1000 resultados para caule subterrâneo
Pós-graduação em Agronomia (Horticultura) - FCA
Pós-graduação em Agronomia (Produção Vegetal) - FCAV
The physic nut can be propagated asexually or sexually. Using cuttings have been earlier yield and more fidelity characteristics of the parent plant. However, there is less initial vegetative growth. The seeds from the plants have increased genetic variability, are more vigorous and begin production later. To get quality changes, the substrate is an important factor. With that the objective was to taste pre-germinated treatments and different substrate on seeds emergence and quality physic nut seedlings. The experimental design was completely randomized, in factorial scheme 6 x 3 (pre-germinated treatments x substrate), 18 treatments and 4 repetition, 8 seeds to each repetition. It was evaluated six pre-germination treatments: T1: witness (without treatments); T2: water immersion for 12 hours; T3: water immersion for 24 hours; T4: mechanical scarification; T5: mechanical scarification + water immersion for 12 hours; T6: mechanical scarification + water immersion for 24 hours, using as substrate: commercial, expanded vermiculite and sand washed. The mechanical scarification was realized opposite the micropyle using sandpaper n. 60. After the pre-germination treatments, the seeds were emergence in plastic cups (200mL) with substrates. We evaluated the characteristics: percentage, beginning and emergence speed index, mean length of plant, diameter of plant stem, SPAD index, fresh and dry shoot and root. The results showed that in seeds of Jatropha do not need pre-germinative treatments; and the use of commercial substrate showed seedling development.
This work had the purpose to study the physiological effects of pyraclostrobin, boscalid, plant growth regulators and plant extract on the accumulation of carbohydrates during the development of tomato plants (Solanum lycopersicum L.), hybrid Giuliana, in protected environment conditions. The treatments were: T1- control; T2- pyraclostrobin 0.2 g L-1; T3- boscalid 0.075 g L-1, T4- pyraclostrobin 0.2 g L-1 + boscalid 0.075 g L-1, T5- IBA + GA(3) + kinetin 375 mg L-1, T6- GA(4+7) + benzylaminopurine 100 mg L-1 and T7- plant extract 100 mg L-1. The carbohydrate accumulation curve was accomplished with 5 samples, at 20-day intervals between evaluations, the 1st evaluation being carried out at 30 days after transplantation, on the day of the first treatment application. At each sampling the plants were separated in stem, leaves and fruits, of which the contents of total soluble sugars, reducing sugars and saccharose were evaluated. The effects of the treatments on chlorophyll content and gas exchanges were also evaluated. The experimental design was completely randomized, with 4 repetitions and 6 destructive evaluations during the development, with 1 plant per experimental unit for each sampling. The pyraclostrobin and boscalid applied in isolation and/or combined favor the increase of carbohydrates in leaves, stems and fruits of tomato hybrid Giuliana.
Recovery of degraded areas aims to provide the degraded environment favorable conditions for restructuring in an environment that is unable to regenerate itself and planting of tree seedlings is one of the effective ways to extend this process. However, native tree species have slow growth rate which increases the seedlings production time as well as decreases their competitiveness with weeds in areas of forests deployment. The aim of this study was to evaluate the effects of glyphosate reduced rates application on Psidium cattleyanum (yellow guava), Citharexylum myrianthum (pau-viola) and Cedrela odorata (cedro) seedlings development by analyzing its morphophysiological parameters. The experiment was carried out in greenhouse conditions and the experimental units consisted of one plant were conducted in 2.5L plastic pots and arranged in a completely randomized design with six replications. Treatments consisted of glyphosate application at 0, 7.5, 15, 30 and 60 g ha(-1) using Scout (R) commercial formulation. Treatments application on these species seedlings was realized 120 days after seeds germination. Visual evaluations of plants phytotoxicity were realized at 7, 14 and 21 days after treatments application and plants survival, stomatal conductance, height, stem diameter and dry mass of shoots were evaluated 90 days after treatments application. Different doses of glyphosate did not cause plants phytotoxicity. Already, 30 and 60 g ha(-1) of glyphosate provided greater increases in height, stem diameter and dry mass of shoots for Citharexylum myrianthum and Psidium cattleyanum, respectively.
