1000 resultados para marcs de treball de presentació
We model the joint production of entrepreneurs and workers where the former provide both entrepreneurial (strategic) and managerial (coordination, motivation) services, and management services are shared with individual workers in an output maximizing way. The static equilibrium of the model determines the endogenous share of entrepreneurs in the economy in a given moment of time. The time dynamics of the solution implies that a given growth rate in quality of entrepreneurial services contributes to productivity growth proportionally to the share of entrepreneurs at the start of the period and improvement in quality of entrepreneurial services is convergence enhancing. Model predictions are tested with data from OECD countries in the period 1970-2002. We find that improvements in quality of entrepreneurial services over time explain up to 100% of observed average productivity growth in these countries.
El objetivo de este trabajo consiste en proponer una medida de performance adecuada para los fondos de inversión de renta variable. Las características específicas de este tipo de carteras inducen a tomar un enfoque basado en la L.M.C., por lo que se escoge como medida de riesgo el riesgo total de la cartera (pσ). Se introducen las estrategias pasivas y activas en el análisis, con lo que se consigue desarrollar una medida de performance que, además de medir la rentabilidad por gestión efectiva, la pondera en función del grado de actividad asumido por la cartera a evaluar.
We test hypotheses on the dual role of boards of directors for a sample of large international commercial banks. We find an inverted U shaped relation between bank performance and board size that justifies a large board and imposes an efficient limit to the board’s size; a positive relation between the proportion of non-executive directors and performance; and a proactive role in board meetings. Our results show that bank boards’ composition and functioning are related to directors’ incentives to monitor and advise management. All these relations hold after we control for bank business, institutional differences, size, market power in the banking industry, bank ownership and investors’ legal protection.
We examine how relationship lending affects firm performance using a panel dataset of about 70,000 small and medium Spanish firms in the period 1993-2004. We model firm performance jointly with the firm's choice of the number of bank relationships. Controlling for firm fixed effects and using instrumental variables for the decision on the number of bank relationships, we find that firms maintaining exclusive bank relationships have lower profitability. The result is consistent with the view that banks appropriate most of the value generated through close relationships with its borrowers as long as they do not face competition from other lenders.
In this paper we check whether generator's bid behavior at the Spanish whosale electricity market is consistent with the hypothesis of profit maximization on their residual demands. Using OMEL data, we find the arc-elacticity of the residual demand around the system marginal price. The results suggest thet the larger firms are not actually profit-msximization. We argue how the regulatory environment may drive these results. Finally, we repeat the analysis for the first session of the intra-day market where presumably firms may not have the same incentives as in the day-ahead market.
This paper tests the Entrepreneurial Intention Model -which is adapted from the Theory of Planned Behavior- on a sample of 533 individuals from two quite different countries: one of them European (Spain) and the other South Asian (Taiwan). A newly developed Entrepreneurial Intention Questionnaire (EIQ) has being used which tries to overcome some of the limitations of previous instruments. Structural equations techniques were used in the empirical analysis. Results are generally satisfactory, indicating that the model is probably adequate for studying entrepreneurship. Support for the model was found not only in the combined sample, but also in each of the national ones. However, some differences arose that may indicate demographic variables contribute differently to the formation of perceptions in each culture.
In this work we present a proposal for a course in translation from German into Spanish following the task based approach as known in second language acquisition. The aim is to improve the translation competence of translation students. We depart from the hypothesis that some students select inapropiate translation strategies when faced with certain translation problems leading them to translation errors. In order to avoid these translation errors originated by wrong application of such strategies we propose a didactic method which helps to prevent them by a) raising awareness of the different subcompetences required while translating, b) improving the ability to identify translation problems and relate them to the different subcompetences and c) enhancing the use of the most adequate strategy according to the characteristics of each problem. With regard to translation and how translation competence is acquired our work follows the communicative approach to translation theory as defended among others by Hatim & Mason (1990), Lörscher (1992) and Kiraly (1995), where translation is seen as a communicative activity which can be analized from a psycholinguistic perspective. In this sense we give operative definitions for what we understand by “translation problem”, “translation strategy”, “translation error”, “translation competence” and “translation”. Our approach to didactics adapts recent developments in Second Language Teaching within the communicative paradigm as is the task based approach by Nunan (1989) acquisition to translation. Fitting the recquirements of this pedagogic approach we present a planning for a translation course which is compatible with present translation studies.
