999 resultados para atmospheric transport


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The research record on the quantification of sediment transport processes in periglacial mountain environments in Scandimvia dates back to the 1950s. A wide range of measurements is. available, especially from the Karkevagge region of northern Sweden. Within this paper satellite image analysis and tools provided by geographic information systems (GIS) are exploited in order to extend and improve this research and to complement geophysical methods. The processes of interest include mass movements such as solifluction, slope wash, dirty avalanches and rock-and boulder falls. Geomorphic process units have been derived in order to allow quantification via GIS techniques at a catchment scale. Mass movement rates based on existing Field measurements are employed in the budget calculation. In the Karkevagge catch ment. 80% of the area can be identified either as a source area for sediments or as a zone where sediments are deposited. The overall budget for the slopes beneath the rockwalls in the Karkevagge is approximately 680 t a(-1) whilst about 150 : a-1 are transported into the fluvial System.


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Rising nitrate levels have been observed in UK Chalk catchments in recent decades, with concentrations now approaching or exceeding legislated maximum values in many areas. In response, strategies seeking to contain concentrations through appropriate land management are now in place. However, there is an increasing consensus that Chalk systems, a predominant landscape type over England and indeed northwest Europe, can retard decades of prior nitrate loading within their deep unsaturated zones. Current levels may not fully reflect the long-term impact of present-day practices, and stringent land management controls may not be enough to avert further medium-term rises. This paper discusses these issues in the context of the EU Water Framework Directive, drawing on data from recent experimental work and a new model (INCA-Chalk) that allows the impacts of different land use management practices to be explored. Results strongly imply that timelines for water quality improvement demanded by the Water Framework directive are not realistic for the Chalk, and give an indication of time-scales over which improvements might be achieved. However, important unresolved scientific issues remain, and further monitoring and targeted data collection is recommended to reduce prediction uncertainties and allow cost effective strategies for mitigation to be designed and implemented. (C) 2007 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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The unsaturated zone exerts a major control on the delivery of nutrients to Chalk streams, yet flow and transport processes in this complex, dual-porosity medium have remained controversial. A major challenge arises in characterising these processes, both at the detailed mechanistic level and at an appropriate level for inclusion within catchment-scale models for nutrient management. The lowland catchment research (LOCAR) programme in the UK has provided a unique set of comprehensively instrumented groundwater-dominated catchments. Of these, the Pang and Lambourn, tributaries of the Thames near Reading, have been a particular focus for research into subsurface processes and surface water-groundwater interactions. Data from LOCAR and other sources, along with a new dual permeability numerical model of the Chalk, have been used to explore the relative roles of matrix and fracture flow within the unsaturated zone and resolve conflicting hypotheses of response. From the improved understanding gained through these explorations, a parsimonious conceptualisation of the general response of flow and transport within the Chalk unsaturated zone was formulated. This paper summarises the modelling and data findings of these explorations, and describes the integration of the new simplified unsaturated zone representation with a catchment-scale model of nutrients (INCA), resulting in a new model for catchment-scale flow and transport within Chalk systems: INCA-Chalk. This model is applied to the Lambourn, and results, including hindcast and forecast simulations, are presented. These clearly illustrate the decadal time-scales that need to be considered in the context of nutrient management and the EU Water Framework Directive. (C) 2007 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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We investigated diurnal nitrate (NO3-) concentration variability in the San Joaquin River using an in situ optical NO3- sensor and discrete sampling during a 5-day summer period characterized by high algal productivity. Dual NO3- isotopes (delta N-15(NO3) and delta O-18(NO3)) and dissolved oxygen isotopes (delta O-18(DO)) were measured over 2 days to assess NO3- sources and biogeochemical controls over diurnal time-scales. Concerted temporal patterns of dissolved oxygen (DO) concentrations and delta O-18(DO) were consistent with photosynthesis, respiration and atmospheric O-2 exchange, providing evidence of diurnal biological processes independent of river discharge. Surface water NO3- concentrations varied by up to 22% over a single diurnal cycle and up to 31% over the 5-day study, but did not reveal concerted diurnal patterns at a frequency comparable to DO concentrations. The decoupling of delta N-15(NO3) and delta O-18(NO3) isotopes suggests that algal assimilation and denitrification are not major processes controlling diurnal NO3- variability in the San Joaquin River during the study. The lack of a clear explanation for NO3- variability likely reflects a combination of riverine biological processes and time-varying physical transport of NO3- from upstream agricultural drains to the mainstem San Joaquin River. The application of an in situ optical NO3- sensor along with discrete samples provides a view into the fine temporal structure of hydrochemical data and may allow for greater accuracy in pollution assessment.


