1000 resultados para ddc: N3987


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The Hainholz quarry in the Osterwald hills of NW-Germany is the most impressive outcrop in the Lower Saxony Basin exposing Late Jurassic (Korallenoolith, Oxfordian) coral buildups. The Korallenoolith deposits in the quarry commence with a oolitic sequence about 20 m thick which is limited by a distinctive hardground at its top. This sequence is overlain by the so called “Obere Korallenbank”-Member about 13 m in thickness which is mainly build up by coral reef complexes. Throughout a lateral extend of about 400 m exposed in the quarry, the Obere Korallenbank Member shows numerous pillar-shaped reefal build ups which are flanked by a reefal debris limestone. The coral fauna of the in situ reefal bioconstructions comprises not less than 37 taxa most of which have been described from the Lower Saxony Basin for the first time. Probably, the pillar-shaped reefs formed a small positive relief of only a few dm against the debris deposits during deposition. The interreef debris limestones in the lower and middle part of the Obere Korallenbank Member show three intercalated biostromal coral layers. In the upper part of the member, the interreef facies is represented by a mikritic peloidal limestone rich in sponge remains and, unusual in such a depositional environment, ammonites (Dichotomo-sphinctes bifurcatoides, D. sp.). Additionaly, at the top of of the peloidal limestone a layer enriched in nerineids and other gastropods limits the reefal constructions of the Obere Korallenbank Member against the overlying “humeralis-Oolith” sequence. On the basis of the facies development of this depositional sequence the reef formation in relation to sealevel changes is discussed.


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An overview is given here on the palaeobiogeography of the Korallenoolith Formation (middle Oxfordian to early Kimmeridgian) in NW Germany (Lower Saxony Basin). Based on microfacies observations, abundant faunal and floral elements of the tropical tethyan realm are recognized in shallow-marine calcareous sediments of the Korallenoolith Formation. Foraminiferal fauna is both highly diverse and abundant and mostly of mediterranean character. Also, there is a small flora recorded, which includes heavily calcified red algae, aragonitic green algae, and cayeuxiid algae. They display restricted diversity when compared to those of shallow-marine tropical tethyan seas. Chaetetids and diceratids are locally abundant. Lithocodium aggregatum and Bacinella irregularis have been observed in Late Jurassic palaeolatitudes north of the Tethys for the first time. Corals are present in numerous genera and species. Their occurrence is restricted to a few horizons of the Korallenoolith Formation where they build patch reefs, coral biostroms and coral meadows. The overall character of the coral-thrombolite-reefs (florigemma-Bank Member) is very similar to those of the Tethys. The presence of these marine tethyan taxa assigned the position of the Lower Saxony Basin during middle Oxfordian to early Kimmeridgian palaeobiogeographically into the submediterranean province and reflects northward migration of tropical tethyan fauna and flora which reach in the Lower Saxony Basin their northern limit. These biota seem to be biogeo-graphically transitional between communities present in England and the Tethys.


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In recent years, the concept of cultural participation has become very popular both in the scientific context as well as in the political discourse. Despite that, a sound definition of the construct allowing for solid empirical data collection and analysis is still missing. While this is a major obstacle for researchers, society and political decision makers ask for evidence-based knowledge concerning the effects and benefits of cultural education and assistant measures. Based on Amartya Sen’s “Capability Approach” and on a broad conception of culture, the authors try to fill this gap and propose a theoretical model of “musical involvement” to describe cultural participation in music. (DIPF/Orig.)


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Borings of bryozoan colonies are rare fossils and hitherto unknown from Central America. Four different types of zoaria, belonging to Spathipora sp., Terebripora sp. A, Terebripora cf. falunica and Iramena sp., were recognized. They are developed on shells of Miocene oysters (Saccostrea sp. and Ostrea sp.) from shell - beds of the Venado-Formation (Northern Limon - San Carlos Basin, Costa Rica). The period of colonization and growth by bryozoans and/or a few other benthic invertebrates was probably a short - term event, followed by suffocation from accumlating sediment.


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A great variety of color banded CaC03 is known as „Mexican Onyx“, and is extensively used for ornamental purposes. Within the San Antonio Texcala mining district an area of about 24.000 m2 is covered by a thick travertine crust with a calculated volume of at least 2,8 x 1061. It originates from warm waters that emerge on young fissures and faults. It seems to be likely that the travertine formation is related to the hydrothermal activity of the Transmexican Volcanic Belt and to the seismicity of this zone. The deposit is built up by different travertine varieties. The main lithotypes are: (1) dense crystalline laminated travertine; (2) ray crystal travertine; (3) shrub layer travertine; (4) irregular porous travertine; (5) travertine breccia. Textural variation seems to be related to water temperature/distance from the emergence point, rapid or slow degassing of CO, and bacterial influence. At the moment, a light green banded variety (native sulfur impurities) is mined. It is the facture fill of a morphological prominent fissure-ridge travertine. U/Th data indicate, that the travertine has been deposited since at least 52 + 5 ka.


