1000 resultados para manejo da poda
A field experiment was carried out in the Lageado Experimental Farm belonging to the São Paulo State University - UNESP, Campus of Botucatu, SP, in a distrophic Nitosoil in 1997/98. The objective was to compare the effects of magnesium termophosphate; termophosphate + lime; termophosphate + phosphogypsum + sugarcane vinnace application on the chemical characteristics of the soil and on the corn (Zea mays L.) yield cultivated in no-tillage and conventional tillage systems. The Crotalaria juncea was cultivated as mulch-producing to make possible the establishment of the tillage systems. The mean modifications in the soil fertility were due to aplication of the magnesium termophosphate. The differences between the two tillage systems, related to crop productivity, were associated to the smaller N content in the corn leaf in the no-tillage system.
There are several papers on pruning methods in the artificial neural networks area. However, with rare exceptions, none of them presents an appropriate statistical evaluation of such methods. In this article, we proved statistically the ability of some methods to reduce the number of neurons of the hidden layer of a multilayer perceptron neural network (MLP), and to maintain the same landing of classification error of the initial net. They are evaluated seven pruning methods. The experimental investigation was accomplished on five groups of generated data and in two groups of real data. Three variables were accompanied in the study: apparent classification error rate in the test group (REA); number of hidden neurons, obtained after the application of the pruning method; and number of training/retraining epochs, to evaluate the computational effort. The non-parametric Friedman's test was used to do the statistical analysis.
Soil management measures that increase the efficiency of organic matter cycling and maintain favorable soil structure are needed for improving soil quality. On the other hand, soil structure degradation due to inadequate soil management systems is widespread. Among the indicators of soil physical quality, saturated hydraulic conductivity and penetration resistance are thought to be sensitive to soil management system. The aim of this work was to study the influence of soil tillage system and organic fertilization on selected soil physical properties after the first year of treatment. The field work was conducted in Selviria, MS, Brazil on an Oxisol. The experimental design was randomized complete blocks with split-plots, with 12 treatments and 4 repetitions. Tillage treatments included conventional ploughing (CT) and direct drilling (DD). Fertilizer treatments were: 1) manure, 2) manure plus mineral, 3) traditional mineral 4) plant residues of Crotalaria juncea, 5) plant residues of Pennisetum americanum and 6) control plot. The plots were cropped to bean in winter and to cotton in summer, and both cultures were irrigated. After one year no significant differences between treatments in mechanical resistance and porosity were found. However, saturated hydraulic conductivity and infiltration were higher in the conventional tillage treatment at the 0.00-0.10 m depth. Moreover, an improvement in soil physical condition by organic fertilizers was shown.
The conventional system for soil management and preparation has the intensive mechanization as its basic principle and that changes soil properties, especially physical ones, faster and significantly. This study aimed to obtain and compare physical properties such as distribution of particle sizes, density, distribution of pore sizes, curves of water retention and degradation index of a Red Latosol, under intensive cultivation and no-cultivation for six years. Soil samples were collected at depths of 0.1, 0.2, 0.3, 0.4, 0.6, 0.8 and 1.0 m. There was a clay increment as a result of cultivated soil increase. The no-till soil density decreased as depth increased; however, in the arable layer (0.3 m) of the cultivated soil, the opposite was verified. The largest volume of pores was verified in the cultivated soil, especially in the superficial layers. In the smallest applied tension (0.001 MPa), the cultivated soil retained more water; however, starting from 0.033 MPa, the highest humidity values occurred in the no-till soil. The highest degradation index was observed at a depth of 0.1 m in no-till soil. However, that value was superior (0.020) to what is physically considered very poor soil.
The purpose of the work is to evaluate the stability by dry and humid of theaggregate in different systems or the use and management in Argissolos: agricultural, pasture and torest utilization. This work was realized in agricultural property, in Anhumas city, SR Several analyses including percentage of the aggregate (by way of dry and humid); the weighted mean diameter of the aggregate calculation and statistic analysis. Conclusion: the organic matter content of the A horizon of the soil under forest is 64 % more than the soil under pasture and 79 % more than the soil under annual crop; the WMDA of the aggregate obtained by dry and humid ways of the horizon A and its mean value for the soil decrease in the following sequence: PVAd - forest > PVe -pasture > PVd - annual culture, respectively, with the following values: 1.33560 and 1.445496 (D), 2.81114 and 2.351380 (H); 0.66748 and 1.011830 (D); 2.79642 and 1.624250 (H); 0.32468 and 0.993775 (S), 1.25808 and 0.983135 mm (H); the two methods are equally sensitive to reveal the effect of the soil use and management; the organic matter provides additional stability to the aggregates submitted to humid sieving and clay to the dry sieving: the WMDA obtained by dry and humid ways are statistically different for the soil profiles.
The tourist use of Santana cave provides a row of environmental damages, compromising partially the pristine conditions. Among the measures adopted to avoid this situation, this issue presents a contribution for the physical limits to tourist visitation and the indications for speleotouristic management. It was used the Cifuentes Carrying Capacity method and some basic principles of Visitors Impact Management Framework - VIM. The results show a Real Carrying Capacity (CCR) about 120 visits daily on the cave. The discussions raise a few hypotheses about the alteration in the method used and the temporal frequency between visitors groups, suggesting a provisional CCR of 117 and 135 visitors daily, respectively, during the week and in the weekends and holidays. The conclusions appoint the necessity of a conceptual revision in the Carrying Capacity methods, mainly about its adaptation for tourist management in caves. In the case studied, it is suggested the immediate beginning of environmental monitoring of the cave, to verify the plausibility from proposed visitation limits and the possible contributions for to mitigate the environmental impacts from speleotourism.
This study has the objective of evaluate the influence of fluvial and road transport on the occurrence of bruising in carcass of slaughtered beef cattle. In this study was observed that from 209 evaluated carcass, 185 (88.5%) presented one or more lesions. In total of evaluated carcass occurred 523 lesions that resulted in 96.158 kg removal of bruises (0.519 kg per animal). In this study was possible the determination of age of bruises by color evaluation. We concluded that of way of transport influenced the occurrence of bruises. The most bruises occurred in the last 24 hours of transport. Educational measures will be necessary to reduce the problems of pre-slaughter management.
This paper presents a new approach for solving constraint optimization problems (COP) based on the philosophy of lexicographical goal programming. A two-phase methodology for solving COP using a multi-objective strategy is used. In the first phase, the objective function is completely disregarded and the entire search effort is directed towards finding a single feasible solution. In the second phase, the problem is treated as a bi-objective optimization problem, turning the constraint optimization into a two-objective optimization. The two resulting objectives are the original objective function and the constraint violation degree. In the first phase a methodology based on progressive hardening of soft constraints is proposed in order to find feasible solutions. The performance of the proposed methodology was tested on 11 well-known benchmark functions.
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