999 resultados para barreiras reativas
Correlação entre contexto morfoestrutural e sismicidade nas regiões de João Câmara e São Rafael (RN)
This MSc thesis describes brittle deformation in two seismic zones located in north-eastern Brazil: João Câmara and São Rafael, Rio Grande do Norte State. Both areas show seismogenic faults, Samambaia and São Rafael, indicated by narrow zones of epicentres with a strike of 040o, a lenght of 30 km and 4 km, and a depth of 1-12 and 0,5-4 km, respectively. The first seismological and geological studies suggested blind faults or faults that were still in the beginning of the nucleation process. The region is under E-W-oriented compression and is underlain by Precambrian terrains, deformed by one or more orogenic cycles, which generated shear zones generally marked by strong pervasive foliation and sigmoidal shapes. The crystalline basement is capped by the Cretaceous Potiguar basin, which is also locally capped by Pliocene continental siliciclastic deposits (Barreiras Formation), and Quaternary alluvium. The main aim of this study was to map epicentral areas and find whether there are any surface geological or morphotectonic expression related to the seismogenic faults. A detailed geological map was carried out in both seismic areas in order to identify brittle structures and fault-related drainage/topographic features. Geological and morphotectonic evidence indicate that both seismogenic faults take place along dormant structures. They either cut Cenozoic rocks or show topographic expression, i.e., are related to topographic heights or depressions and straight river channels. Faults rocks in the Samambaia and São Rafael faults are cataclasite, fault breccia, fault gouge, pseudotachylyte, and quartz veins, which point to reactivation processes in different crustal levels. The age of the first Samambaia and the São Rafael faulting movement possibly ranges from late Precambrian to late Cretaceous. Both fault cut across Precambrian fabric. They also show evidence of brittle processes which took place between 4 and 12 km deep, which probably have not occurred in Cenozoic times. The findings are of great importance for regional seismic hazard. They indicate that fault zones are longer than previously suggested by seismogenic studies. According to the results, the methodology used during this thesis may also be useful in other neotectonic investigation in intraplate areas
The gravity inversion method is a mathematic process that can be used to estimate the basement relief of a sedimentary basin. However, the inverse problem in potential-field methods has neither a unique nor a stable solution, so additional information (other than gravity measurements) must be supplied by the interpreter to transform this problem into a well-posed one. This dissertation presents the application of a gravity inversion method to estimate the basement relief of the onshore Potiguar Basin. The density contrast between sediments and basament is assumed to be known and constant. The proposed methodology consists of discretizing the sedimentary layer into a grid of rectangular juxtaposed prisms whose thicknesses correspond to the depth to basement which is the parameter to be estimated. To stabilize the inversion I introduce constraints in accordance with the known geologic information. The method minimizes an objective function of the model that requires not only the model to be smooth and close to the seismic-derived model, which is used as a reference model, but also to honor well-log constraints. The latter are introduced through the use of logarithmic barrier terms in the objective function. The inversion process was applied in order to simulate different phases during the exploration development of a basin. The methodology consisted in applying the gravity inversion in distinct scenarios: the first one used only gravity data and a plain reference model; the second scenario was divided in two cases, we incorporated either borehole logs information or seismic model into the process. Finally I incorporated the basement depth generated by seismic interpretation into the inversion as a reference model and imposed depth constraint from boreholes using the primal logarithmic barrier method. As a result, the estimation of the basement relief in every scenario has satisfactorily reproduced the basin framework, and the incorporation of the constraints led to improve depth basement definition. The joint use of surface gravity data, seismic imaging and borehole logging information makes the process more robust and allows an improvement in the estimate, providing a result closer to the actual basement relief. In addition, I would like to remark that the result obtained in the first scenario already has provided a very coherent basement relief when compared to the known basin framework. This is significant information, when comparing the differences in the costs and environment impact related to gravimetric and seismic surveys and also the well drillings
