997 resultados para aerial photograph


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As unmanned autonomous vehicles (UAVs) are being widely utilized in military and civil applications, concerns are growing about mission safety and how to integrate dierent phases of mission design. One important barrier to a coste ective and timely safety certication process for UAVs is the lack of a systematic approach for bridging the gap between understanding high-level commander/pilot intent and implementation of intent through low-level UAV behaviors. In this thesis we demonstrate an entire systems design process for a representative UAV mission, beginning from an operational concept and requirements and ending with a simulation framework for segments of the mission design, such as path planning and decision making in collision avoidance. In this thesis, we divided this complex system into sub-systems; path planning, collision detection and collision avoidance. We then developed software modules for each sub-system


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Purpose: To determine the heavy metal and trace element composition of the powdered aerial parts of Origanum sipyleum L. and its water extract. Methods: The heavy metal and trace elements content of the powdered plant material and 2 % aqueous extract were evaluated by x-ray fluorescence spectroscopy with silicon drift detector SDD at a resolution of 145 eV and 10,000 pulses. The process conditions were 0.1 g sample weight, process time of 300 s at a voltage of 25 kV and 50 kV, and at a current of 0.5 and 1.0 mA under helium atmosphere. Results: The major elements, K, Ca and Na, known as macronutrients, constituted 11990, 10490 and 970 ppm of the powdered drug and 8910, 2991 and 810 ppm of the water extract, respectively. Among other constituents, arsenic, lead and uranium levels were < 1, 2.1 and < 3 ppm, respectively, in the powdered material while in the aqueous extract, the levels were < 1, < 2 and 200 ppm, respectively. Conclusion: O. sipyleum is a potential source of macro- and micronutrients from which useful food additives and health supplements can be derived.


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There are few regulatory restrictions involving the use of fully autonomous unmanned aerial systems in unpopulated, farming areas of Australia. The combination of a fully autonomous aerial and ground systems would provide efficient and cost effective retrieval of soil and vegetation data for use in precision agriculture. The aerial system will survey the site and collect spectral imagery to analyse plant density, stress and nutrition. The ground sensors will collect soil moisture content readings throughout the site. The data from both systems will be collated at a central base station. The base station will also provide housing and interface with the aerial system.


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This study quantified the training load experienced by elite aerial skiers. Nine elite female aerial skiers were monitored during 16 training sessions over a 13 day period. Time-motion, landing impact and heart rate (HR) data were measured from 688 jumps using integrated GPS, accelerometer and HR transmitters while rating of perceived exertion (RPE) was taken using Borg's scale. Each jump was delineated into five components from the GPS time-motion data to determine the work to rest ratios. Participants completed 16 ± 3 jumps per session with a work to rest ratio of 1.9:1 Heart rates averaged 65 ± 3.1% HRmax and peaked at 85 ± 4.4% HRmax while and an RPE score of 12 ± 1 was evoked. Landing impacts were significantly higher (p ≤ 0.001) when participants jumped off ramps with a larger take-off angle or when they completed jumps with a mid-air rotation. The training load experienced by elite aerial skiers may be causative of the high incidence of injuries reported. Significantly differing levels of impact load during the study suggest training load for these athletes can be easily modified and periodised allowing optimised performance and minimised injury.


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Partendo dalla definizione di UAV e UAS, arrivando a quella di drone, nella tesi saranno definiti i termini precedenti, ossia un sistema aereo senza pilota a bordo, la nascita del termine drone e le tendenze attuali. Dopo una precisa classificazione nelle quattro categorie principali (droni per hobbisti, commerciali e militari di me- dia grandezza, militari specifici di grandi dimensioni e stealth da combattimento) saranno descritti gli ambiti di utilizzo: da un lato quello militare e della sicurezza, dall’altro quello civile e scientifico. I capitoli centrali della tesi saranno il cuore dell’opera: l’architettura dell’UAV sarà descritta analizzando la totalità delle sue componenti, sia hardware che software. Verranno, quindi, analizzati i problemi relativi alla sicurezza, focalizzandosi sull’hacking di un UAV, illustrandone le varie tecniche e contromisure (tra cui anche come nascondersi da un drone). Il lavoro della tesi prosegue nei capitoli successivi con un’attenta trattazione della normativa vigente e dell’etica dei droni (nonché del diritto ad uccidere con tali sistemi). Il capitolo relativo alla tecnologia stealth sarà importante per capire le modalità di occultamento, le tendenze attuali e i possibili sviluppi futuri degli UAV militari da combattimento. Il capitolo finale sugli sviluppi futuri esporrà le migliorie tecnologiche e gli obiettivi degli UAV negli anni a venire, insieme ad eventuali utilizzi sia militari che civili. La ricerca sarà orientata verso sistemi miniaturizzati, multiple UAV e swarming.


