999 resultados para microemulsão inversa


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La prima parte di questo lavoro di tesi tratta dell’interazione tra un bacino di laminazione e il sottostante acquifero: è in fase di progetto, infatti, la costruzione di una cassa di espansione sul torrente Baganza, a monte della città di Parma. L’obiettivo di tale intervento è di ridurre il rischio di esondazione immagazzinando temporaneamente, in un serbatoio artificiale, la parte più pericolosa del volume di piena che verrebbe rilasciata successivamente con portate che possono essere agevolmente contenute nel tratto cittadino del torrente. L’acquifero è stato preliminarmente indagato e monitorato permettendone la caratterizzazione litostratigrafica. La stratigrafia si può riassumere in una sequenza di strati ghiaioso-sabbiosi con successione di lenti d’argilla più o meno spesse e continue, distinguendo due acquiferi differenti (uno freatico ed uno confinato). Nel presente studio si fa riferimento al solo acquifero superficiale che è stato modellato numericamente, alle differenze finite, per mezzo del software MODFLOW_2005. L'obiettivo del presente lavoro è di rappresentare il sistema acquifero nelle condizioni attuali (in assenza di alcuna opera) e di progetto. La calibrazione è stata condotta in condizioni stazionarie utilizzando i livelli piezometrici raccolti nei punti d’osservazione durante la primavera del 2013. I valori di conducibilità idraulica sono stati stimati per mezzo di un approccio geostatistico Bayesiano. Il codice utilizzato per la stima è il bgaPEST, un software gratuito per la soluzione di problemi inversi fortemente parametrizzati, sviluppato sulla base dei protocolli del software PEST. La metodologia inversa stima il campo di conducibilità idraulica combinando osservazioni sullo stato del sistema (livelli piezometrici nel caso in esame) e informazioni a-priori sulla struttura dei parametri incogniti. La procedura inversa richiede il calcolo della sensitività di ciascuna osservazione a ciascuno dei parametri stimati; questa è stata valutata in maniera efficiente facendo ricorso ad una formulazione agli stati aggiunti del codice in avanti MODFLOW_2005_Adjoint. I risultati della metodologia sono coerenti con la natura alluvionale dell'acquifero indagato e con le informazioni raccolte nei punti di osservazione. Il modello calibrato può quindi essere utilizzato come supporto alla progettazione e gestione dell’opera di laminazione. La seconda parte di questa tesi tratta l'analisi delle sollecitazioni indotte dai percorsi di flusso preferenziali causati da fenomeni di piping all’interno dei rilevati arginali. Tali percorsi preferenziali possono essere dovuti alla presenza di gallerie scavate da animali selvatici. Questo studio è stato ispirato dal crollo del rilevato arginale del Fiume Secchia (Modena), che si è verificato in gennaio 2014 a seguito di un evento alluvionale, durante il quale il livello dell'acqua non ha mai raggiunto la sommità arginale. La commissione scientifica, la cui relazione finale fornisce i dati utilizzati per questo studio, ha attribuito, con molta probabilità, il crollo del rilevato alla presenza di tane di animali. Con lo scopo di analizzare il comportamento del rilevato in condizioni integre e in condizioni modificate dall'esistenza di un tunnel che attraversa il manufatto arginale, è stato realizzato un modello numerico 3D dell’argine mediante i noti software Femwater e Feflow. I modelli descrivono le infiltrazioni all'interno del rilevato considerando il terreno in entrambe le porzioni sature ed insature, adottando la tecnica agli elementi finiti. La tana è stata rappresentata da elementi con elevata permeabilità e porosità, i cui valori sono stati modificati al fine di valutare le diverse influenze sui flussi e sui contenuti idrici. Per valutare se le situazioni analizzate presentino o meno il verificarsi del fenomeno di erosione, sono stati calcolati i valori del fattore di sicurezza. Questo è stato valutato in differenti modi, tra cui quello recentemente proposto da Richards e Reddy (2014), che si riferisce al criterio di energia cinetica critica. In ultima analisi è stato utilizzato il modello di Bonelli (2007) per calcolare il tempo di erosione ed il tempo rimanente al collasso del rilevato.


