1000 resultados para summary judgment for plaintiff


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Producers in the Chariton Valley Beef organization have marketed more than 10,000 head of cattle into grid markets over the past three years. Data from 134 lots were summarized, with 3,791 head of cattle marketed into four grid markets. Producers averaged $26.05 per head premiums. Premiums and discounts ranged from a positive $79.01 to a negative $40.44 on tots delivered.


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A 13-year summary of the Iowa State University Extension Service’s Beef Cow Business Record (BCBR) was compiled to show the trends in cost, profit, and production for beef-cow enterprises in Iowa. During these 13 years, 966 yearly records were summarized on herds with an average size of 74.6 cows. Each year-end summary sorts the producers with profits in the top and the bottom thirds of the group so that differences can be analyzed. The average cost to maintain a beef cow from 1982 to 1994 was $370.80. Cost components included in this average total were: feed and pasture, $177.10; operating, $45.40; depreciation, taxes, and insurance, $19.70; labor, $44.90; and capital, $83.70. Producers sorted into the top one-third profit group had 13-year average total cow costs of $309.80, but the bottom onethird profit group averaged $437.10. Economic returns per cow for these same 13 years were: return to capital, labor, and management, $139.50; return to labor and management, $56.20; and net profit, $20.20. Top-profit producers had an average net profit of $126.20 per cow, whereas the least profitable group had an average loss of $107.40. Of this $233.60 difference, $127.30 was due to production cost, and the remaining $106.30 was caused by gross return differences. The average number of pounds of beef produced per cow from 1984 through 1994 was 567. This production was achieved with 2.5 acres of pasture, 3.9 acres of cornstalk grazing, and 4,675 pounds of stored feed per cow unit. Top-profit producers used 673 pounds of stored feed per hundredweight of production, but the least profitable producers used 1,015 pounds. Top-profit producers produced 74 pounds more per cow while using 1,313 pounds less stored feed.


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Nine Iowa State University veterinary medical students completed SPA records on herds from Iowa, North Dakota and South Dakota. The Iowa herds were included in the SPA summary for Iowa, but the six North and South Dakota herds were summarized separately. These six herds had an average herd size of 371 cows and had a financial return to capital, labor and management of $175 per cow. Total financial cost per cow averaged $286 for these herds with a range of $211 to $388. Feed utilized averaged 4,442 pounds of dry matter per cow and the average pounds of calf produced per exposed female was 506 pounds.


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Zum 65. Geburtstag von Prof. Dr. iur. et lic. oec. Heinrich Koller, haben über 40 Mitarbeiterinnen und Mitarbeiter des Bundesamtes für Justiz (BJ) eine Festschrift für ihren scheidenden Direktor verfasst. Die in deutscher und französischer Sprache verfassten Beiträge spiegeln das breite Spektrum einer Institution, aus deren «atelier» manch ein Gesetzesentwurf stammt. Oft übersehen wird dabei, dass das BJ aber auch eine «Werkstatt» ist, die das geltende Recht umsetzt und im Rahmen dieser Konkretisierung wichtige Akzente setzt. Die Festschrift bietet damit einen Blick hinter die Kulissen eines wichtigen Kompetenzzentrums für Rechtsfragen und beleuchtet aktuelle Probleme aus «erster Hand». Abgerundet wird die Festschrift mit einem Grusswort des Vorstehers EJPD (Bundesrat Christoph Blocher) und einem Schriftenverzeichnis von Heinrich Koller. Enthalten ist unter Anderem - die Bundesverfassung - weitere wichtige Gesetze und Verordnungen aus dem öffentlichen Recht - ZGB und Nebenerlasse - OR und Nebenerlasse - Erlasse zum Strafrecht und zur Strafrechtspflege - Gesetze zu Gesundheit, Arbeit und sozialer Sicherheit - wichtige Gesetze zu Wirtschaft und Kredit Autorinnen und Autoren Mitarbeiterinnen und Mitarbeiter des Bundesamtes für Justiz


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BACKGROUND Morbidity and mortality in T1DM depend on metabolic control, which is assessed by HbA1c measurements every 3-4 months. Patients' self-perception of glycemic control depends on daily blood glucose monitoring. Little is known about the congruence of patients' and professionals' perception of metabolic control in T1DM. OBJECTIVE To assess the actual patients' self-perception and objective assessment (HbA1c) of metabolic control in T1DM children and adolescents and to investigate the possible factors involved in any difference. METHODS Patients with T1DM aged 8 - 18 years were recruited in a cross-sectional, retrospective and prospective cohort study. Data collection consisted of clinical details, measured HbA1c, self-monitored blood glucose values and questionnaires assessing self and professionals' judgment of metabolic control. RESULTS 91 patients participated. Mean HbA1c was 8.03%. HbA1c was higher in patients with a diabetes duration > 2 years (p = 0.025) and in patients of lower socioeconomic level (p = 0.032). No significant correlation was found for self-perception of metabolic control in well and poorly controlled patients. We found a trend towards false-positive memory of the last HbA1c in patients with a HbA1c > 8.5% (p = 0.069) but no difference in patients' knowledge on target HbA1c between well and poorly controlled patients. CONCLUSIONS T1DM patients are aware of a target HbA1c representing good metabolic control. Ill controlled patients appear to have a poorer recollection of their HbA1c. Self-perception of actual metabolic control is similar in well and poorly controlled T1DM children and adolescents. Therefore, professionals should pay special attention that ill controlled T1DM patients perceive their HbA1c correctly.