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Sind Menschen das Produkt ihrer Gene oder ihres Umfeldes? Ist Intelligenz erblich? Kommen Mädchen und Jungen bereits mit vorgeprägten Gehirnstrukturen zur Welt? Kaum eine wissenschaftlich geführte Debatte ist so oft aufgegriffen, heftig diskutiert und als gelöst oder auch prinzipiell unlösbar deklariert worden wie die Frage, ob die Fähigkeiten eines Menschen stärker (oder gar ausschließlich) durch die Anlagen (Gene) oder durch Umwelteinflüsse (Milieu, Erziehung) bestimmt werden. Ziel der Untersuchung ist [...] eine Rekonstruktion des internationalen und interdisziplinären Diskurses über Anlage und Umwelt von seinen Anfängen in der Antike bis zur Gegenwart. Als aktuelle Positionen werden die Verhaltensgenetik (Zwillingsforschung), Soziobiologie/Evolutionspsychologie sowie kritische Ansätze eines konstruktivistischen Interaktionismus vorgestellt. Zudem werden anhand von Beispielen aus den Bereichen "Intelligenz" (Jensen-Debatte und Burt-Skandal der 1970er Jahre) und "Geschlecht" (Mead-Freeman-Kontroverse in den 80er Jahren und der Fall David Reimer zur Jahrtausendwende) vier heiße Phasen des Diskurses nachgezeichnet und hinsichtlich der Intentionen und Strategien der beteiligten Akteure hinterfragt. Abschließend wird die Bedeutung aktueller Positionen für die Erziehungswissenschaft diskutiert und nach Konsequenzen für die pädagogische Forschung, Theoriebildung und künftige Rezeptionsperspektiven biologischen Wissens gefragt. (DIPF/Orig.)


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An outcrop of Late Jurassic (Kimmeridgian) age in Lower Saxony (NW Germany) has yielded small teeth probably of crocodilian origin. The dental morphology is still unknown among crocodiles and indicates a durophagous habit. The teeth are provisionally referred to as Metasuchia fam., gen. et sp. indet.


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Within the Kauffung Limestone dolomite bodies related to volcanic contacts occure and are interpreted as a post-Variscan, hydrothermal volcanogenic formation. Two genetic dolomite types are discernible: a pervasive replacement saddle dolomite and a cavity filling saddle dolomite cement. Micro texture and oxygen isotopy of both dolomite types refer to heightened temperatures of formation. The ocurrence of the dolomite in contact to cross-cutting rhyolithic dikes points to a close petrogenetic relation. Dolomite bodies and rhyolithic injections in contrast to the rock wall are characterized by a distinctive cavernous texture, so that a prekinematic genesis is excluded. The formation of replacement saddle dolomite and saddle dolomite cement altogether are considered as a concomitant phenomenon of the Permo-Carboniferous volcanism widespread in the Bober-Katzbach Mountains.


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[Die Autoren blicken] auf die erziehungs- und bildungswissenschaftliche Forschung an Universitäten und Pädagogischen Hochschulen in Österreich. [...] Ihr Interesse konzentriert sich auf die wissenschaftstheoretische Orientierung an den Institutionen und auf die Themen Förderung und Publikationen von Forschungsprojekten. Sie führten eine kleine Umfrage durch, deren Ergebnisse sie in ihrem Artikel vorstellen. (DIPF/Orig.)


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In the Western Sudetes (Mts.) in SW Poland carbonate rocks occur which are well known in the older German literature as ’’Kauffung Limestone” or ’’Wojcieszow Limestone” in recent publications, respectively. They are intercalated in sedimentary (shales) and volcanic (greenstone) successions and are, presumed - due to the lack of index fossils - to be Cambrian in age. These deposits occur in a variety of isolated massifs in the Bober-Katzbach Mts. where they have been mined in many quarries in the past. In a single location (Polom quarry near Wojcieszow) they are exploited up until today. The predominantly calcitic rocks display a wide variety of different lithologies and are, consequently, subdivided into the following lithological units which differ in textural characteristics, mineral constituents, and different grades of diagenetic and metamorphic alteration: 1. Calcite Marble: massive, calcitic, chiefly metamorphic recrystallized. 2. Zebra Limestone: dolomitic-calcitic, certain content of metasomatic silica, fine bedding as a result of microbial calcite precipitation or of diagenetic to metamorphic separation of carbonate and silica constituents. 3. Massive matrix Dolomite: compact, of diagenetic to metamorphic origin. 4. Dolomite Marble: metamorphic. 5. Hydrothermal Dolomite: hydrothermal alteration of limestone, postdating the tectonic deformation. The recent appearance of ’’Kauffung Limestone” is mainly a result of regional metamorphosis at low temperature up to about 300°C and locally high pressure. The typical textural features are stress induced, mostly protomylonitic calcite recrystallisation and generally slowly or not infected dolomite crystals. The different reactions of the two carbonate phases are attributed to their mineral properties. Rhyolitic and dacitic dykes penetrating the carbonate rocks are interpreted as a result of post- orogenic, probably Carboniferous or Permian volcanism. Microprobe investigation on the carbonates revealed a stochiometric composition of dolomite and calcite. The stable isotope content (8 c 0,8* ^C) reflects increased crystallisation temperature of the carbonate minerals (8 O von -7,75 bis -15,78). A variety of fossil remains have been extracted from bulk samples, consisting of sponge needles, floral components, foramini- fera, and vertebrate remains the latter two of which indicate a depositional age younger than Ordovician. Due to the stratigraphic re-attribution of the Kauffung Limestone, the hypothesis of a Cambrian/Ordovician rifting in the Western Sudetes should be abandoned.