1000 resultados para orientamento :: 134 :: Trasporti
INTRODUCTION: Systematic literature reviews provide best evidence, but are underused by clinicians. Thus, integrating Cochrane reviews into continuing medical education (CME) is challenging. We designed a pilot CME program where summaries of Cochrane reviews (Courriels Cochrane) were disseminated by e-mail. Program participants automatically received CME credit for each Courriel Cochrane they rated. The feasibility of this program is reported (delivery, participation, and participant evaluation). METHOD: We recruited French-speaking physicians through the Canadian Medical Association. Program delivery and participation were documented. Participants rated the informational value of Courriels Cochrane using the Information Assessment Method (IAM), which documented their reflective learning (relevance, cognitive impact, use for a patient, expected health benefits). IAM responses were aggregated and analyzed. RESULTS: The program was delivered as planned. Thirty Courriels Cochrane were delivered to 985 physicians, and 127 (12.9%) completed at least one IAM questionnaire. Out of 1109 Courriels Cochrane ratings, 973 (87.7%) conta-ined 1 or more types of positive cognitive impact, while 835 (75.3%) were clinically relevant. Participants reported the use of information for a patient and expected health benefits in 595 (53.7%) and 569 (51.3%) ratings, respectively. DISCUSSION: Program delivery required partnering with 5 organizations. Participants valued Courriels Cochrane. IAM ratings documented their reflective learning. The aggregation of IAM ratings documented 3 levels of CME outcomes: participation, learning, and performance. This evaluation study demonstrates the feasibility of the Courriels Cochrane as an approach to further disseminate Cochrane systematic literature reviews to clinicians and document self-reported knowledge translation associated with Cochrane reviews.
En la Región La Libertad se encuentran asentadas 11 comunidades pesqueras artesanales y 21 organizaciones de pescadores artesanales legalmente registradas, con un total de 1191 integrantes además de un número semejante de pescadores artesanales informales. Se reconocieron 9 artes y aparejos de pesca, así como la extracción manual y por buceo. El arte de pesca más utilizado es la red cortina, con tamaños de malla que varían de 4 - 36 cm. El aparejo más utilizado es el espinel de superficie con tamaños de anzuelo desde el número 1 al 5. La flota artesanal está compuesta por 4 tipos de embarcaciones: lancha, bote, chalana y caballito de totora. La capacidad de bodega varía de 0,5 t a 20 t, mientras que los caballitos de totora su capacidad de carga es de 100 k. Se identificaron 31 especies de macroalgas marinas siendo Chondracanthus chamissoi (yuyo) y Gracilariopsis lemanaeformis (pelillo) de importancia económica. En invertebrados marinos se identificaron 69 especies, de las cuales 68 especies son costeras y 1 es oceánica Dosidicus gigas (pota). De las especies costeras, 9 son de importancia comercial: Platyxanthus orbignyi (cangrejo violáceo), Stramonita chocolata (caracol negro), Octopus mimus (pulpo), Argopecten purpuratus (concha de abanico), Semele solida y S.corrugata (almeja), Emerita analoga (muy muy), Pattalus mollis (pepino de mar), Donax sp. (palabritas). Se identificaron 112 especies de peces, 89 de ellas corresponden a peces óseos y 23 a cartilaginosos.
El estudio se realizó en otoño (30 de abril al 9 de mayo) e invierno (5 al 14 de julio) del 2009 con la finalidad de evaluar el comportamiento y respuesta selectiva de la red manual chinchorro manual en la zona de Huarmey - Región Áncash. Se realizaron 28 lances de pesca en las zonas de El Huaro, Culebras, Tuquillo, Huanchaquito, y para calamar en El Castillo, Gramadal, Las Zorras. La red manual chinchorro está dirigida a la pesquería multiespecífica, la composición de la capturas fue mayor en el copo (83% fase I, 92% fase II), seguido de las alas (13% fase I, 2% fase II) y el sobrecopo (4% fase I, 6% fase II), las principales especies capturadas fueron Doryteuthis gahi, Sciaena deliciosa, Odontesthes regia, Urotrygon asterias, Paralichthys adspersus, Mugil cephalus, Scomber japonicus. De las especies capturadas que cuentan con una talla mínima legal de captura (TMC), se registró más de 65% de ejemplares juveniles, lo que es un indicador de la baja respuesta selectiva y del impacto negativo al ecosistema.
The rate of overweight and obese children and adolescents is rapidly increasing in developed countries. Although a decrease in sport practice may be one of the several factors implicated, data on recent trends are scarce. This article presents the trends in sport practice among Swiss adolescents between 1993 and 2002, comparing data from two surveys.
Commençant par : [...] del bosc, e Thomas levet sus et sonet las campanas [...].Finissant par : [...] s'en yan anar vays lur repayre e totz [...].Incomplet du début et de la fin. Date au f. 134v., dont la lecture proposée par Schneegans est : [ges]ta de K. lan [...] com[tava M CC]CXXV. XII. calendas. Manuscrit siglé P dans les éditions.
Some models of sexual selection predict that individuals vary in their genetic quality and reveal some of this variation in their secondary sexual characteristics. Alpine whitefish (Coregonus sp.) develop breeding tubercles shortly before their spawning season. These tubercles are epidermal structures that are distributed regularly along the body sides of both males and females. There is still much unexplained variation in the size of breeding tubercles within both sexes and with much overlap between the sexes. It has been suggested that breeding tubercles function to maintain body contact between the mating partners during spawning, act as weapons for defence of spawning territories, or are sexual signals that reveal aspects of genetic quality. We took two samples of whitefish from their spawning place, one at the beginning and one around the peak of spawning season. We found that females have on average smaller breeding tubercles than males, and that tubercle size partly reveals the stage of gonad maturation. Two independent full-factorial breeding experiments revealed that embryo mortality was significantly influenced by male and female effects. This finding demonstrates that the males differed in their genetic quality (because offspring get nothing but genes from their fathers). Tubercle size was negatively linked to some aspects of embryo mortality in the first breeding experiment but not significantly so in the second. This lack of consistency adds to inconsistent results that were reported before and suggests that (i) some aspects of genetic quality are not revealed in breeding tubercles while others are, or (ii) individuals vary in their signaling strategies and the information content of breeding tubercles is not always reliable. Moreover, the fact that female whitefish have breeding tubercles of significant size while males seem to have few reasons to be choosy suggests that the tubercles might also serve some functions that are not linked to sexual signaling.