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Esta pesquisa investiga a possível correlação entre os níveis de depressão e ansiedade e a percepção de suporte social em profissionais de enfermagem em ambiente hospitalar. Utiliza-se de método descritivo exploratório de caráter quantitativo comparativo. Foram aplicados: A Escala Beck de Depressão BDI total e as subescalas S1 cognitivo-afetiva, S2 somática e de desempenho; o Inventário de Ansiedade BAI (Beck Anxiety Inventory) ; a Escala de Percepção de Suporte Social (EPSS) e questionário sócio-demográfico-clínico em 39 profissionais de enfermagem, auxiliares e técnicos de hospital particular de médio porte. Os dados da BAI revelaram uma freqüência média de 6,10 (DP=5,826) ; a BDI total, média de 7,36 (DP=5,163), com média de 4,31 (DP= 3,764) na subescala cognitivo-afetiva e média de 3,03 (DP= 2,323) na subescala somática e de desempenho. Os dados evidenciam sintomas de ansiedade em 15% dos participantes e depressão em 18%, na faixa de intensidade leve, sem comprometimento funcional significativo. O escore médio fatorial da percepção de suporte social emocional, verificado é de 2,61(DP=0,781), obtendo no suporte prático frequência média de 2,28 (DP=0,686). . Foi verificada uma relação significante positiva (P=0,004) entre os escores das escalas BAI e BDI BDIS1 e BDIS2. Por outro lado, a correlação entre a Percepção de Suporte Social Emocional e o nível de ansiedade verificado pela Escala BAI apresenta uma relação negativa e inversa com BAI e significante (P=0,022), ou seja, enquanto a percepção de suporte emocional aumenta, o escore da escala de ansiedade diminui. Também uma foi verificada uma correlação negativa inversa significante entre a Percepção de Suporte Social Emocional e o nível de depressão verificado pela escala BDI total (P=0,012), e com BDI S1 (P=0,019). A correlação entre a percepção de Suporte Social Prático e o nível de depressão verificado pela Escala BDI Total (P=0,016) e BDI S1(P=0,014) apresenta um relação negativa e inversa, significante , ou seja, enquanto a percepção de suporte social prático aumenta, o escore da escala de depressão diminui. Esses dados apontam para que a percepção de suporte social tenha efeitos mediadores na proteção de saúde, agindo como moderador do impacto negativo de possíveis condições adversas de trabalho do profissional de enfermagem.


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A resiliência é um construto que remete à habilidade do ser humano de ter êxito frente às adversidades da vida, superá-las e inclusive, ser fortalecido ou transformado por elas. Campos de investigações da psicologia, como Psicologia da Saúde, Psicologia Positiva e Comportamento Organizacional Positivo, têm considerado a resiliência como uma importante via para a compreensão dos aspectos positivos e saudáveis dos indivíduos. Este trabalho pretendeu ampliar o conhecimento acerca da resiliência e suas relações com outros construtos no contexto organizacional. Para isto, definiu-se como objetivo geral deste estudo verificar a capacidade preditiva do conflito intragrupal (tarefa e relacionamento), do suporte social no trabalho (emocional, informacional e instrumental) e do autoconceito profissional (saúde, realização, autoconfiança e competência) sobre a resiliência (adaptação ou aceitação positiva de mudanças, espiritualidade, resignação diante da vida, competência pessoal e persistência diante das dificuldades) de policiais militares. Participaram do estudo 133 policiais militares de um batalhão do interior do estado de São Paulo, prevalecendo indivíduos do sexo masculino (97,7%), com idade média de 30 anos (DP= 5,7). Para a medida das variáveis foram utilizadas as seguintes escalas validadas: Escala de Avaliação de Resiliência reduzida, Escala de Conflitos Intragrupais, Escala de Percepção de Suporte Social no Trabalho e a Escala de Autoconceito Profissional. Os dados foram submetidos a cálculos descritivos e a análises de regressão linear múltipla padrão. Os resultados indicaram que o modelo que reunia as variáveis antecedentes (conflito intragrupal, suporte social no trabalho e autoconceito profissional) explicou significativamente a variância das dimensões da resiliência: 30% da persistência diante das dificuldades, 29% da adaptação ou aceitação positiva de mudanças, 28% da competência pessoal e 11% da espiritualidade. As variáveis que tiveram impacto estatisticamente importante sobre a persistência diante das dificuldades foram o suporte emocional no trabalho, cuja direção da predição foi inversa, e autoconfiança, cuja direção da predição foi direta. A adaptação ou aceitação positiva de mudanças teve como preditor inverso a variável saúde e como preditor direto a autoconfiança. A competência pessoal teve impacto significativo da variável autoconfiança, que se mostrou um preditor direto. A espiritualidade, por sua vez, teve um único preditor significante, a variável realização, cuja direção da predição foi direta. Os resultados sugerem que dentre as variáveis antecedentes, o autoconceito profissional evidenciou maior poder de explicação da variância da resiliência. À luz da literatura da área foram discutidos estes achados. Por fim, foram apresentadas as limitações e a proposta de uma agenda de pesquisa que contribua para confirmação e ampliação dos resultados desta investigação.


