994 resultados para cold supersonic gas jet


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This paper presents the experience of the new design of using impinging jet spray columns for scrubbing hydrogen sulfide from biogas that has been developed by Indian Institute of Science and patented. The process uses a chelated polyvalent metal ion which oxidizes the hydrogen sulfide to sulfur as a precipitate. The sulfur generated is filtered and the scrubbing liquid recycled after oxidation. The process involves in bringing contact the sour gas with chelated liquid in the spray columns where H2S reacts with chelated Fe3+ and precipitates as sulfur, whereas Fe3+ gets reduced to Fe2+. Fe2+ is regenerated to Fe3+ by reaction of oxygen in air in a separate packed column. The regenerated liquid is recirculated. Sulfur is filtered and separated as a byproduct. The paper presents the experience in using the spray towers for hydrogen sulfide removal and further use of the clean gas for generating power using gas engines. The maximum allowable limit of H2S for the gas engine is 200 ppm (v/v) in order to prevent any corrosion of engine parts and fouling of the lubricating oil. With the current ISET process, the hydrogen sulfide from the biogas is cleaned to less than 100 ppm (v/v) and the sweet gas is used for power generation. The system is designed for 550 NM3/hr of biogas and inlet H2S concentration of 2.5 %. The inlet concentration of the H2S is about 1 - 1.5 % and average measured outlet concentration is about 30 ppm, with an average gas flow of about 300 - 350 NM3/hr, which is the current gas production rate. The sweet gas is used for power generation in a 1.2 MWe V 12 engine. The average power generation is about 650 - 750 kWe, which is the captive load of the industry. The plant is a CHP (combined heat power) unit with heat from the cylinder cooling and flue being recovered for hot water and steam generation respectively. The specific fuel consumption is 2.29 kWh/m(3) of gas. The system has been in operation for more than 13,000 hours in last one year in the industry. About 8.4 million units of electricity has been generated scrubbing about 2.1 million m3 of gas. Performance of the scrubber and the engine is discussed at daily performance level and also the overall performance with an environment sustenance by precipitating over 27 tons of sulfur.


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Tin oxide nanoparticles are synthesized using solution combustion technique and tin oxide - carbon composite thick films are fabricated with amorphous carbon as well as carbon nanotubes (CNTs). The x-ray diffraction, Raman spectroscopy and porosity measurements show that the as-synthesized nanoparticles are having rutile phase with average crystallite size similar to 7 nm and similar to 95 m(2)/g surface area. The difference between morphologies of the carbon doped and CNT doped SnO2 thick films, are characterized using scanning electron microscopy and transmission electron microscopy. The adsorption-desorption kinetics and transient response curves are analyzed using Langmuir isotherm curve fittings and modeled using power law of semiconductor gas sensors. (C) 2015 Author(s).


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The present experimental work is concerned with the study of amplitude dependent acoustic response of an isothermal coaxial swirling jet. The excitation amplitude is increased in five distinct steps at the burner's Helmholtz resonator mode (i.e., 100 Hz). Two flow states are compared, namely, sub-critical and super-critical vortex breakdown (VB) that occur before and after the critical conical sheet breakdown, respectively. The geometric swirl number is varied in the range 2.14-4.03. Under the influence of external pulsing, global response characteristics are studied based on the topological changes observed in time-averaged 2D flow field. These are obtained from high resolution 2D PIV (particle image velocimetry) in the longitudinal-mid plane. PIV results also illustrate the changes in the normalized vortex core coordinates (r(vcc)/(r(vcc))(0) (Hz), y(vcc)/(y(vcc))(0) (Hz)) of internal recirculation zone (IRZ). A strong forced response is observed at 100 Hz (excitation frequency) in the convectively unstable region which get amplified based on the magnitude of external forcing. The radial extent of this forced response region at a given excitation amplitude is represented by the acoustic response region (b). The topological placement of the responsive convectively unstable region is a function of both the intensity of imparted swirl (characterized by swirl number) and forcing amplitude. It is observed that for sub-critical VB mode, an increase in the excitation amplitude till a critical value shifts the vortex core centre (particularly, the vortex core moves downstream and radially outwards) leading to drastic fanning-out/widening of the IRZ. This is accompanied by similar to 30% reduction in the recirculation velocity of the IRZ. It is also observed that b < R (R: radial distance from central axis to outer shear layer-OSL). At super-critical amplitudes, the sub-critical IRZ topology transits back (the vortex core retracts upstream and radially inwards) and finally undergoes a transverse shrinkage ((r(vcc))/(r(vcc))(0 Hz) decreases by similar to 20%) when b >= R. In contrast, the vortex core of super-critical breakdown mode consistently spreads radially outwards and is displaced further downstream. Finally, the IRZ fans-out at the threshold excitation amplitude. However, the acoustic response region b is still less than R. This is explained based on the characteristic geometric swirl number (S-G) of the flow regimes. The super-critical flow mode with higher S-G (hence, higher radial pressure drop due to rotational effect which scales as Delta P similar to rho u theta(2) and acts inwards towards the center line) compared to sub-critical state imposes a greater resistance to the radial outward spread of b. As a result, the acoustic energy supplied to the super-critical flow mode increases the degree of acoustic response at the pulsing frequency and energizes its harmonics (evident from power spectra). As a disturbance amplifier, the stronger convective instability mode within the flow structure of super-critical VB causes the topology to widen/fan-out severely at threshold excitation amplitude. (C) 2015 AIP Publishing LLC.


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This paper deals with dynamic recrystallization (DRX), static recrystallization, and grain growth phenomena of pure magnesium after equal channel angular pressing (ECAP) by route A and B-C at 523 K (250 A degrees C) followed by 80 pct cold rolling. The ECAP-deformed and the subsequently rolled samples were annealed at 373 K and 773 K (100 A degrees C and 500 A degrees C). The associated changes in the microstructure and texture were studied using electron back-scattered diffraction. ECAP produced an average grain size of 12 to 18 A mu m with B and C-2 fiber textures. Subsequent rolling led to an average grain size 8 to 10 A mu m with basal texture fiber parallel to ND. There was no noticeable increase in the average grain size on annealing at 373 K (100 A degrees C). However, significant increase in the average grain size occurred at 773 K (500 A degrees C). The occurrence of different DRX mechanisms was detected: discontinuous dynamic recrystallization was attributed to basal slip activity and continuous dynamic recovery and recrystallization to prismatic/pyramidal slip systems. Only continuous static recrystallization could be observed on annealing.