1000 resultados para refined grain


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The Integrated OceanDrilling Program's Expedition 302, the Arctic Coring Expedition (ACEX), recovered the first Cenozoic sedimentary sequence from the central Arctic Ocean. ACEX provided ground truth for basin scale geophysical interpretations and for guiding future exploration targets in this largely unexplored ocean basin. Here, we present results from a series of consolidation tests used to characterize sediment compressibility and permeability and integrate these with high-resolution measurements of bulk density, porosity and shear strength to investigate the stress history and the nature of prominent lithostratigraphic and seismostratigraphic boundaries in the ACEX record. Despite moderate sedimentation rates (10-30 m/Myr) and high permeability values (10**-15 -10**-18 m**2), consolidation and shear strength measurements both suggest an overall state of underconsolidation or overpressure. One-dimensional compaction modelling shows that to maintain such excess pore pressures, an in situ fluid source is required that exceeds the rate of fluid expulsion generated by mechanical compaction alone. Geochemical and sedimentological evidence is presented that identifes the Opal A-C/T transformation of biosiliceous rich sediments as a potential additional in situ fluid source.However, the combined rat of chemical and mechanical compaction remain too low to fully account for the observed pore pressure gradients, implying an additional diagenetic fluid source from within or below the recovered Cenozoic sediments from ACEX. Recognition of the Opal A-C/T reaction front in the ACEX record has broad reaching regional implications on slope stability and subsurface pressure evolution, and provides an important consideration for interpreting and correlating the spatially limited seismic data from the Arctic Ocean.


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Continuous sedimentary records from an eastern Mediterranean cold-water coral ecosystem thriving in intermediate water depths (~600 m) reveal a temporary extinction of cold-water corals during the Early to Mid Holocene from 11.4-5.9 cal kyr BP. Benthic foraminiferal assemblage analysis shows low-oxygen conditions of 2 ml l**-1 during the same period, compared to bottom-water oxygen values of 4-5 ml l**-1 before and after the coral-free interval. The timing of the corals' demise coincides with the sapropel S1 event, during which the deep eastern Mediterranean basin turned anoxic. Our results show that during the sapropel S1 event low oxygen conditions extended to the rather shallow depths of our study site in the Ionian Sea and caused the cold-water corals temporary extinction. This first evidence for the sensitivity of cold-water corals to low oceanic oxygen contents suggests that the projected expansion of tropical oxygen minimum zones resulting from global change will threaten cold-water coral ecosystems in low latitudes in the same way that ocean acidification will do in the higher latitudes.


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During the latest Messinian, hemipelagic sediments exhibiting precession-induced climate variability were deposited. These are overlain by Pliocene sediments deposited at a much higher sedimentation rate, with much higher and more variable XRF-scanning Zr/Al ratios than the underlying sediment, and that show evidence of winnowing, particle sorting and increasing grain size, which we interpret to be related to the increasing flow of MOW. Pliocene sedimentary cyclicity is clearly visible in both the benthic d18O record and the Zr/Al data and is probably also precessionally controlled. On the basis of these results, we conclude that contouritic sedimentation, associated with weak Mediterranean-Atlantic exchange, began in the Gulf of Cadiz virtually at or shortly after the Miocene-Pliocene boundary, with two contouritic bigradational sandy-beds within the fourth precession cycle after the Miocene-Pliocene boundary.


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Near-surface sediments from the equatorial east Atlantic and the Norwegian Sea exhibit pronounced shear strength maxima in profiles from the peak Holocene and Pleistocene. These semi-indurated layers start to occur at 8-102 cm below the sediment surface and can be explained neither by the modal composition nor by the effective overburden pressure of the sediments. However, scanning electron microscope and microprobe data exhibit micritic crusts and crystal carpets, which are clearly restricted to (undisturbed) samples from indurated layers and form a manifest explanation for their origin. The minerals precipitated comprise calcite, aragonite, and in samples more proximal to the African continent SiO2 needles, and needles of as yet unidentified K-Mg-Fe-Al silicates, crusts of which dominate the indurated layers in the Norwegian Sea. By their stratigraphic position in deep-sea sediments the carbonate-based shear strength maxima are tentatively ascribed to dissolved adjacent pteropod layers from the early Holocene and hence to short-lived no-analogue events of early diagenesis. Possibly, they have been controlled by a reduced organic carbon flux, leading to increased aragonite preservation in the deep sea.


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Rupertina stabilis occupies a depth restricted biotope of suspension feeding animals situated at the Norwegian continental margin. It extends from the Voring plateau northwards for at least 200 - 300 km, in depths between 600 and 800 m. This slope position is known for relatively strong bottom currents and shifting watermass boundaries. - The species is attached to hard substrates, mainly stones or hydroid stalks and obviously prefers an elevated position. It is building a permanent cyst of sponge spicules and debris at the apertural region. The spicules are used to support a pseudopodial network similar to that described from Halyphysema (LIPPS 1983). It is believed to serve as a filter apparatus. - A review of known occurences in the Atlantic is given, suggesting a temperature adaption of the species ranging from 0°C to a maximum of 8°C. Specimens were successfully cultured for about 2-3 weeks.