This work presents geophysical and geological results obtained in a dunefield located in the east coast of Rio Grande do Norte State, with the aim to recognize the aeolian body depositional geometries to a future geologic modeling of the aeolian petroliferous reservoirs. The research, which was done in blowouts region situated at Nisia Floresta Municipally, included the characterization of external geometries with GPS and internal geometry analysis by GPR. Data was integrated in GoCAD software, where it was possible the three-dimensional characterization and interpretation of the studied deposits. The interpretation of GPR profiling allowed identifying: First-order bounding surfaces that separated the aeolian deposits of the Barreiras Formation rocks; Second-order bounding surfaces, which limit dune generations and Third-order bounding surfaces, a reactivation surface. This classification was based and adapted by the Brookfield (1977) and Kocurek (1996) propose. Four radarfacies was recognized: Radarfacies 1, progradational reflectors correlated to foresets of the dunes, Radarfacies 2, plain parallels reflectors related to sand sheets, Radarfacies 3, plain parallels reflectors associated to reworking of the blowout dune crest and Radarfacies 4, mounded reflectors associated to vegetated mound of sand or objects buried in subsurface. The GPR and GPS methods was also employed to the monitoring of dunefields susceptible to human activities in Buzios Beach, where the constructions along the blowout region and the tourism are changing the natural evolution of the deposits. This fact possibly to cause negative impacts to the coastal zone. Data obtained in Dunas Park, a unit environmental conservation, was compared with information of the Buzios Beach. There is a major tendency of erosion in Buzios, specifically in blowout corridor and blowout dune
This work aims to analyze socio-environmental vulnerability in the Zone of Environmental Preservation -9, located in the northern of the city of Natal / RN. This objective was outlined when we noted a large number of households (about 2000) located in an area considered relevant in terms of environmental and social conditions, notably because of the existence of lakes, sand dunes and rivers that contribute to groundwater recharge Dunas/Barreiras Furthermore, this area is widely used for agricultural activities. The methodology used during this research is accorded to the literature review about the concept of vulnerability, consultations in public agencies for data acquisition, field research and questionnaires. Data collected from each category of vulnerability (social and environmental) were tabulated, analyzed and presented as tables, maps and texts. According to theoretical concepts and methodology of Alves (2006), Cutter (1996), Torres (2000), Acselrad (2006) e Hogan e Marandola Junior (2005; 2006; 2007), the research is structured in the preparation of an environmental diagnosis of the neighborhoods of Blue Lagoon and Pajuçara and subsequent analysis of socio-environmental vulnerability in the Zone of Environmental Preservation -9, especially Area 1, 2 and 3.There was a variation in results between the social vulnerability and environmental vulnerability categories for each area of the Zone of Environmental Preservation -9. However, the crossing between the two categories above showed that Area 3 had the highest level of environmental vulnerability, followed by Area 1. On the other hand, the Area 2 was considered of minor environmental vulnerability. In this sense, this work presents relevant subsidies to the planning of public policies, to identify and characterize the critical areas with high socio-environmental vulnerability
Diabetes mellitus (DM) é uma síndrome de etiologia múltipla caracterizada por hiperglicemia crônica. Esta hiperglicemia induz o aumento na produção de espécies reativas de oxigênio (ERO) e diminuição das defesas antioxidantes. Devido às complicações causadas pelo diabete, muitos indivíduos optam por terapias alternativas à base de plantas medicinais para amenizar seus efeitos. Sendo assim, nesta revisão de literatura, foram analisados e descritos diversos trabalhos experimentais com a utilização de animais diabéticos para comprovar os efeitos antioxidantes de algumas dessas plantas e verificar se os títulos e resumos disponibilizados nos artigos são compatíveis aos objetivos de nossa busca.
