997 resultados para fetal membranes


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To identify differences in extracellular matrix contents between idiopathic epiretinal membranes (IEM) of cellophane macular reflex (CMRM) or preretinal macular fibrosis (PMFM) type.


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Until today the role of oxygen in the development of the fetus remains controversially discussed. It is still believed that lack of oxygen in utero might be responsible for some of the known congenital cardiovascular malformations. Over the last two decades detailed research has given us new insights and a better understanding of embryogenesis and fetal growth. But most importantly it has repeatedly demonstrated that oxygen only plays a minor role in the early intrauterine development. After organogenesis has taken place hypoxia becomes more important during the second and third trimester of pregnancy when fetal growth occurs. This review will briefly adress causes and mechanisms leading to intrauterine hypoxia and their impact on the fetal cardiovascular system.


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Fetal echocardiography was initially used to diagnose structural heart disease, but recent interest has focused on functional assessment. Effects of extracardiac conditions on the cardiac function such as volume overload (in the recipient in twin-twin transfusion syndrome), a hyperdynamic circulation (arterio-venous malformation), cardiac compression (diaphragmatic hernia, lung tumours) and increased placental resistance (intrauterine growth restriction and placental insufficiency) can be studied by ultrasound and may guide decisions for intervention or delivery. A variety of functional tests can be used, but there is no single clinical standard. For some specific conditions, however, certain tests have shown diagnostic value.


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Foetal alloimmune thrombocytopenia (FNAIT) is often treated transplacentally with maternally administered i.v. immunoglobulins, but not all foetuses show a consistent platelet increase during such treatment.


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Different therapeutic approaches have been used in fetal-neonatal alloimmune thrombocytopenia, but many centers administer immunoglobulin G infusions to the pregnant woman. We studied the effect of maternal antenatal immunoglobulin infusions on fetal platelet counts in pregnancies with fetal alloimmune thrombocytopenia.