The grains of chickpea consumed in Brazil are almost entirely imported. Considering that chickpeas presents conditions to be cultivated in some regions of Brazil, this study aimed to study interference of six weed plants (Amaranthus viridis, Bidens pilosa, Raphanus raphanistrum, Cyperus rotundus, Digitaria nuda and Eleusine indica) on the vegetative development of chickpeas. Thus, we evaluated the shoot length, number of leaves, leaf area, chlorophyll content and dry weight of leaves, stem and root of chickpeas. We observed a significant interference on the chickpeas'development in coexistence with weeds. Among the weeds, D. nuda, E. indica and A. viridis were the most aggressive, highlighting the need for early control of weeds when in cultivation of chickpeas in areas with a history of high density of these weeds. The leaf area of chickpeas was the most affected trait by the coexistence with weeds, affecting the development of the crop.
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
The present work aimed to evaluate the initial growth and leaf mineral levels in passion fruit trees (Passiflora edulis f. flavicarpa Deg., P. edulis f. edulis Sims. and P. alata Dryander) grafted onto Passiflora cincinnata. To obtain seedlings, seeds were sown in plastic bags (500 mL) and hypocotyl grafting was performed when seedlings reached the stage of two fully expanded leaves. Fifteen days after grafting, plants were transplanted to 10L pots filled with previously limed and fertilized soil. Each pot contained two plants and corresponded to one plot. For each commercial species studied as rootstock, experimental design was completely randomized, in 3x5 (plant type x time of harvest) factorial arrangement, with four replicates of two plants per plot and five destructive harvests. Plant types were ungrafted P. cincinnata, ungrafted commercial passion fruit tree and commercial passion fruit tree grafted onto P. cincinnata. The first harvest was performed at 15 days after transplanting and the remaining ones at 14-day intervals (60, 74, 88, 102 and 116 DAS). At each harvest, the number of leaves per plant was counted, and leaf area, stem length, and stem, root, leaf and total dry matter were estimated. At the last harvest, the mineral composition (macro and micronutrients) of plants was analyzed. In general, it was observed that grafting onto P. cincinnata did not interfere negatively with the initial development and mineral levels of commercial passion fruit trees, and this interference varied according to the used canopy.
Brazil is the largest world producer of yellow passion fruit, a fruit crop which is exigent in nutrients, although little studied in relation to phosphorus fertilizing, fundamental on plant establishment. An experiment was carried out during the period of March/2010 to April/2011 in Remigio County, Paraiba State, Brazil, in order to evaluate the vegetative and productive attributes of yellow passion fruit plants under different sources and doses of phosphorus. Treatments were distributed in randomized blocks in tree replications and twelve plants by plot using the factorial design 2 x 5 referring the sources of superphosphate triple and superphosphate simple at levels P2O5 of 0, 12, 18, 24 and 30 g cave(-1). The following variables were recorded: stem diameter, number of productive branches, number of fruits per plant, fruit mass and fruit yield. The sources and doses of phosphorus affected growth and fruit production of yellow passion plants. The triple superphosphate is the most phosphorus efficient source for growth and fruit production of yellow passion fruit. The triple superphosphate dose which promoted the maximum yield of yellow passion fruit is 42.86 g.
Os processos de decomposição dos resíduos sólidos resultam em uma importante fonte de poluente tóxico, o percolado, usualmente denominado de chorume, podendo causar graves impactos ambientais em ecossistemas vizinhos, se não for drenado e tratado adequadamente. No tratamento eletrolítico de efluentes aquosos, os poluentes sofrem degradação oxidativa. Visando o tratamento do percolado de aterro sanitário, foram analisados os parâmetros de pH, temperatura, DQO, condutividade, amônia e absorbância, utilizando-se de uma densidade de corrente de 125 mA.cm-2. As regas na espécie Helianthus annuus L., girassol da família Asteraceae, foram realizadas durante 95 dias com 11 tratamentos do percolado bruto e tratado em concentrações de 25, 50, 75 e 100% de percolado com a adição de Na2SO4, esta última concentração também sem adição de Na2SO4, a fim de avaliar a sobrevivência e o crescimento dessa espécie. Ao final do experimento, os valores de crescimento mais expressivos foram para o percolado 100% sem Na2SO4 mostrando que: a altura total obteve uma diferença em 27% menor no tratado; o diâmetro da base do caule mostrou uma diferença 45% menor do tratado em relação ao bruto; o número de folhas foi de 65% menor e área foliar de 51% menor do tratado em relação ao bruto, indicando que mesmo em crescimento o Grupo Tratado permaneceu menor durante a maioria das medidas das variáveis biométricas do girassol BRS 323. Todos os vasos regados com chorume tratado tiveram uma redução no peso seco das partes aéreas, chegando a uma redução média de 72% na concentração 100% de chorume sem a adição de Na2SO4