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Surfactants are versatile organic compounds that have, in a single molecule, double chemical affinity. The surfactant molecule is composed by a hy drophobic tail group, a hydrocarbon chain (linear, branched, or mixed), and by a hydrophilic head group, which contains polar groups that makes it able to be applied in the organophilization process of natural clays. Microemulsions are microheterogeneous b lends composed by: a surfactant, an oily phase (non - polar solvent), an aqueous phase, and, sometimes, a co - surfactant (short - chain alcohol). They are systems with thermodynamic stability, transparent, and have high solubility power. Vermiculite is a clay m ineral with an expandable crystalline structure that has high cation exchange capacity. In this work vermiculite was used to obtain organoclays. The ionic surfactants dodecyl ammonium chlori de (DDAC) and cetyltrimethylammonium bromide (C 16 TAB) were used in the organophilization process. They were used as surfactant aqueous solutions and, for DDAC, as a microemulsion system. The organoclays were used to promote the separation of binary mixtures of xylene isomers (ortho - and meta - xylene). Dif ferent analytical techniques were used to characterize microemulsion systems and also the nanoclays. It was produced a water - rich microemulsion system with 0.92 nm droplet average diameter. The vermiculite used in this work has a cationic exchange capacity of 172 meq/100g and magnesium as main cation (24.25%). The basal spacing of natural vermiculite and organo - vermiculites were obtained by X - ray Diffraction technique. The basal spacing was 1.48nm for natural vermiculite, 4.01nm for CTAB - vermiculite (CTAB 4 ) , and 3.03nm for DDAC - vermiculite (DDAC M1A), that proves the intercalation process. Separation tests were carried out in glass columns using three binary mixtures of xylene (ortho - xylene and meta - xylene). The results showed that the organovermiculite pre sented an enhanced chemical affinity by the mixture of hydrocarbons, when compared with the natural vermiculite, and also its preference by ortho - xylene. A factorial experimental design 2 2 with triplicate at the central point was used to optimize the xylen e separation process. The experimental design revealed that the initial concentration of isomers in the mixture and the mass of organovermiculite were the significant factors for an improved separation of isomers. In the experiments carried out using a bin ary mixture of ortho - xylene and meta - xylene (2:1), after its percolating through the organovermiculite bed (DDAC M1), it was observed the preference of the organoclay by the ortho - xylene isomer, which was retained in greater quantity than the meta - xylene o ne. At the end of the treatment, it was obtained a final concentration in meta - xylene of 47.52%.