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This paper reports recent changes in the mass balance record from the Djankuat Glacier, central greater Caucasus, Russia, and investigates possible relationships between the components of mass balance, local climate, and distant atmospheric forcing. The results clearly show that a strong warming signal has emerged in the central greater Caucasus, particularly since the 1993/1994 mass balance year, and this has led to a significant increase in the summer ablation of Djankuat. At the same time, there has been no compensating consistent increase in winter precipitation and accumulation leading to the strong net loss of mass and increase in glacier runoff. Interannual variability in ablation and accumulation is partly associated with certain major patterns of Northern Hemisphere climatic variability. The positive phase of the North Pacific (NP) teleconnection pattern forces negative geopotential height and temperature anomalies over the Caucasus in summer and results in reduced summer melt, such as in the early 1990s, when positive NP extremes resulted in a temporary decline in ablation rates. The positive phase of the NP is related to El Nino-Southern Oscillation, and it is possible that a teleconnection between the tropical Pacific sea surface temperatures and summer air temperatures in the Caucasus is bridged through the NP pattern. More recently, the NP pattern was predominantly negative, and this distant moderating forcing on summer ablation in the Caucasus was absent. Statistically significant correlations are observed between accumulation and the Scandinavian (SCA) teleconnection pattern. The frequent occurrence of the positive SCA phase at the beginning of accumulation season results in lower than average snowfall and reduced accumulation. The relationship between the North Atlantic Oscillation (NAO), Arctic Oscillation, and accumulation is weak, although positive precipitation anomalies in the winter months are associated with the negative phase of the NAO. A stronger positive correlation is observed between accumulation on Djankuat and geopotential height over the Bay of Biscay unrelated to the established modes of the Northern Hemisphere climatic variability. These results imply that the mass balance of Djankuat is sensitive to the natural variability in the climate system. Distant forcing, however, explains only 16% of the variance in the ablation record and cannot fully explain the recent increase in ablation and negative mass balance.


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The density (BSG) of bone increases, at the osteon scale, during lifetime aging within the bone. In addition, post-mortem diagenetic change due to microbial attack produces denser bioapatite. Thus, fractionation of finely powdered bone on the basis of density should not only enable younger and older populations of osteons to be separated but also make it possible to separate out a less diagenetically altered component. We show that the density fractionation method can be used as a tool to investigate the isotopic history within an individual's lifetime, both in recent and archaeological contexts, and we use the bomb C-14 atmospheric pulse for validating the method.


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Airborne dust is of concern due to hazards in the localities affected by erosion, transport and deposition, but it is also of global concern due to uncertainties over its role in radiative forcing of climate. In order to model the environmental impact of dust, we need a better knowledge of sources and transport processes. Satellite remote sensing has been instrumental in providing this knowledge, through long time series of observations of atmospheric dust transport. Three remote sensing methodologies have been used, and are reviewed briefly in this paper. Firstly the use of observations from the Total Ozone Mapping Spectrometer (TOMS), secondly the use of the Infrared Difference Dust Index (IDDI) from Meterosat infrared data, thirdly the use of MODIS images from the rapid response system. These data have highlighted the major global sources of dust, mist of which are associated with endoreic drainage basins in deserts, which held lakes during Quaternary humid climate phases, and identified the Bodele Depression in Tchad as the dustiest place on Earth.


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Experiments have been performed using a simplified, Newtonian forced, global circulation model to investigate how variability of the tropospheric jet can be characterized by examining the combined fluctuations of the two leading modes of annular variability. Eddy forcing of this variability is analyzed in the phase space of the leading modes using the vertically integrated momentum budget. The nature of the annular variability and eddy forcing depends on the time scale. At low frequencies the zonal flow and baroclinic eddies are in quasi equilibrium and anomalies propagate poleward. The eddies are shown primarily to reinforce the anomalous state and are closely balanced by the linear damping, leaving slow evolution as a residual. At high frequencies the flow is strongly evolving and anomalies are initiated on the poleward side of the tropospheric jet and propagate equatorward. The eddies are shown to drive this evolution strongly: eddy location and amplitude reflect the past baroclinicity, while eddy feedback on the zonal flow may be interpreted in terms of wave breaking associated with baroclinic life cycles in lateral shear.