999 resultados para straw management
This research aims toward a better understanding of the organizational culture(s) of the judiciary in Switzerland by analysing what 'good justice' means nowadays in this country. It seeks to clarify whether, and to what extent, expectations of 'good justice' of judicial actors (judges without managerial experience) and of managerial actors (court managers) are similar and to describe possible managerial implications that may result from this. As judges are at the heart of the judicial organization and exert a strong influence on other groups of actors (Sullivan, Warren et al. 1994), the congruence of their expectations with those of court managers will be at the centre of the analysis. Additionally, referring to the conceptual worlds of Boltanski and Thévenaut (1991), we analyze how closely these expectations are to management-oriented values. We found that almost half of expectations are common to the two groups examined and the main quoted ones are compatible to new public management (NPM) concepts. On the other hand, those expectations shared exclusively by judges relate to the human side of justice, whereas those specific to court managers focus on the way justice functions.
Atresia of the coronary sinus (ACS) is a rare congenital anomaly. When associated with persistent left superior vena cava (PLSVC), this defect could have no significant hemodynamic effect, and the patient might remain asymptomatic. However, vascular interventions might induce changes or complications that could show the anomaly. Appropriate management requires a good understanding of this condition. We present the first reported case of ACS and PLSVC occurring after thrombosis of the innominate vein (IV) after central venous catheter placement. The patient presented with atypical subacute chest pain and recurrent extrasystoles. Diagnosis and characterization of vascular anomalies was made by computed tomography phlebography, and the patient was successfully managed by endovascular recanalization of the IV.
The aim of this research was to explore the current attitudes and skills of primary care health professionals on the island of Ireland towards weight management with a view to supporting them in identifying, treating and managing the public health challenge of overweight and obesity. The objectives of this study were two-fold: To assess attitudes, current practices and knowledge of body weight status among primary care health professionals. To assess primary care health professionals’ ability to identify body weight categories in both adults and children. The target health professionals were as follows: Public health nurses (community) Public health nurses (schools) GPs and practice nurses Occupational health nurses. In order to achieve the study objectives a mixed methods study using both quantitative and qualitative research methods was conducted
Weight loss of 10%, increase PA and consumption of fruit and veg and reduce co morbidities
This service Aims: To provide a multi-component weight management service that supports sustainable behaviour change and weight loss in adults 16 years and over with a BMI 28. To enable patients to develop the necessary personal attributes for their own long term weight management and to understand the impact of their weight on their health and co-morbidities. Objectives: To provide an evidence based, multi-component tier 2 weight management service that improves patients knowledge and skills for effective and sustainable weight loss helps patients identify their own facilitators for positive behaviour change and to address underlying barriers to long-term behaviour changeincreases patients self-efficacy and confidence in their ability to address their weight To be an integral part of the tiered approach to weight management services for the population of Stockton. To ensure equitable service provision across Stockton-on-Tees. To provide intensive group based service, one-to-one support and maintenance support. To support the service user to develop and review a personalised goal setting plan phase 2 and at discharge after phase 2. To ensure a smooth transition from the service (tier2) to tier 1 services to ensure continuity of care for service users.Recruit referrals using a variety of and appropriate methods. To establish a single point of contact for referrals into the service.Continually promote the service across a range of mediums and liaise and work in partnership with key interdependencies (refer to 2.4) To establish a robust database and data collection system in line with information governance. To ensure the access criteria, care pathway and referral process is clearly understood by all health care professionals and those who may refer into the service. To establish close links with, and signpost and/or enable service users to access suitable services where patient needs indicate this. This may include access to Tees Time to Talk (IAPT) for psychological therapies; Specialist Weight Management Service; physical activity programmes; Tier 1 services; and primary care. To provide the necessary venues, equipment and assets needed to deliver the programme, ensuring due regard is given to the quality and safety of all materials used. To collect and provide data in quarterly reports to the Commissioner to allow for continued monitoring and evaluation of the service in line with the Standard Evaluation Framework (available at www.noo.org.uk/core/SEF) and as specified by the Commissioner.
The aims of this intervention are 1) To be a targeted intervention: BMI >30 or > 28 for patients with comorbidities provided with support to lose weight. 2) To help patients achieve weight loss (with an initial 5% goal over the 12 week intervention period) 3) To establish primary care weight management services in thecounty 4) To train the primary care workforce in weight managementintervention 5)To help patients make sustainable lifestyle changes in terms ofhealthy eating and physical activity 6)To ensure an appropriate exit strategy was in place
The Children and Family Weight Management Team aims to help overweight children and their families to achieve and maintain a healthy weight. Aimed primarily at children, the service offers a programme of advice and support to families who are committed to making healthy lifestyle changes. Adult family members who seek personal weight management support may be signposted to appropriate local services.
The aim of this intervention is to: i) help primary care patients with a BMI of 30 or above or 28 with co-morbidities achieve a weight loss of 5 per cent or more using a computerised lifestyle protocol within a 12 week period ii) establish primary care weight management services in the county and train primary care workforce in weight management intervention iii)help patients make sustainable lifestyle changes in terms of healthy eating and physical activity