1000 resultados para Ventral prostate


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Otite média e pólipos são as principais afecções da orelha média em gatos. A otite média geralmente é decorrente de otite externa crônica, enquanto os pólipos se formam a partir de um processo inflamatório crônico presente na orelha média. Quando o pólipo sai da cavidade timpânica pela tuba auditiva, aparecendo na nasofaringe, é denominado pólipo nasofaríngeo. Outra possibilidade é o pólipo romper a membrana do tímpano e surgir no meato acústico externo. O tratamento indicado para essas afecções é a osteotomia ventral da bula timpânica, procedimento cirúrgico cuja finalidade é remover exsudatos inflamatórios presentes na cavidade timpânica. Apesar de possíveis complicações, como síndrome de Horner e lesão na orelha interna, essa cirurgia proporciona resultados muito satisfatórios. O objetivo da presente revisão é relatar essas afecções da orelha média em gatos e descrever a técnica cirúrgica de osteotomia ventral da bula timpânica.


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The canis lupus familiares is the only species besides human that spontaneously develop prostatic carcinoma (PCa). In addition, the metastatic sites are similar to those frequently reported in men. For these reasons, the dog is the best natural model to study the molecular mechanisms in PCa development providing a natural animal model for treatment by molecular targets. Previously, we investigated copy number alterations by arrayCGH (Canine Genome CGH Microarray 4x44K-G2519F, Agilent Technologies) in canine prostatic lesions: 3 benign prostatic hyperplasias (BPH), 4 proliferative inflammatory atrophies (PIA), and 14 PCa. Five histologically normal prostatic tissues were used as reference. Genomic alterations were evaluated using Genomic Workbench Standard Edition 5.0.14. This previous study revealed significant copy number losses of Atm and Pten exclusively in PCa. In the present study, ATM and PTEN immunoexpression were investigated using a tissue microarray (TMA) containing 149 canine prostatic paraffin-embedded lesions (BPH, PIA and PCa) collected from 67 animals. Immunohistochemical reactions were performed using the polyclonal rabbit antibody anti-PTEN (Santa Cruz Biotech, 1:50) and anti-ATM (Abcam, 1:50). The sections were developed with diaminobenzidine (DAB) and peroxidase. The immunohistochemical staining was assessed in each core by the distribution of positive cells for each antibody per lesion (score 1: <25% cells positive, 2: 26% to 50%, 3: being 51% and 75% and 4:> 75%) and intensity (1: weak, 2: moderate, 3: intense). Chi-square or Fisher exact test was used to determine the association between the categorical variables using GraphPad Prism 5 (GraphPad Software Inc., La Jolla, CA). Distribution of positive cells did not differ among lesions. PCa and PIA showed more samples with weak intensity for ATM when compared to normal prostatic tissue and BPH (PCa: p=0,032 and PIA: p=0,025). Benign prostatic hyperplasia and normal samples presented intense PTEN immunostaining than PCa (p=0,021) and PIA (p=0,0013). These results suggest that ATM and PTEN proteins expression in canine prostatic carcinoma are downregulated possibly by copy number losses. These findings are similar from those described in prostate carcinomas from human corroborating for the use of dogs as a natural model to study prostatic disease in men.


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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Introduction: The widespread screening programs prompted a decrease in prostate cancer stage at diagnosis, and active surveillance is an option for patients who may harbor clinically insignificant prostate cancer (IPC). Pathologists include the possibility of an IPC in their reports based on the Gleason score and tumor volume. This study determined the accuracy of pathological data in the identification of IPC in radical prostatectomy (RP) specimens. Materials and Methods: Of 592 radical prostatectomy specimens examined in our laboratory from 2001 to 2010, 20 patients harbored IPC and exhibited biopsy findings suggestive of IPC. These biopsy features served as the criteria to define patients with potentially insignificant tumor in this population. The results of the prostate biopsies and surgical specimens of the 592 patients were compared. Results: The twenty patients who had IPC in both biopsy and RP were considered real positive cases. All patients were divided into groups based on their diagnoses following RP: true positives (n = 20), false positives (n = 149), true negatives (n = 421), false negatives (n = 2). The accuracy of the pathological data alone for the prediction of IPC was 91.4%, the sensitivity was 91% and the specificity was 74%. Conclusion: The identification of IPC using pathological data exclusively is accurate, and pathologists should suggest this in their reports to aid surgeons, urologists and radiotherapists to decide the best treatment for their patients.


