995 resultados para base flow
Base de dades realitzada en Oracle per controlar i ajustar les ofertes de de treball que es reben de les empreses i les demandes de feina i currículums que presenten els treballadors. Tot l'accés a les dades es realitza mitjançant procediments emmagatzemats.
Trabajo de fin de carrera sobre una base de datos histórica de proyectos informáticos para la gestión de proyectos.
Most hybrid zones have existed for hundreds or thousands of years but have generally been observed for only a short time period. Studies extending over periods long enough to track evolutionary changes in the zones or assess the ultimate outcome of hybridization are scarce. Here, we describe the evolution over time of the level of genetic isolation between two karyotypically different species of shrews (Sorex araneus and Sorex antinorii) at a hybrid zone located in the Swiss Alps. We first evaluated hybrid zone movement by contrasting patterns of gene flow and changes in cline parameters (centre and width) using 24 microsatellite loci, between two periods separated by 10 years apart. Additionally, we tested the role of chromosomal rearrangements on gene flow by analysing microsatellite loci located on both rearranged and common chromosomes to both species. We did not detect any movement of the hybrid zone during the period analysed, suggesting that the zone is a typical tension zone. However, the gene flow was significantly lower among the rearranged than the common chromosomes for the second period, whereas the difference was only marginally significant for the first period. This further supports the role of chromosomal rearrangements on gene flow between these taxa.
Una empresa de selecció de personal vol incorporar un sistema per controlar i ajustar les ofertes de feina que rep de les empreses i les demandes de feina i currículums que presenten els treballadors.
El treball presenta un prototip que ofereix la possibilitat d’obtenir informació d’una base de dades usant consultes en Llenguatge Natural a través d’un entorn web distribuït.