999 resultados para intraocular infection
The first steps in leishmaniasis are critical in determining the evolution of the disease. Major advances have recently been done in understanding this crucial moment. Fundamental research in parasite-vector interaction, parasite biology, insect saliva, and vertebrate host response have shed new light and uncovered a most fascinating and complex moment in leishmaniasis. We review here some of these aspects and we try to connect them in a logical framework.
Angiostrongylus costaricensis intermediate hosts are terrestrial mollusks mostly belonging to the Veronicellidae family. In the present investigation we focused on the mechanisms of larval expulsion from Sarasinula marginata infected with A. costaricensis. Twenty-five mollusks were individually infected with 5000 L1 and sacrificed at 30 min and 1, 2, 4, 6, and 8 h post-infection and at days 1, 2, 4, 5, 6, 8, 10, 11, 12, 14, 15, 16, 20, 21, 22, 25, 26, 28, and 30 post-infection; the mollusks were then fixed and stained. Diverse organs involved throughout the course of the migratory routes of larvae from oral penetration on were specified and the mechanisms of larval access to the fibromuscular layer through the kidney, rectum, and vascular system were defined. The elimination of L3, derived from oral and/or cutaneous infections, appears to depend on granulomas located close to the excretory ducts of mucous cells.
Background: Asylum seekers may have a higher rate of latenttuberculosis infection (LTBI) than resident populations in Westerncountries. LTBI can be detected by an Interferon Gamma ReleaseAssay (IGRA). Screening asylum seekers at highest risk for LTBI orfuture tuberculosis by IGRA could be considered. The aims of this pilotstudy were to assess the prevalence and the risk factors of LTBI amonga group of asylum seekers recently arrived in Switzerland.Methods: A prospective cross-sectional study was performed amongadult asylum seekers, staying in two migrant centers of the Vaud county,Switzerland, after a first screening for active tuberculosis at the border.The participants were offered IGRA screening using T-SPOT.TB andwere questioned about risk factors associated with LTBI. Migrants with apositive test had a chest radiograph and a medical examination. Thosewith active tuberculosis were excluded and were treated. The migrantswith LTBI received a preventive treatment, if indicated. The risk factorswere analyzed by univariate and multivariate logistical regression.Results: Among 788 migrants recently arrived, 639 were adults, 393agreed to be screened (61.50%) and 98 of them had a positive T-SPOT.TB (24.93%) of which 5 (5.1%) had an active tuberculosis (previouslynot detected at the border), and 2 had already been treated for activetuberculosis. In univariate analysis, the major risk factors associatedwith LTBI were country of origin and travel conditions. Compared withmigrants from Balkanic countries, migrants from Africa had an OR forLTBI of 3.68, migrants from Asia an OR of 4.3 and migrants fromFormer Soviet Union an OR of 4.5. Migrants who crossed severalborders before arriving in Switzerland had an OR of LTBI of 2.49compared with migrants who came directly from the home country.Age, cough and prior exposure to tuberculosis had a non-significantinfluence on the rate of test positivity. In multivariate analysis, thecombination of country of origin, travel conditions, age, cough andexposure to tuberculosis resulted in a score with optimal predictivevalue (Roc = 81%).Conclusions: Asylum seekers recently arrived in Vaud county had ahigh prevalence of LTBI and active tuberculosis. The major risk factorswere country of origin and travel conditions. Selecting for screening byIGRA the asylum seekers with the highest risk factors seems possible.
