887 resultados para Índice de desenvolvimento humano
This work aims to analyze the policy of economic promotion in the Brazilian cities of medium and great size (with population above of 50.000 hab.). The objective of the research is to launch light in the debate on the regional and municipal development, presenting the recent hypotheses supplied by literature. Of complementary form, had for specific objective presents the results of the Research of Basic Information of Cities - PIM, of Brazilian Institute of Geography and Statistics (IBGE), in two surveys carried through together to the Brazilian local governments (1999 and 2009). It analyzes the instruments of economic promotion used by local governments and the influence of the development variables, as the Local Human Index of Development (HID-L) and the Local Gross Domestic Product (GDP-L). The research sample that factors as HID-L and GDP-L has significant influence in economic promotion of cities and must be taken in account in the definition of the local strategies of development
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
In managing water resources, indexes are used to simplify and quantify available information as well as report the characteristics of a region under study. These indexes may be extremely demanding concerning information required, or very simple, and the water poverty index and Falkenmark index are examples of both extreme situations, respectively. Searching for an index that considers regional and local complexities and information available in developing countries, a new index was developed to evaluate the population accessibility to water resources. This new index combines the Human Development Index and Falkenmark Index and geographic information systems. The results are presented in figures which show the situation at national level, highlighting that the Northeast and Southeast regions are the most vulnerable in Brazil.
Pós-graduação em Educação - FFC
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)
Pós-graduação em Serviço Social - FCHS
O tracoma como principal causa de cegueira prevenível no mundo, é uma doença negligenciada relacionada a baixas condições socioeconômicas e locais sem saneamento básico. Presente principalmente nos países subdesenvolvidos traz grandes prejuízos aos cofres públicos com a perda de produtividade e a deficiência visual. Com a criação da Aliança para Eliminação Global de Tracoma em 1997 (GET2020), o Estado do Pará, com apoio do Ministério da Saúde do Brasil, realizaram em 2006 o inquérito epidemiológico do tracoma em escolares de 1ª a 4ª série da rede oficial de ensino, nos municípios com índice de desenvolvimento humano inferior a média nacional, para conhecer a prevalência da doença. Os dados obtidos no inquérito comprovaram que a doença não foi erradicada, revelando 35 municípios paraenses prioritários e prevalências acima de 5%. Uma sub-amostra da conjuntiva de escolares clinicamente positivos foi coletada para a confirmação diagnóstica por Imunofluorescência direta (IFD). O presente estudo utilizou 52 amostras crio conservadas obtidas durante o inquérito, para serem analisadas pelos métodos de IFD e de biologia molecular, na identificação laboratorial da Chlamydia trachomatis. Foram encontradas as frequências de 26,92% (14/52) e 49% (24/49) de resultados positivos pelas técnicas de IFD e reação em cadeia da polimerase (nested-PCR), respectivamente. Considerando as 49 amostras analisadas pelas duas metodologias, as sensibilidades para a detecção do agente etiológico, por IFD e PCR foram de 28,57% (14/49) e 48,98% (24/49), respectivamente (p = 0,0127). As duas técnicas juntas confirmaram a infecção em 57,14% (n=28) das amostras, onde 50% (n=14) foram positivas apenas pela PCR, 35,72% (n=10) para ambas as técnicas e 14,28% (n=4) somente pela IFD. A análise de sete sequências nucleotídicas demonstrou homologia para isolados de C. trachomatis genótipo L1. Este estudo é pioneiro no Brasil, pois além de confirmar a presença de C. trachomatis em amostras oculares de escolares clínicamente positivos para tracoma, validou protocolo de obtenção de DNA a partir de lâminas de IFD crioconservadas, demonstrou a maior sensibilidade do método molecular frente à IFD e identificou o genótipo L1 presente nas amostras.
Pós-graduação em Geografia - IGCE
A pobreza é um problema multidimensional que se traduz em termos de privações e insuficiência de capacidades básicas. Os índices multidimensionais permitem uma análise apurada da qualidade de vida relacionada com a pobreza, considerando algumas dimensões importantes e representam um grande avanço na problemática do planejamento do desenvolvimento. O objetivo geral dessa pesquisa foi o de analisar as privações enfrentadas pelas famílias na comunidade Sirituba em Abaetetuba/PA, de acordo com as dimensões e indicadores do Índice de Pobreza Multidimensional (IPM) e analisar o impacto de transferências de renda em bens duráveis domésticos das famílias. A análise com famílias que recebem e não recebem transferências de renda mostrou que a duas tem a mesma quantidade de bens duráveis domésticos. A análise adaptada do IPM para Sirituba constatou que algumas famílias sofrem privações devido à baixa escolaridade dos chefes de família, à falta de acesso seguro água potável, à falta de saneamento básico e ao método rústico para cozinhas. Verificou-se também uma tendência de melhora no Índice de Desenvolvimento Humano Municipal (IDHM) de Abaetetuba. O município evoluiu da faixa de “muito baixo desenvolvimento humano” para o “médio desenvolvimento humano”, isso representa uma evolução nos indicadores de educação, longevidade e renda. No entanto, sabe-se que a área urbana de Abaetetuba não apresenta os mesmos serviços públicos de uma área rural como Sirituba. O Censo 2000 e 2010 consideram dados diferentes para cada uma dessas áreas demonstrando que os serviços de energia elétrica e abastecimento de água, prestados na área rural, são menos disponíveis em comparação a área urbana de Abaetetuba.