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Objective: Acute urinary retention (AUR) is expected to occur in 2% to 39% men with benign prostatic hyperplasia. To date, no study has elucidated the effect of long-term use of indwelling bladder catheter on serum prostate specific antigen (PSA) levels and on the incidence of prostate cancer (CaP). The aim of the present study is to analyze the incidence of CaP in patients with long-term use of indwelling bladder catheter and determine some practice patterns on this issue. Materials and methods: The study comprised a retrospective analysis of data from 1,651 patients who had undergone transrectal ultrasound (TRUS)-guided prostate biopsy from July 2004 to June 2009. Among these patients, 198 (12%) were using an indwelling bladder catheter during the biopsy for at least 1 month. The incidence of CaP was recorded according to total PSA levels. Other variables such patient age, free/total PSA rate, PSA density, prostate volume, and duration of catheter use was also analyzed. Men with a digital rectal examination suspicious for cancer were not considered for analysis. Results: Median patient age was 71 years (37 to 89 years). Overall, 25% of patients presented a CaP diagnosis. CaP incidence according to the PSA levels was 0%, 18.9%, 24.5%, and 40.6% for patients with PSA <= 4.0, 4.1-10.0, 10.1-20.0, and >20.0 ng/ml, respectively. When prostate volume was analyzed together, we demonstrated that only 1 (2.4%) patient with PSA below 10.0 ng/ml and prostate volume >60 g had CaP. Median total PSA, PSA density, and prostate volume were statistically different between patients with and without CaP. Conclusions: Prostate biopsy should not be indicated for all patients with diagnosis of BPH and AUR who present an elevated PSA level. Patients with PSA below 10.0 ng/ml, and prostate volume >60 g should only undergo biopsy in selected cases. Patients with PSA >20.0 ng/ml and a prostate volume <= 60 g are at higher risk of CaP diagnosis. (C) 2012 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.


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Background Androgen suppression therapy and radiotherapy are used to treat locally advanced prostate cancer. 3 years of androgen suppression confers a small survival benefit compared with 6 months of therapy in this setting, but is associated with more toxic effects. Early identification of men in whom radiotherapy and 6 months of androgen suppression is insufficient for cure is important. Thus, we assessed whether prostate-specific antigen (PSA) values can act as an early surrogate for prostate cancer-specific mortality (PCSM). Methods We systematically reviewed randomised controlled trials that showed improved overall and prostate cancer-specific survival with radiotherapy and 6 months of androgen suppression compared with radio therapy alone and measured lowest PSA concentrations (PSA nadir) and those immediately after treatment (PSA end). We assessed a cohort of 734 men with localised or locally advanced prostate cancer from two eligible trials in the USA and Australasia that randomly allocated participants between Feb 2, 1996, and Dec 27, 2001. We used Prentice criteria to assess whether reported PSA nadir or PSA end concentrations of more than 0.5 ng/mL were surrogates for PCSM. Findings Men treated with radiotherapy and 6 months of androgen suppression in both trials were significantly less likely to have PSA end and PSA nadir values of more than 0.5 ng/mL than were those treated with radiotherapy alone (p<0.0001). Presence of candidate surrogates (ie, PSA end and PSA nadir values >0.5 ng/mL) alone and when assessed in conjunction with the randomised treatment group increased risk of PCSM in the US trial (PSA nadir p=0.0016; PSA end p=0.017) and Australasian trial (PSA nadir p<0.0001; PSA end p=0.0012). In both trials, the randomised treatment group was no longer associated with PCSM (p >= 0.20) when the candidate surrogates were included in the model. Therefore, both PSA metrics satisfied Prentice criteria for surrogacy. Interpretation After radiotherapy and 6 months of androgen suppression, men with PSA end values exceeding 0.5 ng/mL should be considered for long-term androgen suppression and those with localised or locally advanced prostate cancer with PSA nadir values exceeding 0.5 ng/mL should be considered for inclusion in randomised trials investigating the use of drugs that have extended survival in castration-resistant metastatic prostate cancer.


