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We present a fixed-grid finite element technique for fluid-structure interaction problems involving incompressible viscous flows and thin structures. The flow equations are discretised with isoparametric b-spline basis functions defined on a logically Cartesian grid. In addition, the previously proposed subdivision-stabilisation technique is used to ensure inf-sup stability. The beam equations are discretised with b-splines and the shell equations with subdivision basis functions, both leading to a rotation-free formulation. The interface conditions between the fluid and the structure are enforced with the Nitsche technique. The resulting coupled system of equations is solved with a Dirichlet-Robin partitioning scheme, and the fluid equations are solved with a pressure-correction method. Auxiliary techniques employed for improving numerical robustness include the level-set based implicit representation of the structure interface on the fluid grid, a cut-cell integration algorithm based on marching tetrahedra and the conservative data transfer between the fluid and structure discretisations. A number of verification and validation examples, primarily motivated by animal locomotion in air or water, demonstrate the robustness and efficiency of our approach. © 2013 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.
© 2004 The Combustion Institute. Published by Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved. In piston engines and in gas turbines, the injection of liquid fuel often leads to the formation of a liquid film on the combustor wall. If a flame reaches this zone, undesired phenomena such as coking may occur and diminish the lifetime of the engine. Moreover, the effect of such an interaction on maximum wall heat fluxes, flame quenching, and pollutant formation is largely unknown. This paper presents a numerical study of the interaction of a premixed flame with a cold wall covered with a film of liquid fuel. Simulations show that the presence of the film leads to a very rich zone at the wall in which the flame cannot propagate. As a result, the flame wall distance remains larger with liquid fuel than it is for a dry wall, and maximum heat fluxes are smaller. The nature of the interaction of flame wall interaction with a liquid fuel is also different from the classical flame/dry wall interaction: it is controlled mainly by chemical mechanisms and not by the thermal quenching effect observed for flames interacting with dry walls: the existence of a very rich zone created above the liquid film is the main mechanism controlling quenching.
This paper looks at active control of the normal shock wave/turbulent boundary layer interaction (SBLI) using smart flap actuators. The actuators are manufactured by bonding piezoelectric material to an inert substrate to control the bleed/suction rate through a plenum chamber. The cavity provides communication of signals across the shock, allowing rapid thickening of the boundary layer approaching the shock, which splits into a series of weaker shocks forming a lambda shock foot, reducing wave drag. Active control allows optimum control of the interaction, as it would be capable of positioning the control region around the original shock position and control the rate of mass transfer. © 2004 by the American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics, Inc. All rights reserved.
The effect of streamwise slots on the interaction of a normal shock wave / turbulent boundary layer has been investigated experimentally at a Mach number of 1.3. The surface pressure distribution for the controlled interaction was found to be significantly smeared, featuring a distinct plateau. This was due to a change in shock structure from a typical unseparated normal shock wave boundary layer interaction to a large bifurcated Lambda type shock pattern. Boundary layer velocity measurements downstream of the slots revealed a strong spanwise variation of boundary layer properties whereas the modified shock structure was relatively twodimensional. Oil flow visualisation indicated that in the presence of slots the boundary layer surface flow was highly three dimensional and confirmed that the effect of slots was mainly due to suction and blowing similar to that for passive control with uniform surface ventilation. Three hole probe measurements confirmed that the boundary layer was three dimensional and that the slots introduced vortical motion into the flowfield. Results indicate that when applied to an aerofoil, the control device has the potential to reduce wave drag while incurring only small viscous penalties. The introduction of streamwise vorticity may also be beneficial to delay trailing edge separation and the device is thought to be capable of postponing buffet onset. © 2001 by A N Smith.
Tunnelling in urban areas continues to increase and has highlighted the need for a better understanding of the impact of tunnel excavations on existing buildings. This paper considers the influence of surface structures on ground displacements caused by tunnelling in sand through finite element modelling and centrifuge testing. First, the importance of modelling assumptions is evaluated by comparing centrifuge modelling results to finite element modelling results for various soil constitutive models: both a Young's modulus that linearly increases with depth and a power law relation between the soil stiffness and stresses are considered. Second, the most effective soil constitutive model was used to perform a sensitivity study on the effect of different factors governing the structural response. In particular, the effect of the building stiffness and weight on the modification of soil displacements is investigated by introducing a simple surface structure. The use of a no-tension interface between the building and the soil was found to be essential to investigate the effect of weight on gap formation between the soil and the structure, as observed during the experimental tests. Results show the importance of considering the relation between the building weight and the relative stiffness between the building and the soil when assessing the structural response. © 2014 Korean Geotechnical Society.