The present essay –which is a pilot study conceived to continue the research in depth in the future- is based in a comparative analysis of educational practice between five different primary and pre-school teaching centres in Osona and the educational practice in inclusive educational centres. The essay introduces the objectives of the research and the theoretical and conceptual framework in which it is based (chapter 1) in relation with the main themes and expressions which are the purpose of the study: comprensivity, inclusive school and inclusive practice. The theoretical framework is linked to the principal regulations applied in our context. The study describes the instruments and procedure analysis describes the instruments and procedure analysis which have been designed and used for a qualitative methodological approach, together with the data obtained from the analysis of five teaching centres (chapter 2). The results from the research show that the practice done in the analised schools are not totally comparable to the ones in the inclusive environment. Notwithsanding, there are some similar points, although not totally coincident, like the fact that either the analysed schools or the ones with an inclusive approach show availability and interest in improving integration of all the pupils in the school, also the teachers work together in some aspects like, evaluation of pupils with special needs, objectives and contents and activities fort he specific kind of pupils with special needs parents and the majority of the analyzed schools, like those fallowing inclusive educational approaches, try the pupils with special needs to develop their acquisition within the ordinary class with adapted material. I think, these verifications, some of them close to inclusive educational practice, could constitute a starting point to analyse our model, in order to offer a common curriculum that could respect the different styles and rhythms of acquisition of all the pupils, so that promoting a more flexible and open schooling. In conclusion, the results of this analysis, although dues to its limits, they can not be generalized, they can help to find the necessary changes to bet for a qualitative education in a school for everyone.
En aquest treball se sintetitzen els resultats més destacats del projecte de final de carrera de la llicenciatura de Ciències Ambientals sobre l’aprofitament de la biomassa forestal al Parc de Collserola (PCo), realitzat a la Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona (UAB). L’objectiu principal és determinar la disponibilitat de biomassa forestal susceptible a ser extreta del PCo a fi d’aprofitar-la per a l’obtenció d’energia. Els principals factors analitzats són: la producció anual per cada espècie, les limitacions que marquen l’explotació i la tecnologia aplicable per a l’aprofitament en tres possibles escenaris. La proposta d’explotació sostenible dels boscos del PCo s’efectua sobre les espècies de Pinus halepensis, Quercus ilex i Quercus cerrioides, que presenten una producció major de biomassa susceptible a ser aprofitada, 5.500, 4.000 i 300 t psa1/any, respectivament. Per tant, la biomassa extraïble de forma sostenible al PCo s’estima en aproximadament 9.700 tones/any. L’estudi de l’aprofitament forestal està marcat per limitacions d’extracció, tals com les limitacions silvícoles (zones amb una cobertura arbòria igual o superior al 70% i un pendent igual o inferior al 60%) i d’accessibilitat (franges de 25 metres a banda i banda de les vies forestals). Amb la quantitat de biomassa extraïble es poden establir diferents escenaris d’aplicació energètica, mitjançant la seva combustió en calderes amb diverses potències de funcionament. Des del nivell domèstic (calderes domèstiques) fins al d’una gran planta (cogeneració), passant per l’aplicació en un barri residencial (District Heating). D’aquesta manera s’obté energia tèrmica, per calefacció, o elèctrica, aplicable a residències individuals, a barris residencials o a polígons industrials. S’ha escollit l’escenari de District Heating com el més viable, ja que és el que més avantatges presenta dintre del context del parc i un ventall de possibilitats d’aplicació més elevat. Per determinar-ne la viabilitat, s’han integrat diversos aspectes: tecnològics (eficiència, producció energètica, tipus de combustible i requeriment de biomassa), ambientals (impactes generats), socials (percepció dels usuaris) i econòmics (llocs de treball generats i viabilitat econòmica).