995 resultados para Westergren, Jussi
Kirjailija Jaakko Yli-Juonikkaan (s.1976) on julkaissut uransa aikana useita romaaneja, joista kolmas romaani Neuromaani (2012) on selvästi laajin ja kompleksisin. Siinä on useita piirteitä, joiden perusteella se on luokiteltavissa juuri postmoderniksi romaaniksi. Neuromaani on poikkeuksellinen romaani suomenkielisessä kirjallisuudessa, koska Suomessa postmodernismi ei ole koskaan noussut sellaiseen asemaan kuin esimerkiksi Yhdysvalloissa. Postmoderni kirjallisuus on leimallisesti juuri meidän aikamme kirjallisuutta. Se käsittelee niitä ongelmia, joita ihminen kohtaa yhä epäselvemmäksi muuttuneessa maailmassa. Maailma muuttuu koko ajan monimutkaisemmaksi, kun saatavilla oleva informaatio lisääntyy koko ajan. Sen seurauksena yhden ihmisen on yhä vaikeampi tulkita ja järjestellä tuota informaatiota koherenttiin muotoon. Tästä seurauksena postmodernin kirjallisuuden subjektit ovat heikentyneessä tai hajonneessa tilassa. Kirjallisuus ei enää kuvaa päähenkilöiden kautta eheää fiktiivistä maailmaa, vaan tilalla on maailmojen runsaus. Se näkyy postmodernin kirjallisuuden käyttämissä eri rekistereissä, runsaassa intertekstuaalisuudessa ja eri aineksen yhdistelyssä. Postmoderni kirjallisuus yhdistelee matalaa ja korkeaa kulttuuria, mutta lopputuloksena on usein romaaneja, joiden lukukokemusta voisi kuvailla vaikeaksi. Se johtuu siitä, ettei lukijakaan ole enää autonominen subjekti, joka kykenisi tulkitsemaan tekstimassan yhteneväiseksi kokonaisuudeksi. Tutkielma tarkastelee postmodernia subjektia Neuromaanissa. Postmodernin subjektin problematiikka esiintyy romaanissa pääasiassa kolmella eri tavalla. Sen henkilöhahmot ovat heikentyneitä subjekteja, joiden on vaikea tulkita omaa tilannettaan. Päähenkilöiden sekava tilanne heijastuu lukijaan, jonka lukukokemus on katkonainen ja vaikea. Romaanin tekijä ja kertoja on myös hajonneen subjektin tilassa, sillä yhtenäisen tekstin sijasta Neuromaani on tulvillaan eri lähteistä lainattua ainesta ja erilaisia tekstityyppejä, kerronnan seassa on jopa kaupallista ainesta. Se johtuu siitä, että kaikki kolme ovat samassa hajonneen subjektin tilassa.
Objectives: To investigate the association between effort-reward imbalance (ERI) at work and sedentary lifestyle. Methods: Cross-sectional data from the ongoing Finnish Public Sector Study related to 30 433 women and 7718 men aged 17-64 were used (n = 35 918 after exclusion of participants with missing values in covariates). From the responses to a questionnaire, an aggregated mean score for ERI in a work unit was assigned to each participant. The outcome was sedentary lifestyle defined as <2.00 metabolic equivalent task (MET) hours/day. Logistic regression with generalized estimating equations was used as an analysis method to include both individual and work unit level predictors in the models. Adjustments were made for age, marital status, occupational status, job contract, smoking, and heavy drinking. Results: Twenty five percent of women and 27% of men had a sedentary lifestyle. High individual level ERI was associated with a higher likelihood of sedentary lifestyle both among women (odds ratio (OR) = 1.08, 95% CI 1.01 to 1.16) and men (OR = 1.17, 95% CI 1.02 to 1.33). These associations were not explained by relevant confounders and they were also independent of work unit level job strain measured as a ratio of job demands and control. Conclusions: A mismatch between high occupational effort spent and low reward received in turn seems to be associated with an elevated risk of sedentary lifestyle, although this association is relatively weak.
Background In occupational life, a mismatch between high expenditure of effort and receiving few rewards may promote the co-occurrence of lifestyle risk factors, however, there is insufficient evidence to support or refute this hypothesis. The aim of this study is to examine the extent to which the dimensions of the Effort-Reward Imbalance (ERI) model – effort, rewards and ERI – are associated with the co-occurrence of lifestyle risk factors. Methods Based on data from the Finnish Public Sector Study, cross-sectional analyses were performed for 28,894 women and 7233 men. ERI was conceptualized as a ratio of effort and rewards. To control for individual differences in response styles, such as a personal disposition to answer negatively to questionnaires, occupational and organizational -level ecological ERI scores were constructed in addition to individual-level ERI scores. Risk factors included current smoking, heavy drinking, body mass index ≥25 kg/m2, and physical inactivity. Multinomial logistic regression models were used to estimate the likelihood of having one risk factor, two risk factors, and three or four risk factors. The associations between ERI and single risk factors were explored using binary logistic regression models. Results After adjustment for age, socioeconomic position, marital status, and type of job contract, women and men with high ecological ERI were 40% more likely to have simultaneously ≥3 lifestyle risk factors (vs. 0 risk factors) compared with their counterparts with low ERI. When examined separately, both low ecological effort and low ecological rewards were also associated with an elevated prevalence of risk factor co-occurrence. The results obtained with the individual-level scores were in the same direction. The associations of ecological ERI with single risk factors were generally less marked than the associations with the co-occurrence of risk factors. Conclusion This study suggests that a high ratio of occupational efforts relative to rewards may be associated with an elevated risk of having multiple lifestyle risk factors. However, an unexpected association between low effort and a higher likelihood of risk factor co-occurrence as well as the absence of data on overcommitment (and thereby a lack of full test of the ERI model) warrant caution in regard to the extent to which the entire ERI model is supported by our evidence.
Resumen Estudia en impacto político e ideológico del viaje que realizara a Centroamérica, entre junio y diciembre de 1928, Víctor Raúl Haya de la Torre, fundador del APRA. Asimismo, revisa el pensamiento de ese líder Abstract The author studies the political and ideological impact of APRA founder Víctor Raúl Haya de la Torres’s visit to Central America between June and December of 1928, and analyzes this leather’s thinking
ResumenAunque el Repertorio Americano fue una revista continentalista e hispánica, el autor se propone analizar los artículos publicados en la revista sobre Costa Rica y trata de responder a la pregunta: ¿cómo podrían sobrevivir al mismo tiempo dos formas de la comunidad imaginada -una nación particular y un continente en general-?AbstractWhile the Repertorio Americano was a continentalist and hispanic journal, the author seeks to analyze the articles published in the journal on Costa Rica, and attempts to answers the questions: How could two types of community image one of an individual nation, another of a continent at large-coexist?