996 resultados para Visceral leishmaniasis. Vaccine. Serodiagnosis.
Parasitological diagnosis, using staned smears, culture and pathological examination of biopsy, was studied in 146 patients infected with mucocutaneous leishmaniasis, in Bolivia and Peru. The most efficient parasite detecting technique appeared to be the smear examination in cutaneous lesions (33 % positive) and the pathology in case of mucous lesions (28 % positive). In both, cutaneous and mucous lesions, the parasites were found most frequently in old lesions.
Four years after the first visit seventeen public health units were visited again and evaluated as to standards of storage recommended by the Brazilian Immunization Programme. In 100% of the units, refrigerators and proper inside location of vaccines in the refrigerator were adequatety or regularfy maintained and checked, respectively. However, when control of temperature was checked, onfy 64.7% presented adequate storage conditions. In 94.1 % of the units, health workers complained of lack of immediate technical support in emergency situations. In 55.2 % the titers vaccine samples of were under the minimal recommended potency. It is necessary that the factors concerning the cold chain be continualfy evaluated so that the quality of the vaccines that will be used is not affected.
Brazilian mucosal leshmaniasis is briefly reviewed, emphasis being given to recent advances clinical management. Patients continue to occupy much hospital bed space and in some cases are notoriously difficult to treat. Indefinite follow up is recommended. Many aspects of the aetiology remain mysterious although Leishmania (Viannia) braziliensis is the most common organism isolated. Perspectives for a more effective treatment, oral and cheap, are still remote.
Um caso de leishmaniose visceral em associação com a síndrome da imunodeficiência adquirida em paciente do sexo masculino, com 32 anos de idade é relatado, tendo a protozoonose sido responsável pelo óbito do paciente. À necropsia, a leishmaniose visceral manifestou-se de uma forma atípica, com intenso parasitismo visceral, comprometendo órgãos não comumente atingidos pela doença, tais como adrenais, rins, pulmão e cérebro. Os órgãos do sistema fagocítico mononuclear foram intensamente afetados e macrófagos parasitados foram observados na luz de pequenos vasos em vários tecidos. Foi realizado estudo imuno- histoquímico de amostras tissulares de baço, linfonodo e cérebro, comprovando-se a presença de material antigênico relacionado com a leishmânia.
The authors report a case of diffuse cutaneous leishmaniasis, with longstanding evolution and presenting with diffuse infiltrated lesions rich in amastigotes in the absence of mucosal involvement. In situ characterization with monoclonal antibodies revealed Leishmania amazonensis. Large regional lesions have presented spontaneous healing without specific therapy. Considering that DCL presents with a defect in the cellular immune response, thisfact demonstrate that this patient may develop a regional cellular immune response enough to destroy the parasites and to produce clearing of some lesions.