974 resultados para 030404 Cheminformatics and Quantitative Structure-Activity Relationships


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Selective polypharmacology, where a drug acts on multiple rather than single molecular targets involved in a disease, emerges to develop a structure-based system biology approach to design drugs selectively targeting a disease-active protein network. We focus on the bioaminergic receptors that belong to the group of integral membrane signalling proteins coupled to the G protein and represent targets for therapeutic agents against schizophrenia and depression. Among them, it has been shown that the serotonin (5-HT2A and 5-HT6), dopamine (D2 and D3) receptors induce a cognition-enhancing effect (group 1), while the histamine (H1) and serotonin (5-HT2C) receptors lead to metabolic side effects and the 5-HT2B serotonin receptor causes pulmonary hypertension (group 2). Thus, the problem arises to develop an approach that allows identifying drugs targeting only the disease-active receptors, i.e. group 1. The recent release of several crystal structures of the bioaminergic receptors, involving the D3 and H1 receptors provides the possibility to model the structures of all receptors and initiate a study of the structural and dynamic context of selective polypharmacology. In this work, we use molecular dynamics simulations to generate a conformational space of the receptors and subsequently characterize its binding properties applying molecular probe mapping. All-against-all comparison of the generated probe maps of the selected diverse conformations of all receptors with the Tanimoto similarity coefficient (Tc) enable to separate the receptors of group 1 from group 2. The pharmacophore built based on the Tc-selected receptor conformations, using the multiple probe maps discovers structural features that can be used to design molecules selective towards the receptors of group 1. The importance of several predicted residues to ligand selectivity is supported by the available mutagenesis and ligand structure-activity relationships studies. In addition, the Tc-selected conformations of the receptors for group 1 show good performance in isolation of known ligands from a random decoy. Our computational structure-based protocol to tackle selective polypharmacology of antipsychotic drugs could be applied for other diseases involving multiple drug targets, such as oncologic and infectious disorders.


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Descriptors and quantitative structure property relationships (QSPR) were investigated for mechanical property prediction of carbon nanotubes (CNTs). 78 molecular dynamics (MD) simulations were carried out, and 20 descriptors were calculated to build quantitative structure property relationships (QSPRs) for Young's modulus and Poisson's ratio in two separate analyses: vacancy only and vacancy plus methyl functionalization. In the first analysis, C N2/CT (number of non-sp2 hybridized carbons per the total carbons) and chiral angle were identified as critical descriptors for both Young's modulus and Poisson's ratio. Further analysis and literature findings indicate the effect of chiral angle is negligible at larger CNT radii for both properties. Raman spectroscopy can be used to measure CN2/C T, providing a direct link between experimental and computational results. Poisson's ratio approaches two different limiting values as CNT radii increases: 0.23-0.25 for chiral and armchair CNTs and 0.10 for zigzag CNTs (surface defects <3%). In the second analysis, the critical descriptors were CN2/CT, chiral angle, and MN/CT (number of methyl groups per total carbons). These results imply new types of defects can be represented as a new descriptor in QSPR models. Finally, results are qualified and quantified against experimental data. © 2013 American Chemical Society.


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A malária é um sério problema de saúde pública mundial, acarretando perdas socioeconômicas e contribuindo para o subdesenvolvimento dos países afetados. Neste contexto, faz-se necessário estudar a relação entre as propriedades eletrônicas e a capacidade antioxidante de derivados quinolínicos na atividade antimalárica, o que servirá de subsídio para propor protótipos eficazes na terapêutica da doença. Nesta dissertação, foram utilizadas técnicas de modelagem molecular, no estudo da relação estrutura e atividade antioxidante correlacionada com a atividade antimalárica, no processo de seleção de grupamentos e parâmetros eletrônicos e conformacionais que permitam aperfeiçoar a atividade farmacológica e reduzir a toxicidade dos derivados. A análise dos valores de HOMO e PI indicou que o tautômero imino-quinolina é, provavelmente, melhor antioxidante que o tautômero amino-quinolina. Também se observou que o equilíbrio dos tautômeros é mais deslocalizado para a estrutura amino-quinolina na fase gasosa, e em água e clorofórmio no método PCM, apresentando valores de barreiras de energia da faixa de 10,78 Kcal/mol, 21,65 Kcal/mol e 22,04 Kcal/mol, respectivamente. Assim pôdese observar que nos derivados análogos de quinolina, os grupos elétrons-doadores mostraram destaque na redução do potencial de ionização, como os grupos amina na posição 8 substituído por um grupo alquilamina. Nos derivados da associação de 4- e 8-amino-quinolina notou-se que a presença de um segundo nitrogênio no grupo quinolina diminui seu potencial antioxidante, com exceção da posição 5, representando o grupo de maior destaque na redução do potencial de ionização e conseqüente provável elevada atividade antioxidante.