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Pesticides applications have been described by many researches as a very inefficient process. In some cases, there are reports that only 0.02% of the applied products are used for the effective control of the problem. The main factor that influences pesticides applications is the droplet size formed on spraying nozzles. Many parameters affects the dynamic of the droplets, like wind, temperature, relative humidity, and others. Small droplets are biologically more active, but they are affected by evaporation and drift. On the other hand, the great droplets do not promote a good distribution of the product on the target. In this sense, associated with the risk of non target areas contamination and with the high costs involved in applications, the knowledge of the droplet size is of fundamental importance in the application technology. When sophisticated technology for droplets analysis is unavailable, is common the use of artificial targets like water-sensitive paper to sample droplets. On field sampling, water-sensitive papers are placed on the trials where product will be applied. When droplets impinging on it, the yellow surface of this paper will be stained dark blue, making easy their recognition. Collected droplets on this papers have different kinds of sizes. In this sense, the determination of the droplet size distribution gives a mass distribution of the material and so, the efficience of the application of the product. The stains produced by droplets shows a spread factor proportional to their respectives initial sizes. One of methodologies to analyse the droplets is a counting and measure of the droplets made in microscope. The Porton N-G12 graticule, that shows equaly spaces class intervals on geometric progression of square 2, are coulpled to the lens of the microscope. The droplet size parameters frequently used are the Volumetric Median Diameter (VMD) and the Numeric Median Diameter. On VMD value, a representative droplets sample is divided in two equal parts of volume, in such away one part contains droplets of sizes smaller than VMD and the other part contains droplets of sizes greater that VMD. The same process is done to obtaining the NMD, which divide the sample in two equal parts in relation to the droplets size. The ratio between VMD and NMD allows the droplets uniformity evaluation. After that, the graphics of accumulated probability of the volume and size droplets are plotted on log scale paper (accumulated probability versus median diameter of each size class). The graphics provides the NMD on the x-axes point corresponding to the value of 50% founded on the y-axes. All this process is very slow and subjected to operator error. So, in order to decrease the difficulty envolved with droplets measuring it was developed a numeric model, implemented on easy and accessfull computational language, which allows approximate VMD and NMD values, with good precision. The inputs to this model are the frequences of the droplets sizes colected on the water-sensitive paper, observed on the Porton N-G12 graticule fitted on microscope. With these data, the accumulated distribution of the droplet medium volumes and sizes are evaluated. The graphics obtained by plotting this distributions allow to obtain the VMD and NMD using linear interpolation, seen that on the middle of the distributions the shape of the curves are linear. These values are essential to evaluate the uniformity of droplets and to estimate the volume deposited on the observed paper by the density (droplets/cm2). This methodology to estimate the droplets volume was developed by Project of the CNPMA/EMBRAPA. Observed data of herbicides aerial spraying samples, realized by Project on Pelotas/RS county, were used to compare values obtained manual graphic method and with those obtained by model has shown, with great precision, the values of VMD and NMD on each sampled collector, allowing to estimate a quantities of deposited product and, by consequence, the quantities losses by drifty. The graphics of variability of VMD and NMD showed that the quantity of droplets that reachs the collectors had a short dispersion, while the deposited volume shows a great interval of variation, probably because the strong action of air turbulence on the droplets distribution, enfasizing the necessity of a deeper study to verify this influences on drift.