998 resultados para imaginário do medo
The exposure to stressors produces physiological changes of the organism in order to adapt the individual to the environment. Depending on the type, intensity and duration, stress can affect some cognitive functions, particularly processes of learning and memory. Several studies have also proposed that some level of anxiety would be necessary for memory formation. In this context, memories of previously aversive experiences may determine the manner and intensity with which are expressed fear responses, which explains the great interest in analyzing both anxiety and memory in animals. In addition, males and females demonstrate different reactions in relation to stressful stimuli, showing different levels of anxiety and differences in processing of the acquisition, retention and recall of information. Based on this information, the present study aimed to verify the effect of stress on learning, memory and anxiety behavioral parameters in rats exposed at different types of stressors of long duration (seven consecutive days): restraint (4h/day), overcrowding (18h/day) and social isolation (18h/day) in the different phases of the estrous cycle. Our results showed that the stress induced by restraint and social isolation did not cause changes in the acquisition process, but impaired the recall of memory in rats. Furthermore, it is suggested a protective effect of sex hormones on retrieval of aversive memory, since female rats in proestrus or estrus phase, characterized by high estrogen concentrations, showed no aversive memory deficits. Furthermore, despite the increased plasma levels of corticosterone observed in female rats subjected to restraint stress and social isolation, anxiety levels were unaltered, compared to those various stress conditions. Animal models based on psychological and social stress have been extensively discussed in the literature. Correlate behavioral responses, physiological and psychological have contributed in increasing the understanding of stress-induced psychophysiological disorders
The intensification of the fear in the city and in the spaces controlled by this feeling has contributed to a growing socio-spatial inequality, and the rapid growth of market protection. The residential condos emerge as a possible solution to the problem. This is a housing typology expanding worldwide which is seen, especially by the urban middle class, as enablers of quality of life and safety. In Brazil, especially in large cities, the quest for quality of life is directly connected with the desire for security translated through space control (use of high walls, gates, entrance hall, security cameras) and people who use it. This thesis aims at investigating how the different categories of inhabitants of an area predominantly occupied by vertical residential condos realize the socio-spatial dimension and the socio-urban space determined by this type of development. It especially takes into consideration the issue of urban insecurity, based on the assumption that, although published and sold by marketing as safe places , synonym of welfare and supporters of community life , the living in these condos, may even inhibits, social relationships, contributing to socio-spatial isolation and consequent social weakness. This is a survey that seeks to meet the assumptions of Environmental Psychology towards the comprehension of person-environment studies, emphasizing the use of different methods (desk research, observations of and group interviews, focus group technique using photographic resources), as well as the focus on current problems of the urban scene and the knowledge gained in Social Psychology
The purpose of this work is to map the family and community social supports for adolescents and young students from Bom Pastor Distric, West Zone of Natal/RN, as well as to describe how such resources are used by these individuaIs in that community. Social support refers not only to formal activities or organizations, but also to spontaneous or informal forms of support - friendship and solidarity nets available in the community, affective relations that are meaningful in the lives of children and young people. Our discussion is based on a research performed with 382 adolescents and young students from Jean Mermoz Public School (students from 5th to 11th grades, aged 13 to 14). We emphasized the situations of violence derived from family or community spheres faced by these students. In relation to this specific aspect, we observed the participants more frequently look for help from the informal social supports, mostly from their friends, which indicates that the formal ones are not considered to be effective instruments for social assistance. The search for informal social supports shows the relations informally established in the streets (for instance when they look for help from friends, rei atives or neighbors) have more effect and play an important role in which there are values and affections exchange. Thinking the strengthening of these social links is of extreme importance and leads to the weakening of the hegemonic logics focused on the production of subjects as private identities, and to the amplification of an ethics committed to the disassembly of a sociability anchored to fear, impotence, intolerance, discrimination, and reduction of spaces for circulating and confronting mechanisms of social exclusion. It is crucial that we concentrate our attention to building friendship as a system of reciprocity and affective exchanges, as a space for political actions and production of forms of lives that are potent against social anesthesia
The experience as a school psychologist allowed me to notice that expressions like I was like trash in the gang s barbecue , and we chatted away, only the girls, and we all got drunk , are very common in conversations between Elementary and High School students, pointing out to a concerning incidence of alcohol consumption among female adolescents. However, studies about this theme haven t gone deep in the nowadays reality these girls are living in. This study aimed at comprehending the aspects of the relation between girls and alcohol, starting from the point that exaggerated consumption indicates introductory rituals for some groups, making social relations easier and becoming a sociability factor. To give this study some support, a questionnaire was applied to 1028 female teenagers, between 12 and 18 years old, students in private schools in Natal, capital of Rio Grande do Norte. The context chosen for the development of the study - private schools -, arose from the notion that the majority of the data collection carried out about alcohol and other psychotropic drugs aim at public school students. The instrument used was divided in two parts, one that treated about the first contact with alcohol (experimentation), and other that points to the current relation with alcoholic beverages, with 27 closed questions but nevertheless with available space for manifestation like if other; which?, applied collectively in classrooms. The data received a statistic treatment from SPSS and showed that the first contact with alcoholic beverage happens in domestic environment, having parents and friends as companions, very precociously, around 10 years of age, as curiosity. At this moment, Ice drink is the most consumed beverage. The main reason that leads them to drink is to pass the time in parties, and they don t drink alone (93% of students researched), what gives alcohol this recreational and socializing characteristic. They do consider alcohol a kind of drug, but are not afraid of getting addicted. People that drink usually show to be extroverted, they get happier (40,3%) and are not shy at all (29,4%), have attitudes of moral character, like to get involved with unknown boys (18,5%), get numb (9,9%), or get sad (1,9%). They label as vulgar the girls that drink, depending on the amount, and to be stimulated by the boys to drink. The study shows that systematic interventions of the school are necessary, once it is an institution that should care about education and personality traits of children and adolescents, as well as the important role of the psychologist in this context. Besides, it claims the society to get effectively involved with the public policies that already exist