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We recently showed that oxadiazoles have anti-Trypanosoma cruzi activity at micromolar concentrations. These compounds are easy to synthesize and show a number of clear and interpretable structure-activity relationships (SAR), features that make them attractive to pursue potency enhancement. We present here the structural design, synthesis, and anti-T. cruzi evaluation of new oxadiazoles denoted 5a-h and 6a-h. The design of these compounds was based on a previous model of computational docking of oxadiazoles on the T. cruzi protease cruzain. We tested the ability of these compounds to inhibit catalytic activity of cruzain, but we found no correlation between the enzyme inhibition and the antiparasitic activity of the compounds. However, we found reliable SAR data when we tested these compounds against the whole parasite. While none of these oxadiazoles showed toxicity for mammalian cells, oxadiazoles 6c (fluorine), 6d (chlorine), and 6e (bromine) reduced epimastigote proliferation and were cidal for trypomastigotes of T. cruzi Y strain. Oxadiazoles 6c and 6d have IC50 of 9.5 +/- 2.8 and 3.5 +/- 1.8 mu M for trypomastigotes, while Benznidazole, which is the currently used drug for Chagas disease treatment, showed an IC50 of 11.3 +/- 2.8 mu M. Compounds 6c and 6d impair trypomastigote development and invasion in macrophages, and also induce ultrastructural alterations in trypomastigotes. Finally, compound 6d given orally at 50 mg/kg substantially reduces the parasitemia in T. cruzi-infected BALB/c mice. Our drug design resulted in potency enhancement of oxadiazoles as anti-Chagas disease agents, and culminated with the identification of oxadiazole 6d, a trypanosomicidal compound in an animal model of infection. (C) 2012 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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New biologically active β-lactams were designed and synthesized, developing novel antibiotics and enzymatic inhibitors directed toward specific targets. Within a work directed to the synthesis of mimetics for RGD (Arg-Gly-Asp) sequence able to interact with αvβ3 and α5β1-type integrins, new activators were developed and their Structure-Activity Relationships (SAR) analysis deepened, enhancing their activity range towards the α4β1 isoform. Moreover, to synthesize novel compounds active both against bacterial infections and pulmonary conditions of cystic fibrosis patients, new β-lactam candidates were studied. Among the abundant library of β-lactams prepared, mainly with antioxidant and antibacterial double activities, it was identified a single lead to be pharmacologically tested in vivo. Its synthesis was optimized up to the gram-scale, and pretreatment method and HPLC-MS/MS analytical protocol for sub-nanomolar quantifications were developed. Furthermore, replacement of acetoxy group in 4-acetoxy-azetidinone derivatives was studied with different nucleophiles and in aqueous media. A phosphate group was introduced and the reactivity exploited using different hydroxyapatites, obtaining biomaterials with multiple biological activities. Following the same kind of reactivity, a small series of molecules with a β-lactam and retinoic hybrid structure was synthesized as epigenetic regulators. Interacting with HDACs, two compounds were respectively identified as an inhibitor of cell proliferation and a differentiating agent on steam cells. Additionally, in collaboration with Professor L. De Cola at ISIS, University of Strasbourg, some new photochemically active β-lactam Pt (II) complexes were designed and synthesized to be used as bioprobes or theranostics. Finally, it was set up and optimized the preparation of new chiral proline-derived α-aminonitriles through an enantioselective Strecker reaction, and it was developed a chemo-enzymatic oxidative method for converting alcohols to aldehydes or acid in a selective manner, and amines to relative aldehydes, amides or imines. Moreover, enzymes and other green chemistry methodologies were used to prepare Active Pharmaceutical Ingredients (APIs).


