1000 resultados para formation of networks


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Whereas it is relatively easy to account for the formation of concentric (target) waves of cAMP in the course of Dictyostelium discoideum aggregation after starvation, the origin of spiral waves remains obscure. We investigate a physiologically plausible mechanism for the spontaneous formation of spiral waves of cAMP in D. discoideum. The scenario relies on the developmental path associated with the continuous changes in the activity of enzymes such as adenylate cyclase and phosphodiesterase observed during the hours that follow starvation. These changes bring the cells successively from a nonexcitable state to an excitable state in which they relay suprathreshold cAMP pulses, and then to autonomous oscillations of cAMP, before the system returns to an excitable state. By analyzing a model for cAMP signaling based on receptor desensitization, we show that the desynchronization of cells on this developmental path triggers the formation of fully developed spirals of cAMP. Developmental paths that do not correspond to the sequence of dynamic transitions no relay-relay-oscillations-relay are less able or fail to give rise to the formation of spirals.


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An in vitro system to study the mechanism of site-specific integration of adeno-associated virus (AAV) was developed. This system is based on two substrates, a linear or circular AAV donor and a circular acceptor containing the preintegration locus AAVS1. In the presence of HeLa extract and the His-Tag-purified Rep68 protein, specific covalent junctions between AAV and AAVS1 were formed and detected by PCR. The majority of the junctions were located within the Rep binding site of both the AAV and the AAVS1 substrates, underlining the involvement of the Rep protein. A limited amount of replication and the presence of nuclear factors promoted the efficiency of the reaction. The process was ATP-dependent, indicating that the helicase activity of Rep may be important in the formation of the junctions. According to current models of integration, the formation of the junctions would represent a first step in the process of AAV integration. This step could be crucial for the site specificity of the recombination event that leads to the integration of AAV into human chromosome 19 in vivo.


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In Escherichia coli, 1-deoxy-d-xylulose (or its 5-phosphate, DXP) is the biosynthetic precursor to isopentenyl diphosphate [Broers, S. T. J. (1994) Dissertation (Eidgenössische Technische Hochschule, Zürich)], thiamin, and pyridoxol [Himmeldirk, K., Kennedy, I. A., Hill, R. E., Sayer, B. G. & Spenser, I. D. (1996) Chem. Commun. 1187–1188]. Here we show that an open reading frame at 9 min on the chromosomal map of E. coli encodes an enzyme (deoxyxylulose-5-phosphate synthase, DXP synthase) that catalyzes a thiamin diphosphate-dependent acyloin condensation reaction between C atoms 2 and 3 of pyruvate and glyceraldehyde 3-phosphate to yield DXP. We have cloned and overexpressed the gene (dxs), and the enzyme was purified 17-fold to a specific activity of 0.85 unit/mg of protein. The reaction catalyzed by DXP synthase yielded exclusively DXP, which was characterized by 1H and 31P NMR spectroscopy. Although DXP synthase of E. coli shows sequence similarity to both transketolases and the E1 subunit of pyruvate dehydrogenase, it is a member of a distinct protein family, and putative DXP synthase sequences appear to be widespread in bacteria and plant chloroplasts.


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Spemann’s organizer develops in response to dorsal determinants that act via maternal components of the wnt pathway. The function of siamois, a wnt-inducible homeobox gene, in Spemann’s organizer development was examined by fusion of defined transcriptional regulatory domains to the siamois homeodomain. Similar to native siamois, a VP16 activator fusion induced axis formation, indicating that siamois functions as a transcriptional activator in axis induction. Fusion of the engrailed repressor generated a dominant inhibitor that blocked axis induction by Xwnt8, β-catenin, and siamois, and repressed wnt activation of the goosecoid promoter. Dorsal injection of the engrailed-siamois fusion resulted in complete inhibition of dorsal development and organizer gene expression, an effect rescued by siamois, but not by Xwnt8 or β-catenin. Thus, as a zygotic mediator of maternal dorsal signals, siamois function is required for development of Spemann’s organizer.


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CS1 pili serve as the prototype of a class of filamentous appendages found on the surface of strains of enterotoxigenic Escherichia coli. The four genes needed to synthesize functional CS1 pili in E. coli K12 are: cooA, which encodes the major pilin protein; cooD, which encodes a minor pilin protein found at the tip of the structure; cooC, which encodes a protein found in the outer membrane of piliated bacteria; and cooB. We show here that CooB, which is required for pilus assembly but is not part of the final structure, stabilizes CooA, CooC, and CooD. We previously reported that CooB is complexed with CooA in the periplasm and show here that CooB also is found complexed with CooD in the periplasm. CooB is associated with the membrane fraction only in the presence of CooC, suggesting that these two proteins also interact. This suggests that although it has no homology to known chaperone proteins, CooB serves a chaperone-like role for assembly of CS1.