This research investigates the self-esteem of children who suffered physical violence by family members. Seven children took part in the research: three boys and four girls, aged between six and twelve years old. The analysis were done from the constructed data obtained from: semi-structured interview, activities about human feelings, activities that included facial expressions, unfinished phrases, Pinocchio s story, a drawing of a family and a drawing of their own family. Data were analyzed from the Content Analysis. The Thematic Units were: violence, intrafamily violence, and self-esteem. The synthesis of the categories studied evidenced that the physical violence and the psychological violence present in the lives of children affect the positive development of their self-concept and, consequently, of their self-esteem. Among the results, we emphasize some negative feelings that are present in children s lives such as fear, a sense of guilt, and sadness, arising out of the situations of violence they have experienced
The tales of children's literature, in their plots, mark existential dilemmas belonging in human‟s lives, such as death, situations of separation, loss, abandonment, fear, challenges, achievements and other elements that make them suitable material to assist children in their developmental process. Such elements, present in children‟s storybooks, are close to the experiences lived by the children in the context of hospitalization in a special manner. With that said this study focus on the understanding of the therapeutic possibilities of the tales of children's literature in the care of hospitalized children in Pediatric Intensive Care Units (UTIPED) based on the Heidegger's concept of Care and adopting the Phenomenology as the method. The UTIPED of a state public hospital located in the municipality of Natal/RN was elected as the study site and four hospitalized children aged between six and nine years, all males, presenting different clinical conditions were selected to participate in the study following age and clinical conditions as the selective criteria. The procedure of corpus construction included eight individual sessions of storytelling accompanied by the use of ludic resources. The phenomenological understanding about the therapeutic possibilities of tales was structured under three main elements: (1) the ludic axis; (2) the reflective axis; and (3) the affective axis. The appropriateness of the proposed therapy in the context of the UTIPED and the potential of the tales as a protection factor to the child was evident. The storytelling activity framed a scenario of care unusual in the context of intensive care units, establishing a symbolic space for children‟s expression. Therefore, this study indicates this therapeutic proposal for children‟s care in the UTIPED that considers their evolutionary stage, their clinical conditions at the time and especially their emotional needs during their immersion in a diverse and foreign environment which is filled with potentially harmful elements to their full development.
This thesis discusses family as a social and historical construction and concerns to the perceptions developed by the peripheral youth living in suburbs. It investigates the speeches of young boys and girls who take part in Engenho de sonhos a forum composed by a pool of eleven non-governmental organizations and UFRN which aim is the elaboration and execution of projects focusing local development of poor communities in violence and social exclusion context. Throughout interactive diagnosis seminars in five communities in West Side of Natal with six hundred teenagers, it was detected the need to work with family relationships. In order to build the methodological corpus a range variety of procedures were done such as: interviews, focal groups and psychosocial questionnaires with nine local young leaders. The purpose to understand data guided the research through the theory of social imagery and pointed out the following themes: conceptions, relationship, roles, family projects. Live stories of these young population reveals conflicts when it comes to the configuration of family ties, far from the family model stated by society. Family is also, in their perception, an important space to the development of affection, in experiences of all sorts, affecting personality development and determining behaviors in local contexts. The research concludes stating the urge to comprehend this academic work as a way to fight against symbolic and emotional poverty in family context producing discussions and critical reflection in a permanent relation between juvenile social vulnerability (characterized by lacks of all orders) and potential
Our professional everyday life, as a psychologist, we often come across the narrative made by women of a permanent suffering experience in loving and sexual relation. This checking created questions which indicated to the questioned experience singularity, taking into account the historic and cultural aspects (genre and romantic love) that seemed to permeate such an experience. The conduction given to this research was guided by the following question: how is to the woman the experience of going on suffering on loving and sexual relation? Therefore, the objective was to understand that experience. Were carried out with six women that were living the experience which intend to investigate. The narrative, in according to the purposal by Walter Benjamin was the access tool to the experience. The narrative analysis shows the singularity of constant suffering experience on loving relation as well as common aspects. It is remarkable the presence of relative questions to the genre and romantic loving dimension, influencing the way as the interviewed women perceive themselves on the existence and realize the loving suffering which experience. Women reveal several ways of expressing and perceiving to the loving suffering which is common the manifestation of several physical and psychic symptoms. The most participants had experiences of protected familiar contact of feeling development of low self-esteem, disability, unstableness and fear. We realize that the suffering of interviewed women, on loving relation, it revels, above all, a way of being in the world, perveiving themselves, marked by solitude fear, lovelessness, leading the life itself giving origin to the lifestyle and of really new loving. Thus, we emphasize the importance of greater engagement of professionals and institutions which deal with the thematic this research in order to develop actions that consider its complexity. We also emphasize new reflections about the loving suffering so that different sense possibilities can emerge propitiating a greater comprehension of human subjectivity