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Dengue-Fieber ist eine durch Stechmücken der Gattungen Aedes aegypti und Aedes albopticus übertragene, virale Infektionskrankheit des Menschen, welche eine zunehmende Bedrohung für die Weltbevölkerung darstellt; das Infektionsrisiko betrifft vorwiegend Menschen, die in tropischen und subtropischen Gebieten der Erde (Asien, Afrika, Amerika) leben. Bei dem Erreger handelt es sich um ein Flavivirus, bestehend aus einer positiv polarisierten Einzelstrang-RNA, welches in vier verschiedenen Serotypen existiert. Eine Infektion mit Dengue-Viren zeigt sich durch drei mögliche Krankheitsbilder: Klassisches Dengue-Fieber (DF), hämorrhagisches Dengue-Fieber (DHF) oder Dengue-Schock-Syndrom (DSS). Das Dengue-Virus-Genom codiert eine Serin-Protease mit einer klassischen katalytischen Triade, bestehend aus den Aminosäuren His51, Asp75 und Ser135. Die Funktion der Dengue-Virus-Protease besteht in der post-translationalen, proteolytischen Prozessierung des viralen Polyprotein-Vorläufers, womit sie essentiell für die Virus-Replikation ist und damit einen wichtigen therapeutischen Ansatz für die Entwicklung neuer Wirkstoffe gegen Dengue-Fieber darstellt. Die Ziele der vorliegenden Arbeit bestanden darin, neue potentielle Inhibitoren der Dengue-Virus Typ 2 NS2B-NS3 Protease (DEN-2 NS2B-NS3pro) zu synthetisieren, deren Hemmwirkung sowie den Inhibitionstyp mithilfe fluorimetrischer Enzym-Assays zu bestimmen, Struktur-Wirkungs-Beziehungen (u.a. mithilfe von Molecular Docking-Rechnungen) zu analysieren und die erhaltenen Leitstrukturen zu optimieren. In der vorliegenden Arbeit wurden zwei Substanzklassen und damit zwei Teilprojekte behandelt: Phenylacrylsäureamide im ersten Teilprojekt, Benzothiazole und Diarylthioether zusammen im zweiten Teilprojekt. Im ersten Teilprojekt zeigten einige Phenylacrylsäureamide eine schwache Hemmung der DEN-2 NS2B-NS3pro zwischen ca. 50 und 61 % bei einer Inhibitorkonzentration von 50 µM sowie eine nicht-kompetitive Hemmung, welche jedoch durch vielfältige Derivatisierung kaum verändert oder verbessert werden konnte. Darüber hinaus wurden die endogenen Serin-Proteasen alpha-Chymotrypsin und Trypsin durch einige Phenylacrylsäureamide erheblich stärker gehemmt als die DEN-2 NS2B-NS3pro. Das zweite Teilprojekt befasste sich mit der Synthese und Testung von Diarylthioethern mit hydroxy-substituierten Benzothiazol-Bausteinen sowie der Testung einiger methoxy-substituierter Synthese-Vorstufen der Endverbindungen, um die Relevanz und den Einfluss der einzelnen Bausteine auf die Hemmung der DEN-2 NS2B-NS3pro zu untersuchen. Der in der vorliegenden Arbeit synthetisierte, potenteste Inhibitor der DEN-2 NS2B-NS3pro (Hemmung: 90 % [50 µM]; IC50 = 3.6 +/- 0.11 µM) und der DEN-3 NS2B-NS3pro (Hemmung: &amp;gt;99 % [100 µM]; IC50 = 9.1 +/- 1.02 µM), SH65, ein Diarylthioether-Benzothiazol-Derivat, entstand aufgrund der Vorhersage zweier möglicher Bindungsmodi (kompetitiv und nicht-kompetitiv) mithilfe von Molecular Docking-Experimenten an der Röntgen-Kristall-struktur der DEN-3 NS2B-NS3pro (PDB-Code: 3U1I). Nach experimenteller Bestimmung der IC50-Werte bei unterschiedlichen Substratkonzentrationen erwies sich SH65 jedoch als nicht-kompetitiver Inhibitor der DEN-2 NS2B-NS3pro. Trypsin wurde von SH65 vergleichbar stark gehemmt (96% [50 µM]; IC50 = 6.27 +/- 0.68 µM) wie die beiden getesteten Dengue-Virus-Proteasen, nicht jedoch alpha-Chymotrypsin (nur 21% Hemmung bei 50 µM), wodurch diesem Inhibitor zumindest eine relative Selektivität gegenüber Serin-Proteasen zugeschrieben werden kann. SH65 zeigte lediglich Protease-Hemmung in den Enzym-Assays, jedoch keine antivirale Aktivität bei der Testung an Dengue-Virus-infizierten Zellen, was aber wiederum bei der synthetisierten Vorstufe von SH65, welche anstelle der beiden Hydroxy-Gruppen über Methoxy-Gruppen verfügt, der Fall war. Diarylthioether mit mehrfach hydroxy-substituiertem Benzothiazol-Baustein stellen hiermit eine neue, vielversprechende Wirkstoffgruppe zur Hemmung sowohl der Dengue-Virus Typ 2- als auch der Dengue-Virus Typ 3 NS2B-NS3 Protease dar.