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From the second half of the twentieth century the state bega n to use exaction beyond your fiscalist character, also as a means of alignment deformities economic and social balance, influencing in different directions, according to economic, social and political policy. It is what is usually called the extrafiscalit y. It is in light of this phenomenon and the constitutional perspective, the present work aims to analyze item IV of article. 8 of Law n. 6.967/96, regulatory Property Tax Vehicle Automotive (property taxes) in the State of Rio Grande do Norte, in view of its possible incompatibility with the principles of the Basic Statute and with international guidelines for protection of the environment The problem of this research is Seated in art. 225 of the Constitution, which provides that everyone has the right to an ecologically balanced environment. From the reading of this standard, extracted it is the responsibility of the state protecting the environment, which requires the adoption of suitable actions to that end. However, we look to state law cited follows th e constitutional path, since it exempts the collection of property taxes automotive vehicles with over 10 years of manufacturing, which could encourage the conservation of a fleet of old vehicles, mostly more polluting and harmful to the environment and hu man health. Would the state legislature oblivious to the constitutional principles and the global trend of environmental preservation? Thus questions whether such an incentive for more polluting vehicles, emitting more gases in the atmosphere. Moreover, th e international community is already moving through important conventions in an attempt to minimize and control global warming and climate change. Predicting the theme in CF/88 demonstrates that the country is no stranger to the issue. Thus, the work is a retelling of Law No. 6.967/96 order to check whether it is compatible with the existing system. The methodology consists of a documentary, deductive, dialectical literature. At the end of the survey, it was found that provide a tax benefit to these vehicle s is encouraged to maintain them in circulation and contribute to the increase in air and noise pollution, in addition to the traffic problems generated. Thus, this potiguar anything standard can be expressed extrafiscality because the medium and long term there is encouragement and worsening environmental problem. Despite the ability to pay clause, but this remission is an affront to legally protected interests. Thus, this device goes in reverse order compared to the values of the legal system and in relat ion to sustainable development. Modern Tax Law should be used as a tool to achieve the purposes collimated by the State, and not otherwise. It was noticed that the vast majority of Brazilian states does not follow this rule, including Mato Grosso and Minas Gerais have no such exemption. Therefore, the RN State does not constitute a model for sustainable public policies, nor example of environmental protection by state law.


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Among the potentially polluting economic activities that compromise the quality of soil and groundwater stations are fuel dealers. Leakage of oil derived fuels in underground tanks or activities improperly with these pollutants can contaminate large areas, causing serious environmental and toxicological problems. The number of gas stations grew haphazardly, without any kind of control, thus the environmental impacts generated by these enterprises grew causing pollution of soil and groundwater. Surfactants using various techniques have been proposed to remedy this kind of contamination. This study presents innovation as the application of different systems containing surfactant in the vapor phase and compares their diesel removal efficiencies of soil containing this contaminant. For this, a system that contains seven injection wells the following vaporized solutions: water, surfactant solution, microemulsion and nanoemulsion, The surfactants used were saponified coconut oil (OCS), in aqueous solution and an ethoxylated alcohol UNTL-90: aqueous solution , and nanoemulsion and microemulsion systems. Among the systems investigated, the nanoemulsion showed the highest efficiency, achieving 88% removal of residual phase diesel, the most ecologically and technically feasible by a system with lower content of active matter