The infection rates of Babesia sporokinetes in engorged Boophilus microplus were evaluated during a 2-year period in a dairy farm located in an area of enzootic stability. Every 14 days engorged females were collected from calves and from adult animals. Ticks were incubated at 27 ± 0.5ºC and 80-90% relative humidity and Babesia infection rates were determined by microscopic examination of Giemsa-stained hemolymph smears. After 52 collections, 2105 ticks were obtained, from which 982 were collected from calves and 1123 from cows. The total Babesia infection rate was 10%, however the incidence was higher (p < 0.05) in ticks collected from calves (17.5%) than in those collected from cows (3.6%). Females collected from cows showed the highest infection rates in January, March, and August, and absence of infection in April and May. Ticks feeding on calves were infected throughout the experimental period. The infection rates of engorged females collected from naturally infected calves that were artificially infested with Babesia-free-larvae of B. microplus gradually decreased until the calves were four months old. No differences were observed among infection rates of ticks collected from calves maintained under natural conditions.
This leaflet provides healthcare patients, their families and carers with comprehensive information on Clostridium difficile (C. diff) infection. It provides some background on the infectionand highlights a range of key factors, including the symptoms to look out for, common causes of contamination, the appropriate course of action should you become infected, and possible treatment options. It also offers advice to visitors and carers on precautions and rules they should follow when in the presence of a patient with C. diff infection.
High rate of completion of preventive therapy for latent tuberculosis infection among asylum seekers
Human toxocariasis is commonly seen in places where stray and Toxocara canis-infected dog population is high. There is a strong correlation between frequency of Toxocara infection, life style, and infection risk. Institutionalization of mental retarded patients increases to risk of toxocariasis. In this study, we aimed at investigating the frequency of Toxocara infection among children with mental retardation not requiring institutionalization. The study included 96 cases, who had educatable mental retardation and 85 healthy subjects who comprised the control group. Anti-Toxocara IgG or IgM antibodies were investigated in all serum samples, using ELISA method. The frequency of Toxocara infection was found significantly higher in mental retarded cases than in those in the control group (18.8% and 7.1% respectively) (p < 0.05). There was no significant difference between mental retarded children and the control group in terms of mean age, age groups, gender, owning dogs and cats and duration of their ownership, socio-economic level and behavioural factors, and personal hygiene (p > 0.05). We did not find any significant difference between Toxocara seropositive and seronegative mental retarded children in terms of demographic factors and epidemiological factors that could increase the risk of Toxocara infection (p > 0.05). The present study is the first seroprevalence study carried out with a mental retarded group not requiring institutionalization. Determination of high frequency of Toxocara infection suggests that these subjects constitute a risk factor for Toxocara infection, which may be attributed to their behavioural patterns.
The biocompatibility of a viscous, hydrophobic, bioerodible poly(ortho ester) (POE) intended for intraocular application was investigated. POE was evaluated as a blank carrier and as containing modulators of degradation. Each formulation was injected intracamerally and intravitreally in rabbit eyes, and clinical and histological examinations were performed postoperatively for 2 weeks. In the case of intracameral injections, polymer biocompatibility appeared to depend on the amount injected in the anterior chamber. When 50 microL was administered, the polymer degraded within 2 weeks, and clinical observations showed good biocompatibility of POE with no toxicity to the ocular tissues or increase in intraocular pressure. The injection of a larger volume, 100 microL, of POE, appeared inappropriate because of direct contact of polymeric material with the corneal endothelium, and triggered reversible edema and inflammation in the anterior chamber of the eye that regressed after a few days. After intravitreal administration, POE was well tolerated and no inflammatory reaction developed during the observation period. The polymer degraded slowly, appearing as a round whitish bubble in the vitreous cavity. The presence of modulators of degradation both improved POE biocompatibility and prolonged polymer lifetime in the eye. POE appears to be a promising biomaterial for clinical intraocular application.
Belminus herreri, originally described from specimens collected in Panama, was considered entirely silvatic until to 2000 when it was found for the first time in a domestic habitat in Colombia. In 2001, during a new search of houses in the Department of Cesar, Colombia, 121 specimens were collected. Study of their feeding sources using an ELISA test revealed that 96% of these specimens had fed on cockroaches (Blattidae). However, a small proportion of these B. herreri specimens also showed the presence of Trypanosoma cruzi in their gut contents, suggesting a possible role for these insects in the epidemiology of Chagas disease.