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Hydrophobicity as measured by Log P is an important molecular property related to toxicity and carcinogenicity. With increasing public health concerns for the effects of Disinfection By-Products (DBPs), there are considerable benefits in developing Quantitative Structure and Activity Relationship (QSAR) models capable of accurately predicting Log P. In this research, Log P values of 173 DBP compounds in 6 functional classes were used to develop QSAR models, by applying 3 molecular descriptors, namely, Energy of the Lowest Unoccupied Molecular Orbital (ELUMO), Number of Chlorine (NCl) and Number of Carbon (NC) by Multiple Linear Regression (MLR) analysis. The QSAR models developed were validated based on the Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD) principles. The model Applicability Domain (AD) and mechanistic interpretation were explored. Considering the very complex nature of DBPs, the established QSAR models performed very well with respect to goodness-of-fit, robustness and predictability. The predicted values of Log P of DBPs by the QSAR models were found to be significant with a correlation coefficient R2 from 81% to 98%. The Leverage Approach by Williams Plot was applied to detect and remove outliers, consequently increasing R 2 by approximately 2% to 13% for different DBP classes. The developed QSAR models were statistically validated for their predictive power by the Leave-One-Out (LOO) and Leave-Many-Out (LMO) cross validation methods. Finally, Monte Carlo simulation was used to assess the variations and inherent uncertainties in the QSAR models of Log P and determine the most influential parameters in connection with Log P prediction. The developed QSAR models in this dissertation will have a broad applicability domain because the research data set covered six out of eight common DBP classes, including halogenated alkane, halogenated alkene, halogenated aromatic, halogenated aldehyde, halogenated ketone, and halogenated carboxylic acid, which have been brought to the attention of regulatory agencies in recent years. Furthermore, the QSAR models are suitable to be used for prediction of similar DBP compounds within the same applicability domain. The selection and integration of various methodologies developed in this research may also benefit future research in similar fields.


