLUSIONS: Both the process and outcome of surrogate decision making depend heavily on whether the surrogate is a relative or not. These findings have implications for the physician-surrogate relationship and legal frameworks regarding surrogacy. Copyright © 2011 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.
Life-history models predict an evolutionary trade-off in the allocation of resources to current versus future reproduction. This corresponds, at the physiological level, to a trade-off in the allocation of resources to current reproduction or to the immune system, which will enhance survival and therefore future reproduction. For clutch size, life-history models predict a positive correlation between current measurement in eggs and the subsequent parasite load. Tn a population of great tits, we analyzed the correlation between natural clutch size of females and the subsequent prevalence of Plasmodium spp., a potentially harmful blood parasite. Females that showed, 14 days after hatching of the nestlings, an infection with Plasmodium had a significantly larger clutch (9.3 eggs +/- 0.5 SE, n = 18) than uninfected females (8.0 eggs +/- 0.2 SE, n = 80), as predicted by the allocation trade-off. Clutch size was positively correlated with tile prevalence of Plasmodium, but brood size 14 days after hatching was not. This suggests that females incur higher costs during laying the clutch than during rearing nestlings. Infection status of some females changed between years, and these changes were significantly correlated with a change in clutch size as predicted by die trade-off. The link between reproductive effort and parasitism may represent a possible mechanism by which the cost of egg production is mediated into future survival and may thereby be an important selective force in the shaping of clutch size.
Ectoparasites are a ubiquitous environmental component of breeding birds, and it has repeatedly been shown that hematophagous ectoparasites such as fleas and mites reduce the quality and number of offspring of bird hosts, thereby lowering the value of a current brood. Selection acting on the hosts will favor physiological and behavioral responses that will reduce the parasites' impact. However, the results of the few bird studies that addressed the question of whether parasitism leads to a higher rate of food provisioning are equivocal, and the begging response to infestation has rarely been quantified. A change in begging activity and parental rate of food provisioning could be predicted in either direction: parents could reduce their investment in the brood in order to invest more in future broods, or they could increase their investment in order to compensate for the parasites' effect on the current brood. Since the nestlings are weakened by the ectoparasites they may beg less, but on the other hand they may beg more in order to obtain more food. In this study we show experimentally that (1) hen fleas (Ceratophyllus gallinae) reduce the body mass and size of great tit (Parus major) nestlings, (2) nestlings of parasitized broods more than double their begging rate, (3) the male parents increase the frequency of feeding trips by over 50%, (4) the females do not adjust feeding rate to the lowered nutritional state of nestlings, and (5) food competition among siblings of parasitized broods is increased. Ultimately the difference in the parental feeding response may be understood as the result of a sex-related difference in the trade-off of investing in current versus future broods.
BACKGROUND: Compromised growth after operation remains a significant problem in the cardiovascular field. Some benefit of absorbable suture materials has been demonstrated for arterial anastomoses. However, for the low-pressure zone, few data are available. METHODS: To assess growth in high- versus low-pressure zones we transected the abdominal aorta (high-pressure zone) as well as the inferior vena cava (low-pressure zone) in 10 young mongrel dogs using for reanastomosis 7-0 nonabsorbable versus absorbable running sutures in random order. RESULTS: All animals survived and were evaluated over 12 months including body weight (gain, 212% +/- 45% for nonabsorbable versus 218% +/- 8% for absorbable; not significant), angiography, and, after elective sacrifice, detailed studies of aorta and vena cava. Systematic complication of angiographic data at 12 months showed at the suture level an area of 13.8 mm2 for nonabsorbable versus 24.3 +/- 14.4 mm2 for absorbable sutures in the high-pressure zone as compared with 12.9 +/- 4.9 mm2 for nonabsorbable versus 25.3 +/- 15.4 mm2 for absorbable sutures in the low-pressure zone. Residual lumen, calculated as a function of the area above and below the suture, accounted for 35% +/- 10% for nonabsorbable versus 92% +/- 12% for absorbable sutures (p < 0.001) in the high-pressure zone as compared with 37% +/- 13% for nonabsorbable versus 75% +/- 15% for absorbable sutures (p < 0.003) in the low-pressure zone (high versus low, not significant). Poststenotic dilatation accounted for 199% +/- 22% for nonabsorbable versus 126% +/- 43% for absorbable sutures (p < 0.01) in the high-pressure zone. In the low-pressure zone, poststenotic dilatation remained below the inflow area, and the residual poststenotic lumen accounted for 52% +/- 14% for nonabsorbable versus 77% +/- 16% for absorbable sutures (p < 0.004). Macroscopic, light, and scanning electron microscopic studies confirmed different growth patterns in high- versus low-pressure zones. CONCLUSIONS: Aortic narrowing resulted in poststenotic dilatation and unrestricted outflow path (hourglass-type stenosis). Caval narrowing was followed by restriction of poststenotic outflow path (funnel-type stenosis). Absorbable suture material allows for superior growth in both high- and low-pressure zones.