Para se detectar diferenças imuno-antigênicas entre 8 amostras de P. brasiliensis isoladas de diferentes áreas endêmicas (Botucatu: Pb 1, 2 e 3; São Paulo: Pb: 18, 192 e 265; Venezuela: Pb 9 e 73), esutdaram-se: 1. A reatividade antigênica de cada amostra nas reações de imunofluorescência indireta (II) e de imunodifusão dupla em gel de agar (ID) contra painel de 20 soros controles positivos para paracoccidioidomicose; 2. A capacidade de induzir resposta imune humoral (medida por imunodifusão) e celular (medida pelo teste de coxim plantar) em camundongos imunizados com an-tígenos de cada amostra. Observamos: 1. As amostras Pb 265 e Pb 9 mostraram-se mais reativas na II; 2. Os antígenos das amostras Pb 192 e Pb 73 foram significativamente mais reativas na ID; 3. Estes dados demonstram diferenças de antigenicidade entre estas amostras; 4. A amostra Pb 18 mostrou baixo poder indutor de resposta imune celular e alta capacidade de indução de resposta imune humoral em camundongos imunizados, revelando dissociação de sua imunogenicidade. Estas diferenças podem indicar a existência de cepas distintas do fungo ou refletir modificações do parasita no hospedeiro ou du rante seu cultivo.
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
A infecção pelo Helicobacter pylori (H. pylori) induz inflamação persistente na mucosa gástrica com diferentes lesões orgânicas em humanos, tais como gastrite crônica, úlcera péptica e câncer gástrico. Os fatores determinantes desses diferentes resultados incluem a intensidade e a distribuição da inflamação induzida pelo H. pylori na mucosa gástrica. Evidências recentes demonstram que cepas do H. pylori apresentam diversidade genotípica, cujos produtos acionam o processo inflamatório por meio de mediadores e citocinas, que podem levar a diferentes graus de resposta inflamatória do hospedeiro, resultando em diferentes destinos patológicos. Cepas H. pylori com a ilha de patogenicidade cag induzem resposta inflamatória mais grave, através da ativação da transcrição de genes, aumentando o risco para desenvolvimento de úlcera péptica e câncer gástrico. O estresse oxidativo e nitrosativo induzido pela inflamação desempenha importante papel na carcinogênese gástrica como mediador da formação ou ativação de cancerígenos, danos no DNA, bem como de alterações da proliferação celular e da apoptose.
Este estudo teve o objetivo de investigar as percepções de graduandos de Odontologia sobre a fidelidade às diretrizes de biossegurança e acerca do preservar-se. Nove questões abertas, que abordaram aspectos de interesse para o tema, foram aplicadas em entrevista com 14 acadêmicos, que realizavam atendimento odontológico de pacientes da Faculdade de Odontologia de Araraquara da Unesp. Utilizou-se a metodologia de pesquisa qualitativa e a estratégia metodológica para análise das entrevistas foi a Discurso do Sujeito Coletivo (DSC). Três figuras metodológicas foram obtidas, sendo ideias-centrais, expressões-chave e o DSC propriamente dito. A análise dos discursos permitiu avaliar a fala natural da coletividade. Verificou-se a adesão dos entrevistados aos protocolos de biossegurança, embora houvesse a queixa de que, na rotina diária, as precauções fossem negligenciadas por não serem muito práticas. Entre as medidas de proteção individual e coletiva, rotineiramente utilizadas, foram apontados o uso de Equipamento de Proteção Individual (EPI) e as barreiras protetoras, bem como as atividades de desinfecção e esterilização. O risco de contágio foi visto por alguns com pavor e por outros com total indiferença porque acreditavam ser algo do qual é possível de se ter controle por meio da adesão às precauções padrão. Entre as doenças de maior preocupação, a aids e as hepatites B e C foram as mais temidas. Diante do discurso obtido, salienta-se a necessidade de se aperfeiçoar as estratégias educacionais, com intuito de motivar a fiel adesão às normas de biossegurança, essenciais no trato de pacientes odontológicos.