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Two novel mutations were identified in a compound heterozygous male with lecithin:cholesterol acyltransferase (LCAT) deficiency. Exon sequence determination of the LCAT gene of the proband revealed two novel heterozygous mutations in exons one (C110T) and six (C991T) that predict non-conservative amino acid substitutions (Thr13Met and Pro307Ser, respectively). To assess the distinct functional impact of the separate mutant alleles, studies were conducted in the proband's 3-generation pedigree. The compound heterozygous proband had negligible HDL and severely reduced apolipoprotein A-I, LCAT mass, LCAT activity, and cholesterol esterification rate (CER). The proband's mother and two sisters were heterozygous for the Pro307Ser mutation and had low HDL, markedly reduced LCAT activity and CER, and the propensity for significant reductions in LCAT protein mass. The proband's father and two daughters were heterozygous for the Thr13Met mutation and also displayed low HDL, reduced LCAT activity and CER, and more modest decrements in LCAT mass. Mean LCAT specific activity was severely impaired in the compound heterozygous proband and was reduced by 50% in individuals heterozygous for either mutation, compared to wild type family members. It is also shown that the two mutations impair both catalytic activity and expression of the circulating protein.


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Human C5a is a plasma protein with potent chemoattractant and pro-inflammatory properties, and its overexpression correlates with severity of inflammatory diseases. C5a binds to its G protein-coupled receptor (C5aR) on polymorphonuclear leukocytes (PMNLs) through a high-affinity helical bundle and a low-affinity C terminus, the latter being solely responsible for receptor activation. Potent and selective C5a antagonists are predicted to be effective anti-inflammatory drugs, but no pharmacophore for small molecule antagonists has yet been developed, and it would significantly aid drug design. We have hypothesized that a turn conformation is important for activity of the C terminus of C5a and herein report small cyclic peptides that are stable turn mimics with potent antagonism at C5aR on human PMNLs. A comparison of solution structures for the C terminus of C5a, small acyclic peptide ligands, and cyclic antagonists supports the importance of a turn for receptor binding. Competition between a cyclic antagonist and either C5a or an acyclic agonist for C5aR on PMNLs supports a common or overlapping binding site on the C5aR. Structure-activity relationships for 60 cyclic analogs were evaluated by competitive radioligand binding with C5a (affinity) and myeloperoxidase release (antagonist potency) from human PMNLs, with 20 compounds having high antagonist potencies (IC50, 20 nM(-1) muM). Computer modeling comparisons reveal that potent antagonists share a common cyclic backbone shape, with affinity-determining side chains of defined volume projecting from the cyclic scaffold. These results define a new pharmacophore for C5a antagonist development and advance our understanding of ligand recognition and receptor activation of this G protein-coupled receptor.


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The solution structure of one of the first members of the cyclotide family of macrocyclic peptides to be discovered, circulin B has been determined and compared with that of circulin A and related cyclotides. Cyclotides are mini-proteins derived from plants that have the characteristic features of a head-to-tail cyclised peptide backbone and a knotted arrangement of their three disulfide bonds. First discovered because of their uterotonic or anti-HIV activity, they have also been reported to have activity against a range of Gram positive and Gram negative bacteria as well as fungi. The aim of the current study was to develop structure-activity relationships to rationalise this antimicrobial activity. Comparison of cyclotide structures and activities suggests that the presence and location of cationic residues may be a requirement for activity against Gram negative bacteria. Understanding the topological differences associated with the antimicrobial activity of the cyclotides is of significant interest and potentially may be harnessed for pharmaceutical applications.


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Structure–activity relationships are indispensable to identify the most optimal antioxidants. The advantages of in vitro over in vivo experiments for obtaining these relationships are, that the structure is better defined in vitro, since less metabolism takes place. It is also the case that the concentration, a parameter that is directly linked to activity, is more accurately controlled. Moreover, the reactions that occur in vivo, including feed-back mechanisms, are often too multi-faceted and diverse to be compensated for during the assessment of a single structure–activity relationship. Pitfalls of in vitro antioxidant research include: (i) by definition, antioxidants are not stable and substantial amounts of oxidation products are formed and (ii) during the scavenging of reactive species, reaction products of the antioxidants accumulate. Another problem is that the maintenance of a defined concentration of antioxidants is subject to processes such as oxidation and the formation of reaction products during the actual antioxidant reaction, as well as the compartmentalization of the antioxidant and the reactive species in the in vitro test system. So determinations of in vitro structure-activity relationships are subject to many competing variables and they should always be evaluated critically. (c) 2005 Published by Elsevier B.V.