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The determination and monitoring of metallic contaminants in water is a task that must be continuous, leading to the importance of the development, modification and optimization of analytical methodologies capab le of determining the various metal contaminants in natural environments, because, in many cases, the ava ilable instrumentation does not provide enough sensibility for the determination of trace values . In this study, a method of extraction and pre- concentration using a microemulsion system with in the Winsor II equilibrium was tested and optimized for the determination of Co, Cd, P b, Tl, Cu and Ni through the technique of high- resolution atomic absorption spectrometry using a continuum source (HR-CS AAS). The optimization of the temperature program for the graphite furnace (HR-CS AAS GF) was performed through the pyrolysis and atomization curves for the analytes Cd, Pb, Co and Tl with and without the use of different chemical modifiers. Cu and Ni we re analyzed by flame atomization (HR-CS F AAS) after pre-concentr ation, having the sample introduction system optimized for the realization of discrete sampling. Salinity and pH levels were also analyzed as influencing factors in the efficiency of the extraction. As final numbers, 6 g L -1 of Na (as NaCl) and 1% of HNO 3 (v/v) were defined. For the determination of the optimum extraction point, a centroid-simplex statistical plan was a pplied, having chosen as the optimum points of extraction for all of the analytes, the follo wing proportions: 70% aqueous phase, 10% oil phase and 20% co-surfactant/surfactant (C/S = 4). After extraction, the metals were determined and the merit figures obtained for the proposed method were: LOD 0,09, 0,01, 0,06, 0,05, 0,6 and 1,5 μg L -1 for Pb, Cd, Tl, Co, Cu and Ni, re spectively. Line ar ranges of ,1- 2,0 μg L -1 for Pb, 0,01-2,0 μg L -1 for Cd, 1,0 - 20 μg L -1 for Tl, 0,1-5,0 μg L -1 for Co, 2-200 μg L -1 and for Cu e Ni 5-200 μg L -1 were obtained. The enrichment factors obtained ranged between 6 and 19. Recovery testing with the certified sample show ed recovery values (n = 3, certified values) after extraction of 105 and 101, 100 and 104% for Pb, Cd, Cu and Ni respectively. Samples of sweet waters of lake Jiqui, saline water from Potengi river and water produced from the oil industry (PETROBRAS) were spiked and the recovery (n = 3) for the analytes were between 80 and 112% confirming th at the proposed method can be used in the extraction. The proposed method enabled the sepa ration of metals from complex matrices, and with good pre-concentration factor, consistent with the MPV (allowed limits) compared to CONAMA Resolution No. 357/2005 which regulat es the quality of fresh surface water, brackish and saline water in Brazil.


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Shadows and illumination play an important role when generating a realistic scene in computer graphics. Most of the Augmented Reality (AR) systems track markers placed in a real scene and retrieve their position and orientation to serve as a frame of reference for added computer generated content, thereby producing an augmented scene. Realistic depiction of augmented content with coherent visual cues is a desired goal in many AR applications. However, rendering an augmented scene with realistic illumination is a complex task. Many existent approaches rely on a non automated pre-processing phase to retrieve illumination parameters from the scene. Other techniques rely on specific markers that contain light probes to perform environment lighting estimation. This study aims at designing a method to create AR applications with coherent illumination and shadows, using a textured cuboid marker, that does not require a training phase to provide lighting information. Such marker may be easily found in common environments: most of product packaging satisfies such characteristics. Thus, we propose a way to estimate a directional light configuration using multiple texture tracking to render AR scenes in a realistic fashion. We also propose a novel feature descriptor that is used to perform multiple texture tracking. Our descriptor is an extension of the binary descriptor, named discrete descriptor, and outperforms current state-of-the-art methods in speed, while maintaining their accuracy.


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Currently the market requires increasingly pure oil derivatives and, with that, comes the need for new methods for obtaining those products that are more efficient and economically viable. Considering the removal of sulfur from diesel, most refineries uses catalytic hydrogenation process, the hydrodesulfurization. These processes needs high energy content and high cost of production and has low efficiency in removing sulfur at low concentrations (below 500 ppm). The adsorption presents itself as an efficient and economically viable alternative in relation to the techniques currently used. With that, the main purpose of this work is to develop and optimize the obtaining of new adsorbents based on diatomite, modified with two non ionic surfactants microemulsions, adding efficiency to the material, to its application on removal of sulfur present in commercial diesel. Analyses were undertaken of scanning electron microscopy (SEM), x-ray diffraction (XRD), x-ray fluorescence (XRF), thermogravimetry (TG) and N2 adsorption (BET) for characterization of new materials obtained. The variables used for diatomite modification were: microemulsion points for each surfactant (RNX 95 and UNTL 90), microemulsion aqueous phase through the use or non-use of salts (CaCl2 and BaCl2), the contact time during the modification and the contact form. The study of adsorption capacity of materials obtained was performed using a statistical modeling to evaluate the influence of salt concentration in the aqueous phase (20 ppm to 1500 ppm), finite bath temperature (25 to 60° C) and the concentration of sulphur in diesel. It was observed that the temperature and the concentration of sulphur (300 to 1100 ppm) were the most significant parameters, in which increasing their values increase the ability of modified clay to adsorb the sulphur in diesel fuel. Adsorption capacity increased from 0.43 to mg/g 1.34 mg/g with microemulsion point optimization and with the addition of salts.