1000 resultados para cranio-facial growth


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This paper presents new estimates of total factor productivity growth in Britain for the period 1770-1860. We use a dual technique recently popularized by Hsieh (1999), and argue that the estimates we derive from factor prices are of similar quality to quantity-based calculations. Our results provide further evidence, derived from this independent set of sources, that productivity growth during the British Industrial Revolution was relatively slow. During the years 1770-1800, TFP growth was close to zero, according to our estimates. The period 1800-1830 experienced an acceleration of productivity growth. The Crafts-Harley view of the Industrial Revolution is thus reinforced. We also consider alternative explanations of slow productivity growth, and reject the interpretation that focuses on the introduction of steam as a general purpose technology.


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This paper studies the apparent contradiction between two strands of the literature on the effects of financial intermediation on economic activity. On the one hand, the empirical growth literature finds a positive effect of financial depth as measured by, for instance, private domestic credit and liquid liabilities (e.g., Levine, Loayza, and Beck 2000). On the other hand, the banking and currency crisis literature finds that monetary aggregates, such as domestic credit, are among the best predictors of crises and their related economic downturns (e.g., Kaminski and Reinhart 1999). The paper accounts for these contrasting effects based on the distinction between the short- and long-run impacts of financial intermediation. Working with a panel of cross-country and time-series observations, the paper estimates an encompassing model of short- and long-run effects using the Pooled Mean Group estimator developed by Pesaran, Shin, and Smith (1999). The conclusion from this analysis is that a positive long-run relationship between financial intermediation and output growth co-exists with a, mostly, negative short-run relationship. The paper further develops an explanation for these contrasting effects by relating them to recent theoretical models, by linking the estimated short-run effects to measures of financial fragility (namely, banking crises and financial volatility), and by jointly analyzing the effects of financial depth and fragility in classic panel growth regressions.


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In this paper we attempt to describe the general picture reasons behind the world population explosion during the 20th century. In general we comment that if, according to some, at the end of the 20th century there were too many people, this was has a consequence of scientific innovation, circulation of information, and economic growth, leading to a dramatic improvement in life expectancies. Nevertheless, a crucial variable shaping differences in demographic growth is fertility. In this paper we identify as important exogenous variables affecting fertility female education levels, infant mortality, and racial identity and diversity. It is estimated that three additional years of schooling for mothers leads on average (at the world level ) to one child less per couple. Even if we can identify a worldwide trend towards convergence in demographic trends, the African case needs to be given more attention, not only because of its different demographic patterns, but also because this is the continent where the worldwide movement towards a higher quality of life has not yet been achieved for an important share of the world's population.


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Six stands located on different land forms in mixed old-growth Nothofagus forests in the Matiri Valley (northwest of South Island. New Zealand) were sampled to examine the effects of two recent large earthquakes on tree establishment and tree-ring growth, and how these varied across land forms. 50 trees were cor ed in each stand to determine age structure and the cores were cross-dated to precisely date unusual periods of radial growth. The 1968 earthquake (M = 7.1, epicentre 35 km from the study area) had no discernible impact on the sampled stands. The impact of the 1929 earthquake (M = 7.7, epicentre 20 kin from the study area) varied between stands, depending on whether or not they had been damaged by soil or rock movement. In all stands, the age structures showed a pulse of N. fusca establishment following the 1929 earthquake, with this species dominating establishment in large gaps created by landslides. Smaller gaps, created by branch or tree death, were closed by both N. fusca and N. menziesii. The long period of releases (1929-1945) indicates that direct earthquake damage was not the only cause of tree death, and that many trees died subsequently most likely of pathogen attack or a drought in the early 1930s. The impacts of the 1929 earthquake are compared to a storm in 1905 and a drought in 1974-1978 which also affected forests in the region. Our results confirm that earthquakes are an important factor driving forest dynamics in this tectonically active region, and that the diversity of earthquake impacts is a major source of heterogeneity in forest structure and regeneration.


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This paper investigates the relationship between trade openness and the size of government, both theoretically and empirically. We show that openness can increase the size of governments through two channels: (1) a terms of trade externality, whereby trade lowers the domestic cost of taxation and (2) the demand for insurance, whereby trade raises risk and public transfers. We provide a unified framework for studying and testing these two mechanisms. First, we show how their relative strength depends on a key parameter, the elasticity of substitution between domestic and foreign goods. Second, while the terms of trade externality leads to inefficiently large governments, the increase in public spending due to the demand for insurance is optimal. We show that large volumes of trade may result in welfare losses if the terms of trade externality is strong enough while small volumes of trade are always beneficial. Third, we provide new evidence on the positive association between openness and the size of government and test whether it is consistent with the terms of trade externality or the demand for insurance. Our findings suggest that the positive relationship is remarkably robust and that the terms of trade externality may be the driving force behind it, thus raising warnings that globalization may have led to inefficiently large governments.