Background There are limited studies on the prevalence and risk factors associated with hepatitis C virus (HCV) infection. Objective Identify the prevalence and risk factors for HCV infection in university employees of the state of São Paulo, Brazil. Methods Digital serological tests for anti-HCV have been performed in 3153 volunteers. For the application of digital testing was necessary to withdraw a drop of blood through a needlestick. The positive cases were performed for genotyping and RNA. Chi-square and Fisher’s exact test were used, with P-value <0.05 indicating statistical significance. Univariate and multivariate logistic regression were also used. Results Prevalence of anti-HCV was 0.7%. The risk factors associated with HCV infection were: age >40 years, blood transfusion, injectable drugs, inhalable drugs (InDU), injectable Gluconergam®, glass syringes, tattoos, hemodialysis and sexual promiscuity. Age (P=0.01, OR 5.6, CI 1.4 to 22.8), InDU (P<0.0001, OR=96.8, CI 24.1 to 388.2), Gluconergam® (P=0.0009, OR=44.4, CI 4.7 to 412.7) and hemodialysis (P=0.0004, OR=90.1, CI 7.5 – 407.1) were independent predictors. Spatial analysis of the prevalence with socioeconomic indices, Gross Domestic Product and Human Development Index by the geoprocessing technique showed no positive correlation. Conclusions The prevalence of HCV infection was 0.7%. The independent risk factors for HCV infection were age, InDU, Gluconergan® and hemodialysis. There was no spatial correlation of HCV prevalence with local economic factors.
This study aimed to determine the prevalence and geographical distribution as well as the factors and areas of risk associated with bovine cysticercosis in the State of Sao Paulo. 34.443 cattle, males and females with ages from 18 to 60 months were inspected. The animals were from 97 cities in the state of Sao Paulo and identified and slaughtered in the period October 2010 to August 2011, in a refrigerator located in Ipua - SP, under the supervision of SIF 1387. The state of Sao Paulo was divided into regional centers, and the data of the municipalities belonging to its core, were grouped according to the Department of Agriculture and Food Supply of Sao Paulo, totaling 13 cores studied. Based on these results, we can conclude that of the 97 cities analyzed, cattle were found positive for the disease in 86. The average prevalence of bovine cysticercosis in the state of Sao Paulo was 4.80 %, while the core inflation Franca and Barretos were the ones with the highest number of cases illness during the analysis period. Moreover, the largest number of cases in these core coincided with the lowest human development index covering education, with the largest acreage of coffee (core Franca) and also as the largest area of cane sugar grown (core Barretos) in these locations, which in turn may indicate that the presence of labor, temporary labor in rural areas, combined with socioeconomic/cultural factors might contribute to the spread and establishment of bovine cysticercosis in these areas.
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)
The Socio Climate Vulnerability Index (IVSC, Portuguese acronym) aims to expose spatially and in a comparative basis, human settlement areas that are more susceptible to the potential risks posed by climate change. To access this vulnerability, the IVSC draws on the aggregation of adaptive capacity and sensitivity indicators (Human Development Index and population density) and an indicator of projected climate change (Regional Climate Change Index-IRCM). The IVSC can be applied to any spatial scale, as long as data in reasonable resolution.is available. Knowing the spatial distribution of vulnerability is an important strategic step in development and implementation of measures that seeks to improve human development and the preparedness of society for future environmental changes. In addition, the production and comparison climate change vulnerability indexes is an important exercise to improve gradually the quality of information provided to decision makers and stakeholders in the management of measures involving climate change adaptation
The Socio Climate Vulnerability Index (IVSC, Portuguese acronym) aims to expose spatially and in a comparative basis, human settlement areas that are more susceptible to the potential risks posed by climate change. To access this vulnerability, the IVSC draws on the aggregation of adaptive capacity and sensitivity indicators (Human Development Index and population density) and an indicator of projected climate change (Regional Climate Change Index-IRCM). The IVSC can be applied to any spatial scale, as long as data in reasonable resolution.is available. Knowing the spatial distribution of vulnerability is an important strategic step in development and implementation of measures that seeks to improve human development and the preparedness of society for future environmental changes. In addition, the production and comparison climate change vulnerability indexes is an important exercise to improve gradually the quality of information provided to decision makers and stakeholders in the management of measures involving climate change adaptation