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The Drosophila melanogaster Suppressor of forked [Su(f)] protein shares homology with the yeast RNA14 protein and the 77-kDa subunit of human cleavage stimulation factor, which are proteins involved in mRNA 3′ end formation. This suggests a role for Su(f) in mRNA 3′ end formation in Drosophila. The su(f) gene produces three transcripts; two of them are polyadenylated at the end of the transcription unit, and one is a truncated transcript, polyadenylated in intron 4. Using temperature-sensitive su(f) mutants, we show that accumulation of the truncated transcript requires wild-type Su(f) protein. This suggests that the Su(f) protein autoregulates negatively its accumulation by stimulating 3′ end formation of the truncated su(f) RNA. Cloning of su(f) from Drosophila virilis and analysis of its RNA profile suggest that su(f) autoregulation is conserved in this species. Sequence comparison between su(f) from both species allows us to point out three conserved regions in intron 4 downstream of the truncated RNA poly(A) site. These conserved regions include the GU-rich downstream sequence involved in poly(A) site definition. Using transgenes truncated within intron 4, we show that sequence up to the conserved GU-rich domain is sufficient for production of the truncated RNA and for regulation of this production by su(f). Our results indicate a role of su(f) in the regulation of poly(A) site utilization and an important role of the GU-rich sequence for this regulation to occur.


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Cytochrome P450 2C2 is a resident endoplasmic reticulum (ER) membrane protein that is excluded from the recycling pathway and contains redundant retention functions in its N-terminal transmembrane signal/anchor sequence and its large, cytoplasmic domain. Unlike some ER resident proteins, cytochrome P450 2C2 does not contain any known retention/retrieval signals. One hypothesis to explain exclusion of resident ER proteins from the transport pathway is the formation of networks by interaction with other proteins that immobilize the proteins and are incompatible with packaging into the transport vesicles. To determine the mobility of cytochrome P450 in the ER membrane, chimeric proteins of either cytochrome P450 2C2, its catalytic domain, or the cytochrome P450 2C1 N-terminal signal/anchor sequence fused to green fluorescent protein (GFP) were expressed in transiently transfected COS1 cells. The laurate hydroxylase activities of cytochrome P450 2C2 or the catalytic domain with GFP fused to the C terminus were similar to the native enzyme. The mobilities of the proteins in the membrane were determined by recovery of fluorescence after photobleaching. Diffusion coefficients for all P450 chimeras were similar, ranging from 2.6 to 6.2 × 10−10 cm2/s. A coefficient only slightly larger (7.1 × 10−10 cm2/s) was determined for a GFP chimera that contained a C-terminal dilysine ER retention signal and entered the recycling pathway. These data indicate that exclusion of cytochrome P450 from the recycling pathway is not mediated by immobilization in large protein complexes.


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The androgen receptor (AR) binds to androgen response elements and regulates target genes via a mechanism involving coregulators. Here we demonstrate that the AR can interact with the testicular orphan receptor-4 (TR4) and function as a repressor to down-regulate the TR4 target genes by preventing the TR4 binding to its target DNA. Interestingly, the heterodimerization of AR and TR4 also allows TR4 to repress AR target gene expression. Simultaneous exposure to both receptors therefore could result in bidirectional suppression of their target genes. Together, these data demonstrate that the coupling of two different receptors, through the heterodimerization of AR and TR4, is a unique signaling pathway in the steroid receptor superfamily, which may facilitate further understanding of the complicated androgen action in prostate cancer or libido.


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Hepatic endothelial fenestrae are dynamic structures that act as a sieving barrier to control the extensive exchange of material between the blood and the liver parenchyma. Alterations in the number or diameter of fenestrae by drugs, hormones, toxins, and diseases can produce serious perturbations in liver function. Previous studies have shown that disassembly of actin by cytochalasin B or latrunculin A caused a remarkable increase in the number of fenestrae and established the importance of the actin cytoskeleton in the numerical dynamics of fenestrae. So far, however, no mechanism or structure has been described to explain the increase in the number of fenestrae. Using the new actin inhibitor misakinolide, we observed a new structure that appears to serve as a fenestrae-forming center in hepatic endothelial cells.