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Background: Prognosis of prostate cancer (PCa) is based mainly in histological aspects together with PSA serum levels that not always reflect the real aggressive potential of the neoplasia. The micro RNA (miRNA) mir-21 has been shown to regulate invasiveness in cancer through translational repression of the Metaloproteinase (MMP) inhibitor RECK. Our aim is to investigate the levels of expression of RECK and miR-21 in PCa comparing with classical prognostic factors and disease outcome and also test if RECK is a target of miR-21 in in vitro study using PCa cell line. Materials and methods: To determine if RECK is a target of miR-21 in prostate cancer we performed an in vitro assay with PCa cell line DU-145 transfected with pre-miR-21 and anti-miR-21. To determine miR-21 and RECK expression levels in PCa samples we performed quantitative real-time polymerase chain reaction (qRT-PCR). Results: The in vitro assays showed a decrease in expression levels of RECK after transfection with pre-miR-21, and an increase of MMP9 that is regulated by RECK compared to PCa cells treated with anti-miR-21. We defined three profiles to compare the prognostic factors. The first was characterized by miR-21 and RECK underexpression (N = 25) the second was characterized by miR-21 overexpression and RECK underexpression (N = 12), and the third was characterized by miR-21 underexpression and RECK overexpression (N = 16). From men who presented the second profile (miR-21 overexpression and RECK underexpression) 91.7% were staged pT3. For the other two groups 48.0%, and 46.7% of patients were staged pT3 (p = 0.025). Conclusions: Our results demonstrate RECK as a target of miR-21. We believe that miR-21 may be important in PCa progression through its regulation of RECK, a known regulator of tumor cell invasion.


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Chemosensitive neurons in the retrotrapezoid nucleus (RTN) regulate breathing in response to CO2/H+ changes. Their activity is also sensitive to neuromodulatory inputs from multiple respiratory centers, and thus they serve as a key nexus of respiratory control. However, molecular mechanisms that control their activity and susceptibility to neuromodulation are unknown. Here, we show in vitro and in vivo that KCNQ channels are critical determinants of RTN neural activity. In particular, we find that pharmacological block of KCNQ channels (XE991, 10 mu M) increased basal activity and CO2 responsiveness of RTN neurons in rat brain slices, whereas KCNQ channel activation (retigabine, 2-40 mu M) silenced these neurons. Interestingly, we also find that KCNQ and apamin-sensitive SK channels act synergistically to regulate firing rate of RTN chemoreceptors; simultaneous blockade of both channels led to a increase in CO2 responsiveness. Furthermore, we also show that KCNQ channels but not SK channels are downstream effectors of serotonin modulation of RTN activity in vitro. In contrast, inhibition of KCNQ channel did not prevent modulation of RTN activity by Substance P or thyrotropin-releasing hormone, previously identified neuromodulators of RTN chemoreception. Importantly, we also show that KCNQ channels are critical for RTN activity in vivo. Inhibition of KCNQ channels lowered the CO2 threshold for phrenic nerve discharge in anesthetized rats and decreased the ventilatory response to serotonin in awake and anesthetized animals. Given that serotonergic dysfunction may contribute to respiratory failure, our findings suggest KCNQ channels as a new therapeutic avenue for respiratory complications associated with multiple neurological disorders.


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Central chemoreception is the mechanism by which the brain regulates breathing in response to changes in tissue CO2/H+. Abrainstemregion called the retrotrapezoid nucleus (RTN) contains a population of CO2/H+-sensitive neurons that appears to function as an important chemoreceptor. Evidence also indicates that CO2-evoked ATP release from RTN astrocytes modulates activity of CO2/H+-sensitive neurons; however, the extent to which purinergic signalling contributes to chemoreception by RTN neurons is not clear and the mechanism(s) underlying CO2/H+-evoked ATP release is not fully elucidated. The goals of this study are to determine the extent to which ATP contributes to RTN chemoreception both in vivo and in vitro, andwhether purinergic drive to chemoreceptors relies on extracellularCa(2+) or gap junction hemichannels. We also examine the possible contribution of P2Y1 receptors expressed in theRTNto the purinergic drive to breathe. We showthat purinergic signalling contributes, in part, to the CO2/H+ sensitivity of RTN neurons. In vivo, phrenic nerve recordings of respiratory activity in adult rats show that bilateral injections of pyridoxal-phosphate-6-azophenyl-2',4'-disulfonate (PPADS, a P2 receptor blocker) decreased the ventilatory response to CO2 by 30%. In vitro, loose-patch recordings from RTN neurons show that P2 receptor blockers decreased responsiveness to both 10% and 15% CO2 also by 30%. In the slice, the contribution of purinergic signalling to RTN chemoreception did not increase with temperature (22-35 degrees C) and was retained in low extracellular Ca2+ medium. Conversely, the gap junction blockers carbenoxolone and cobalt decreased neuronal CO2/H+ sensitivity by an amount similar to P2 receptor antagonists. Inhibition of the P2Y1 receptor in the RTN had no effect on CO2 responsivness in vitro or in vivo; thus, the identity of P2 receptors underlying the purinergic component of RTN chemoreception remains unknown. These results support the possibility that CO2/H+-evoked ATP release is mediated by a mechanism involving gap junction hemichannels.