998 resultados para queijo Minas Frescal
The objective of this study was to evaluate the occurrence of bovine mastitis by Staphylococcus sp., Streptococcus sp. and Candida sp. in a rural area of Indianopolis, Minas Gerais. It was realized the California Mastitis Test (CMT) in six collect, a total 671 of milk sample positive. Then the microbiological examination was performed, where the results revealed the presence of 137 milk samples with microbial multiplication. These, showed the presence of Staphylococcus aureus (45.2% of strains), other coagulase negative Staphylococcus (10.2%), Staphylococcus epidermidis (9.4%), Staphylococcus simulans (5.8%), other coagulase negative (15.3%), Streptococcus agalactiae (7.2%), other Streptococcus sp. (5.1%) and yeasts (1.4%). It was found that 100% of Staphylococcus were susceptible to rifampicin, gentamicin and ciprofloxacin; but, resistant to penicillin, tetracycline, and oxacillin. Regarding antimicrobial susceptibility Streptococcus, were employed, except to clindamycin, erythromycin and tetracycline. We conclude that there is a great necessity of proper hygiene practices and taking prophylactic measures taken in order to reduce the infection of animals caused by infectious microorganisms and resistance.
The thermal structure, heat content and stability were studied in Lakes Dom Helvécio and Carioca during an annual cycle. It was found that the maximum heat content, stability and work of the wind in Lake Dom Helvécio correspond to two, four and four times, respectively, the values for the Lake Carioca. These difference can be attributed to morphometric differences in the lakes. A long-term record of heat content and stability for lake Carioca is also presented. Diel variations were studied in summer and winter. The tropicality of the lakes is discussed and compared with other lacustrine systems. © 1989 Kluwer Academic Publishers.
An ecological zoning originates seven regional units according to the main limitations to sugar cane culture. -from English summary
Chemical (Sr:Ba:Rb) and zircon typology data from the Nazare Paulista, Mairipora/Cantareira, Cunhaporanga, Tres Corregos, Morungaba, Socorro, Itu, Graciosa and Serra Carambei granitoid complexes from the states of Minas Gerais, Sao Paulo and Parana (SE/S Brazil) are presented and discussed. By the zircon typology method these complexes are refered, respectively, to the 2nd crustal, 3rd crustal/low temperature C-A, low temperature C-A, medium temperature C-A, medium/light temperature C-A, K-SA/Alkaline and alkaline series which are considered as generated under increasing temperature associated with a progressive major participation of mantle material. All these series display different positions and behaviour in the Sr:Ba:Rb diagram which reinforces the use of the zircon typology method in the study of granitoids. -from English summary
The main geotectonics models presented during the last 25 yr to explain the evolution of the Late Precambrian (Brasiliano Cycle) terranes of the NE of the State of Sao Paulo and the adjacent areas of the State of Minas Gerais, domain of the Guaxupe Massif, SE Brazil, are presented and discussed. The models can be classified in: 1) classic; 2) mainly ensialic; and 3) applications of the plate tectonic theory. -from English summary
In the Proterozoic fold-thrust belt of Southwestern Minas Gerais, sheath folds belonging to Araxa-Canastra Group were mapped. These structures are explained by a tangential shear related to nappe transport, which acted together with an additional transcurrent shear, driven by a lateral ramp. An interesting feature recognized in these sheath folds is the striking obliquity between the hinge line of the macro structure and the hinge lines of the parasitic folds in the sheath fold closure. -English summary
The present study was conducted in the Aquaculture Station of Hydroeletric Power Station situated in Volta Grande Reservoir, MG, Brazil. Seventy freshwater corvinas, Plagiscion squamosissimus, and 66 tucunarés, Cichla ocellaris were captured bimonthly from April 2000 through April 2001 with net and hook. The helmints were identified as Diplostomun (A.) compactmn which showed the highest prevalence in the corvina's eyes in April 2000 (70%), February 2001 (80%) and April 2001 (60%), while in tucunaré occurred in April 2000 (33.3%), August 2000 (18.2%) and October 2000 (18.2%). Nevertheless, increase in the mean intensity of parasites was related in April (6.6), June (6.0), August (18.5) 2000 and February (5.7), April (4.8) 2001 for corvina and in August (16.0) and October (7.0) 2000 for tucunaré. Corvina's females showed infection during all period, while males did not show the same prevalence in June 2000 and April 2001. On the other hand, tucunare's males were infected in all months while females in August and October 2000. The highest prevalence in corvina was observed in the months which presented elevated water temperature (April, October, December 2000 and April 2001). The number of parasites collected in corvina on February 2000 was higher than the one observed in August 2000. The same was not observed for tucunaré. This work demonstrate corvina's high susceptibility to metacercariae of Diplostomum.
The iron ores of Alegria mine are composed of itabirites enclosing minor bodies of high-grade ores. The itabirites are classified according to mineralogical composition in five types: martite-rich, goethite-rich, specularite-rich, magnetite-rich and anphibolite-rich ores. The hematites are martite-rich, magnetite-rich, specularite-rich and more rarely, amphibolite-rich. Other classification criteria of the ores are based on the physical properties and the degree of compaction. As such, the itabirites and hematites can be classified as hard, friable and soft types. The mineralogical/textural evolution of the ores is linked to the pressure and temperature conditions that accompanied the tectonic processes in anphibolite facies and the different degrees of subsequent surficial weathering processes. Petrographic and microstructural studies indicate that the magnetite and amphibole bearing itabirites represent the parent rocks that created the other itabirites and that the specularite itabirites and the hard martite types are related to silica dissolution and redeposition in zones of high and low strain. Most of itabirites ores correspond to chert oxide facies banded iron formation, except the goethite and amphibole bearing itabirite that resemble a silicate or oxide-silicate facies with minor carbonate impurities. The great mass and pods of soft martite itabirites are probably shaley oxide facies BIFs with little volcanic contribution. Trace element contents of the Alegria's itabirites show strong dissimilarities with BIFs associated with volcanism (Algoma type), but closely ressemble to the Lake Superior type, with high content in Cr, Co and low V, Ni, Cu and Zn. Although the absolute contents of REE present in the Alegria's itabirites are, in general very low, the pattern when normalised by NASC is similar to the great majority of the Archean and Paleoproterozoic BIFs elsewhere in the world, and characterised by positive Eu anomaly.