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Aim: The management of large lesions of the skull base, such as vestibular schwanommas (VS), meningiomas (MEN) or pituitary adenomas (PA), is challenging, with microsurgery remaining the main treatment option. Planned subtotal resection is now being increasingly considered to reduce the risk of neurological deficits following complete resection. The residual part of the tumor can then be treated with Gamma Knife Radiosurgery (GKR) to achieve long-term growth control. Methods: This case series documents early results with planned subtotal resection followed by GKR in Lausanne University Hospital, between July 2010 and March 2012. There were 24 patients who underwent surgery, with 22 having already undergone GKR and 2 waiting for GKR. We analyzed clinical symptoms for all patients, as well as audiograms, ophthalmological and endocrinological tests, when indicated. Results: Nine patients had VS surgery (mean diameter 35 mm; range 30-44.5) through a retrosigmoid approach. There were no post-operative facial nerve deficits. Of the 3 patients whom had useful hearing pre-operatively, this improved in 2 and remained stable in 1. Four patients with clinoid MEN (mean diameter 26.5 mm; range 17-42) underwent subtotal resection of the tumor, and the component in the cavernous sinus was later treated with GKR. The visual status remained stable in 3 patients and one had complete visual recovery. 4 patients underwent subtotal resection of petro-clival MEN (mean diameter 36 mm; range 32-42): 3 had House-Brackmann (HB) grade 2 facial function that recovered completely; one continues to have HB grade 4 facial deficit following surgery. Of the 7 patients with PA (mean diameter 34.5 mm; range 20-54.5), 2 had acromegaly, the others were non functional PA. Six patients underwent trans-sphenoidal surgery, while one patient had a transcavernous sinus resection of the tumor (with prior staged trans-sphenoidal surgery). Visual status improved in 3 patients while the others remained stable. Two patients had transient diabetes insipidus following surgery. Up to now, no additional deficit or worsening has been reported after GKR. Conclusions: Our data suggest that planned subtotal resection has an excellent clinical outcome with respect to preservation of cranial nerves, and other neurological functions, and a good possibility of recovery of many of the pre-operative cranial nerve dysfunctions. The results in terms of tumor control following GKR need further long-term evaluation.


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The present work assessed the effects of intracerebroventricular injections of rh recombined human nerve growth factor (rh NGF) (5 micrograms/2.5 microl) at postnatal days 12 and 13 upon the development of spatial learning capacities. The treated rats were trained at the age of 22 days to escape onto an invisible platform at a fixed position in space in a Morris navigation task. For half of the subjects, the training position was also cued, a procedure aimed at facilitating escape and at reducing attention to the distant spatial cues. Later, at the age of 6 months, all the rats were trained in a radial-arm maze task. Treatment effects were found in both immature and adult rats. The injection of NGF improved the performance in the Morris navigation task in both training conditions. There was a significant reduction in the escape latency and an increased bias toward the training platform quadrant during probe trials. The most consistent effect was the precocious development of an adult-like spatial memory. In the radial-arm maze, the NGF-treated rats made significantly fewer reentries than vehicle rats and this effect was particularly marked in the treated female rats. Taken together, these experiments reveal that the development and the maintenance of an accurate spatial representation are tightly related to the development of brain structures facilitated by the action of NGF. Moreover, these experiments demonstrate that an acute pharmacological treatment that leads to a transient modification in the choline acetyltransferase activity can induce a behavioral change long after the treatment.


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We find that trade and domestic market size are robust determinants of economic growth over the 1960-1996 period when trade openness is measured as the US dollar value of imports and exports relative to GDP in PPP US$ ('real openness'). When trade openness is measured as the US dollar value of imports and exports relative to GDP in exchange rate US$ ('nominal openness') however, trade and the size of domestic markets are often non-robust determinants of growth. We argue that real openness is the more appropriate measure of trade and that our empirical results should be seen as evidence in favor of the extent-of-the-market hypothesis.


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A novel function of NF-kappaB in the development of most ectodermal appendages, including two types of murine pelage hair follicles, was detected in a mouse model with suppressed NF-kappaB activity (c(IkappaBalphaDeltaN)). However, the developmental processes regulated by NF-kappaB in hair follicles has remained unknown. Furthermore, the similarity between the phenotypes of c(IkappaBADeltaN) mice and mice deficient in Eda A1 (tabby) or its receptor EdaR (downless) raised the issue of whether in vivo NF-kappaB regulates or is regulated by these novel TNF family members. We now demonstrate that epidermal NF-kappaB activity is first observed in placodes of primary guard hair follicles at day E14.5, and that in vivo NF-kappaB signalling is activated downstream of Eda A1 and EdaR. Importantly, ectopic signals which activate NF-kappaB can also stimulate guard hair placode formation, suggesting a crucial role for NF-kappaB in placode development. In downless and c(IkappaBalphaDeltaN) mice, placodes start to develop, but rapidly abort in the absence of EdaR/NF-kappaB signalling. We show that NF-kappaB activation is essential for induction of Shh and cyclin D1 expression and subsequent placode down growth. However, cyclin D1 induction appears to be indirectly regulated by NF-kappaB, probably via Shh and Wnt. The strongly decreased number of hair follicles observed in c(IkappaBalphaDeltaN) mice compared with tabby mice, indicates that additional signals, such as TROY, must regulate NF-kappaB activity in specific hair follicle subtypes.


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Does financial development result in capital being reallocated more rapidly to industries where it is most productive? We argue that if this was the case, financially developed countries should see faster growth in industries with investment opportunities due to global demand and productivity shifts. Testing this cross-industry cross-country growth implication requires proxies for (latent) global industry investment opportunities. We show that tests relying only on data from specific (benchmark) countries may yield spurious evidence for or against the hypothesis. We therefore develop an alternative approach that combines benchmark-country proxies with a proxy that does not reflect opportunities specific to a country or level of financial development. Our empirical results yield clear support for the capital reallocation hypothesis.