The arms race between predators and prey has led to morphological and behavioral adaptations. Different antipredator strategies can coexist within a population if each strategy is the result of a trade-off with competing demands. Antipredator behavior can be associated with morphological traits, like color patterns, either because in the context of sexual selection, coloration signals the ability to avoid predators or because coloration is a naturally selected trait useful in avoiding predators. Because in the barn owl (Tyto alba), heritable eumelanic plumage coloration is associated with the glucocorticoid-dependent response to stress, we tested whether antipredator behavior is also related to this trait. Compared with small-spotted nestlings, individuals displaying larger black spots hissed more intensely in the presence of humans, feigned death longer, had a lower breathing rate under stress, and were more docile when handled. Cross-fostering experiments showed that the covariation between the spot size and the duration of feigning death was inherited from the biological mother, whereas covariation between spot size and docility was inherited from the biological father. Our results confirm that melanin-based coloration is associated with suites of behavioral traits, which are under both genetic and environmental influence. Coloration can thus evolve as a direct or indirect response to predation, but it can also be a signal of antipredator strategies to potential mates.
A utilização de resistência genética ao ataque de Callosobruchus maculatus (Fabr.) tem sido alvo de investigação científica, especialmente no que diz respeito à identificação de fontes de resistência. O presente trabalho objetivou incorporar, ao grupo de caracteres desejáveis para o cultivo de caupi (Vigna unguiculata (L.) Walp.), resistência genética ao caruncho (C. maculatus). Foram realizadas hibridações dos genótipos IT81D-1045 e IT81D-1064 (portadores de resistência ao inseto) com CNCx 252-1E/FB, CNCx 187-22D-1 e BR 1-Poty (capazes de transferir resistência a viroses, tolerância à seca, formação de grãos com padrão comercial, elevado potencial de produção e adaptabilidade a diferentes condições ambientais). Populações segregantes obtidas destes cruzamentos foram conduzidas pelo método SPD (descendência de uma única vagem), e na geração F5 foram realizadas seleções individuais. As linhagens obtidas foram avaliadas em conjunto com materiais de origens diferentes, utilizando-se parâmetros associados à infestação da praga. Foi constatado que os genótipos avaliados apresentaram variabilidade quanto à preferência à postura, número de insetos emergidos e número de sementes danificadas; as linhas EVx 37-15E e EVx 37-2E foram as que sofreram menor dano causado pelo caruncho; as variáveis número de ovos, número de insetos emergidos e número de sementes danificadas mostraram-se positiva e significativamente correlacionadas entre si; o grupo das linhagens que descendem de genitores resistentes apresenta valores significativamente inferiores aos obtidos pelas demais, o que indica que a resistência ao inseto se transmite geneticamente.
Although melanoma vaccines stimulate tumor antigen-specific CD8(+) T cells, objective clinical responses are rarely observed. To investigate this discrepancy, we evaluated the character of vaccine-induced CD8(+) T cells with regard to the inhibitory T-cell coreceptors PD-1 and Tim-3 in patients with metastatic melanoma who were administered tumor vaccines. The vaccines included incomplete Freund's adjuvant, CpG oligodeoxynucleotide (CpG), and the HLA-A2-restricted analog peptide NY-ESO-1 157-165V, either by itself or in combination with the pan-DR epitope NY-ESO-1 119-143. Both vaccines stimulated rapid tumor antigen-specific CD8(+) T-cell responses detected ex vivo, however, tumor antigen-specific CD8(+) T cells produced more IFN-γ and exhibited higher lytic function upon immunization with MHC class I and class II epitopes. Notably, the vast majority of vaccine-induced CD8(+) T cells upregulated PD-1 and a minority also upregulated Tim-3. Levels of PD-1 and Tim-3 expression by vaccine-induced CD8(+) T cells at the time of vaccine administration correlated inversely with their expansion in vivo. Dual blockade of PD-1 and Tim-3 enhanced the expansion and cytokine production of vaccine-induced CD8(+) T cells in vitro. Collectively, our findings support the use of PD-1 and Tim-3 blockades with cancer vaccines to stimulate potent antitumor T-cell responses and increase the likelihood of clinical responses in patients with advanced melanoma.
The CD44 adhesion receptor is silenced in highly malignant neuroblastomas (NBs) with MYCN amplification. Because its functional expression is associated with decreased tumorigenic properties, CD44 behaves as a tumor suppressor gene in NB and other cancers. Given that the precise mechanisms responsible for CD44 silencing are not elucidated, we investigated whether CD44 expression could be regulated by DNA hypermethylation. The methylation status of CD44 gene promoter and exon 1 regions was analyzed in 12 NB cell lines and 21 clinical samples after bisulfite genomic modification, followed by PCR and single-strand conformation polymorphism analysis and genomic sequencing. The results showed that almost all CD44-negative cell lines displayed hypermethylation in both regions, whereas all CD44-expressing cell lines were unmethylated. These observations correlated with the ability to restore CD44 mRNA and protein expression by treatment of CD44-negative cells with the 5-aza-2'-deoxycytidine demethylating agent. In contrast, no CD44 gene hypermethylation could be detected in 21 NB clinical samples of different stages, irrespective of CD44 expression. Although our results suggest that aberrant methylation of promoter and exon 1 regions is involved in CD44 silencing in NB cell lines, they also indicate that methylation of unidentified regulatory sequences or methylation-independent mechanisms also control the expression of CD44 in primary NB tumors and cell lines. We therefore conclude that CD44 silencing is controlled by complex and tumor cell-specific processes, including gene hypermethylation. Further investigation of other mechanisms and genes involved in CD44 regulation will be needed before demethylation-mediated reactivation of the CD44 gene can be considered as therapeutic strategy for neuroblastoma and perhaps other related cancers.