999 resultados para estrutura e ultraestrutura glomerular


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Pós-graduação em Ciências Sociais - FCLAR


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Pós-graduação em Ciência e Tecnologia Animal - FEIS


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Coordination compounds of trivalent lanthanides cations with diphenylphosphinate are originated from direct reaction between a lanthanide salt and diphenylphosphinic acid. These complexes have peculiar and intriguing features, as (i) quickly obtainment through wet process precipitation, (ii) appreciable thermal stability, similar to inorganic phosphates, (iii) polymeric structure, and consequently, (iv) low solubility in both polar and non-polar solvents. Nowadays, coordination polymers are classified as coordination networks or, in case of porous materials, as metal-organic frameworks (MOFs). By this study, we aim to determine some optical properties of rare-earth diphenylphosphinate (RE = La3+, Eu3+, Gd3+, Lu3+) and conduct an updated classification of these compounds, bringing more details of its structure and the possible proposal of new materials with applications in lighting, detection of ionizing radiation and magnetism. The complexes of trivalent rare-earth cation with diphenylphosphinate were prepared by direct mixture of diphenylphosphinic acid with rare-earth metal chloride, both in ethanolic solution. The solution of diphenylphosphinic acid was kept in a beaker under constant stirring with pH measurements of the solution and gadolinium chloride solution was then dripped slowly with the aid of a burette until its complete addition; the following metal:ligand molar ratios were tested: 1:1, 1:2, 1:3, 2:1 e 3:1. The compounds were characterized by spectroscopic and structural techniques. By Fourier Transform Infrared Spectroscopy (FT-IR), it was possible to check the total ionization of diphenylphosphinic acid in synthesized complexes, confirmed by the absence of the band type A, B, C related to ѵ(O-H) of the acid (2663 cm-1, 2168 cm-1, 1684 cm-1), as well as the disappearance of ѵ(P-OH)=961 cm-1. Furthermore, the occurrence of bands shifts of ѵ(POO-) [symmetrical and asymmetrical] of...


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One of the existing business models is the family business. This paper deals with the structure of family businesses. With the purpose to analyzing the input and output processes of goods, and management behavior in decision-making, looking for the professionalization of the family business administration. This paper is a case study in a construction materials shop, with an applied research due to their nature, according to his purpose takes the characteristic of exploratory research, using interviews, observation and analysis of company data. During the analysis of processes in the company were noted some shortcomings. Given this fact, made the comparison with the theories found, proposals were generated improvements to be accomplished within the company structure


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VEGF inhibition can promote renal vascular and parenchymal injury, causing proteinuria, hypertension and thrombotic microangiopathy. The mechanisms underlying these side effects are unclear. We investigated the renal effects of the administration, during 45 days, of sunitinib (Su), a VEGF receptor inhibitor, to rats with 5/6 renal ablation (Nx). Adult male Munich-Wistar rats were distributed among groups S+V, sham-operated rats receiving vehicle only; S+Su, S rats given Su, 4 mg/kg/day; Nx+V, Nx rats receiving V; and Nx+Su, Nx rats receiving Su. Su caused no change in Group S. Seven and 45 days after renal ablation, renal cortical interstitium was expanded, in association with rarefaction of peritubular capillaries. Su did not worsen hypertension, proteinuria or interstitial expansion, nor did it affect capillary rarefaction, suggesting little angiogenic activity in this model. Nx animals exhibited glomerulosclerosis (GS), which was aggravated by Su. This effect could not be explained by podocyte damage, nor could it be ascribed to tuft hypertrophy or hyperplasia. GS may have derived from organization of capillary microthrombi, frequently observed in Group Nx+Su. Treatment with Su did not reduce the fractional glomerular endothelial area, suggesting functional rather than structural cell injury. Chronic VEGF inhibition has little effect on normal rats, but can affect glomerular endothelium when renal damage is already present.


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Sarmento C. A. P., Ferreira A. O., Rodrigues E. A. F., Lesnau G. G., Rici R. E. G., Abreu D. K., Biasi C. & Miglino M. A. 2012. [Kidney of Minke Whale (Baleanoptera acutorostrata): Architecture and structure.] Rins de Baleia Minke (Baleanoptera acutorostrata): arquitetura e estrutura. Pesquisa Veterinaria Brasileira 32(8): 807-811. Departamento de Cirurgia, Setor de Anatomia dos Animais Domesticos e Silvestres, Universidade de Sao Paulo, Av. Prof. Dr. Orlando Marques de Paiva 87, Sao Paulo, SP 05508-270, Brazil. E-mail: sarmento@usp.br Among marine mammals, whale is one of the most attention-arousing animals, especially concerning its urinary tract. This system follows the pattern of mammals with regard to its constitution, however, it differs in renal morphology and number of lobes, which, in turn, form complete reniculi, agglutinated in hundreds. This structure is supported by fibrous connective tissue, but highly capable of maintaining electrolyte balance. Six pairs of kidneys of Minke whale (Balaenoptera acutorostrata), collected in 1982, in Cabedelo, Paraiba, Brazil, in the last fishing allowed, were dissected. These kidneys were preserved in 10% formaldehyde and they presented a very large histologic layer of collagen surrounding the medullary wall. The urinary collecting duct form papillary glasses, that reach a single collecting center which discharges in the ureter. It was found that the kidney of Minke whale has a lobe characteristic, with, on average, 700 reniculi; each reniculus has anatomical and functional characteristics of a unipyramidal kidney, with an inner layer (medulla), and an outer layer (cortex), and independent irrigation, with formation of individually arcuate arteries, as observed in unipyramidal terrestrial mammals. However, the set gathering all these reniculi constitutes, in the end, a multilobular and polipyramidal kidney, contrary to the morphology of most terrestrial mammals. It was not possible to distinguish the renicular cortex structures of the Minke whale in the level of light microscopy. Through scanning electron microscopy, it was possible to visualize a cortical layer located between two fibrous capsules. This joint, in turn, consists of connective tissue, which, along with a layer of collagen and elastic fibers, separates the cortex from the medulla; the kidney glomeruli were visualized, completely taken by the glomerular vessels and arranged into several layers. One notices that the glomerular cavity is almost a virtual space into which the glomerular filtrate is drained, and it does not present a globular shape. Vascularization is increased in the medullary region. The difference between the kidneys of terrestrial and marine mammals consists in the arrangement of morphological components, favoring the organ's physiology.


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O pacu, Piaractus mesopotamicus, é um teleósteo da Família Characidae, intensivamente cultivado no Brasil devido sua rusticidade, crescimento rápido e fácil adaptação. O conhecimento morfológico dos sistemas corpóreos, incluído órgãos linfóide, se faz necessário, para uma melhor produção no cultivo de peixes, fornecendo subsídios na manutenção dos estoques. O objetivo deste estudo foi descrever morfologicamente o rim e rim cefálico de Piaractus mesopotamicus, analisando os perfis celulares de cada órgão com o uso de microscopia de luz e microscopia eletrônica de transmissão. O resultado da análise macroscópica mostrou que a localização do rim e rim cefálico são as mesmas encontradas na maioria dos teleósteos. O rim apresentou uma forma em "H", onde a região média se expandia sobre a bexiga natatória. O rim cefálico se apresentou como uma dilatação na região cranial do rim, mostrando-se bem visível. Na microscopia eletrônica de transmissão também foram observadas similaridades ultraestruturais com outros teleósteos. Observando nossos resultados concluímos que histologicamente e ultraestruturalmente, os órgãos linfóides rim e rim cefálico de Piaractus mesopotamicus são similares aos de outros teleósteos.