1000 resultados para document delivery budget


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Program and Summary of Budget by Governor Terry Branstad


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Governor Branstad's budget reccommendations for the fiscal years 2012 and 2013. NOTE: this is a very large file and may take a while for it to download.


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El document pretén aportar pautes útilsals ciutadans, als centres assistencials i a l'Administració, i que subministra criterisètics i jurídics que ajuden a aclarir el debat sobre si les decisions sanitàries adoptadespels cristians anomenats Testimonis de Jehovà, sobre la base de les seves creencesreligioses, han de ser respectades encara que la seva conseqüència fi nal sigui lapèrdua de la vida.


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This study explores the existence of a wage curve for Spain. To quantify this relationship for the Spanish economy, we used individual datafrom the EPF 1990-1991. The results show the presence of a wage curve with an elasticity of -0.13. The availability of very detailed information on wages and unemployment has also shown that less protected labour market groups -young workers, manual workers and building sector workers- have a higher elasticity of wages to local unemployment. These results could be interpreted as a greater facility of firms in these segments to settle wages as a function ofthe unemployment rate


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[Table des matières] 1.1. Bref historique de la stratégie nationale de lutte contre le cancer. 1.2. Mandat d'évaluation. 1. 3. Approche d'évaluation choisie. 1.4. Phase 1 : programme d'évaluation 1999. 2. Conclusions et recommandations générales. 2.1. Stratégie et concept directeur. 2.2. Structure soutenant le programme national de lutte contre le cancer. 2.3. Rôle et fonctionnement des différents organes du programme national. 2.4. Collaborations. 2.5. Monitoring des programmes, évaluation de projets spécifiques et indicateurs à disposition pour l'évaluation globale. 3. Propositions pour la suite de l'évaluation. 4. Résumé de l'étude 1 : évaluation de la conception et de la mise en oeuvre de la stratégie au niveau national. 5. Studie 2 : Inventar der vorhandene Datenquellen und Indikatoren. 5.1. Zusammenfassung. 5.2. Allgemeine Schlussfolgerungen und Empfehlungen. 6. Studie 3 : Konzeptualisierung und Stand der Umsetzung der vier Krebsbekämpfungsprogramme. 6.1. Einleitung. 6.2. Zusammenfassung der programmübergreifende Ergebnisse : zum Konzeptualisierungsprozess, zum Steuerungsprozess, zur Vernetzung innerhalb der Programme und im relevanten Umfeld. 6.3. Zusammenfassung der programmspezifischen Ergebnisse : Brustkrebs, Hautkrebs, Lungenkrebs, Darmkrebs. 6.4. Empfehlungen : Programmübergreifende Empfehlungen, ergänzende programmspezifische Empfehlungen.


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This study explores the existence of a wage curve for Spain. To quantify this relationship for the Spanish economy, we used individual datafrom the EPF 1990-1991. The results show the presence of a wage curve with an elasticity of -0.13. The availability of very detailed information on wages and unemployment has also shown that less protected labour market groups -young workers, manual workers and building sector workers- have a higher elasticity of wages to local unemployment. These results could be interpreted as a greater facility of firms in these segments to settle wages as a function ofthe unemployment rate


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The Transportation Equity Act of the 21st Century (TEA-21) (23 CFR) mandated environmental streamlining in order to improve transportation project delivery without compromising environmental protection. In accordance with TEA-21, the environmental review process for this project has been documented as a Streamlined Environmental Assessment (EA). This document addresses only those resources or features that apply to the project. This allowed study and discussion of resources present in the study area, rather than expend effort on resources that were either not present or not impacted. Although not all resources are discussed in the EA, they were considered during the planning process and are documented in the Streamlined Resource Summary, shown in Appendix A. The following table shows the resources considered during the environmental review for this project. The first column with a check means the resource is present in the project area. The second column with a check means the impact to the resource warrants more discussion in this document. The other listed resources have been reviewed and are included in the Streamlined Resource Summary.


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Annual report for the Department of Public Health


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Annual report for the Department of Public Health