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A copper(II) complex of dipyridophenazine, viz., [Cu(dppz)(2)(H2O)](ClO4)(2) (I), has been prepared and structurally characterized by X-ray crystallography. The crystal structure of the complex shows a five-coordinate structure in which two N,N-donor dipyridophenazine (dppz) and one aqua ligand bind to the copper(II) center giving Cu-O and Cu-N bond distances in the range of 1.981(6) to 2.043(6) angstrom. The ESI-MS spectrum of 1 in MeCN shows a peak at m/z value of 313 (100%) indicating the dissociation of the aqua ligand in the solution phase. The complex is one-electron paramagnetic (mu(eff), 1.86 mu(B)). It displays a quasi-reversible Cu(II)/Cu(I) redox process at 0.096 V. The complex is an avid binder to CT DNA giving a binding constant value of 3.5 x 10(5) M-1. It shows significant hydrolytic cleavage of supercoiled pUC19 DNA in dark ill the absence of any external agents. The complex exhibits chemical nuclease activity oil treatment with 3-mercaptopropionic acid as a reducing agent forming hydroxyl radicals. Complex 1 is a model synthetic nuclease and hydrolase showing both modes of DNA cleavage under different reaction conditions. The DNA cleavage activity of 1 is significantly better than its phen analogue but similar to that of the bis-dpq complex.


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Breast cancer is the most common cancer in women in Western countries. In the early stages of development most breast cancers are hormone-dependent, and estrogens, especially estradiol, have a pivotal role in their development and progression. One approach to the treatment of hormone-dependent breast cancers is to block the formation of the active estrogens by inhibiting the action of the steroid metabolising enzymes. 17beta-Hydroxysteroid dehydrogenase type 1 (17beta-HSD1) is a key enzyme in the biosynthesis of estradiol, the most potent female sex hormone. The 17beta-HSD1 enzyme catalyses the final step and converts estrone into the biologically active estradiol. Blocking 17beta-HSD1 activity with a specific enzyme inhibitor could provide a means to reduce circulating and tumour estradiol levels and thus promote tumour regression. In recent years 17beta-HSD1 has been recognised as an important drug target. Some inhibitors of 17beta-HSD1 have been reported, however, there are no inhibitors on the market nor have clinical trials been announced. The majority of known 17beta-HSD1 inhibitors are based on steroidal structures, while relatively little has been reported on non-steroidal inhibitors. As compared with 17beta-HSD1 inhibitors based on steroidal structures, non-steroidal compounds could have advantages of synthetic accessibility, drug-likeness, selectivity and non-estrogenicity. This study describes the synthesis of large group of novel 17beta-HSD1 inhibitors based on a non-steroidal thieno[2,3-d]pyrimidin-4(3H)-one core. An efficient synthesis route was developed for the lead compound and subsequently employed in the synthesis of thieno[2,3-d]pyrimidin-4(3H)-one based molecule library. The biological activities and binding of these inhibitors to 17beta-HSD1 and, finally, the quantitative structure activity relationship (QSAR) model are also reported. In this study, several potent and selective 17beta-HSD1 inhibitors without estrogenic activity were identified. This establishment of a novel class of inhibitors is a progressive achievement in 17beta-HSD1 inhibitor development. Furthermore, the 3D-QSAR model, constructed on the basis of this study, offers a powerful tool for future 17beta-HSD1 inhibitor development. As part of the fundamental science underpinning this research, the chemical reactivity of fused (di)cycloalkeno thieno[2,3-d]pyrimidin-4(3H)-ones with electrophilic reagents, i.e. Vilsmeier reagent and dimethylformamide dimethylacetal, was investigated. These findings resulted in a revision of the reaction mechanism of Vilsmeier haloformylation and further contributed to understanding the chemical reactivity of this compound class. This study revealed that the reactivity is dependent upon a stereoelectronic effect arising from different ring conformations.