994 resultados para Vehicle Side Structures.


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The crystal structures of two ternary metal nucleotide complexes of cobalt, [Co(en)2(H2O)2]-[Co(5?-IMP)2(H2O)4]Cl2·4H2O (1) and [Co(en)2(H2O)2][Co(5?-GMP)2(H2O)4]Cl2·4H2O (2), have been analysed by X-ray diffraction (en = ethylenediamine, 5?-IMP = inosine 5?-monophosphate, and 5?-GMP = guanosine 5?-monophosphate). Both complexes crystallize in the orthorhombic space group C2221 with a= 8.725(1), b= 25.891(5), c= 21.212(5)Å, Z= 4 for (1) and a= 8.733(2), b= 26.169(4), c= 21.288(4)Å, Z= 4 for (2). The structure of (1) was solved by the heavy-atom method, while that of (2) was deduced from (1). The structures were refined to R values of 0.09 and 0.10 for 1 546 and 1 572 reflections for (1) and (2) respectively. The two structures are isomorphous. A novel feature is that the chelate ligand en and the nucleotide are not co-ordinated to the same metal ion. One of the metal ions lying on the two-fold a axis is octahedrally co-ordinated by two chelating en molecules and two water oxygens, while the other on the two-fold b axis is octahedrally co-ordinated by two N(7) atoms of symmetry-related nucleotides in a cis position and four water oxygens. The conformations of the nucleotides are C(2?)-endo, anti, and gauche�gauche. In both (1) and (2) the charge-neutralising chloride ions are disordered in the vacant space between the molecules. These structures bear similarities to the mode of nucleotide co-ordination to PtII complexes of 6-oxopurine nucleotides, which are the proposed models for intrastrand cross-linking in DNA by a metal complex.


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The ternary metal nucleotide complexes [Ni(en)1.3(H2O)1.4(H2O)2][Ni(5?-dGMP)2(en)0.7-(H2O)0.6(H2O)2]·7H2O (1) and [Ni(en)2(H2O)2][Ni(5?-GMP)2(H2O)4]·6H2O (2)(en = ethylenediamine, 5?-dGMP = 2?-deoxyguanosine 5?-monophosphate, 5?-GMP = guanosine 5?-monophosphate) have been prepared and their structures analyzed by X-ray diffraction methods. Both compounds crystallise in the space group C2221 with a= 8.810(1), b= 25.090(4), c= 21.084(1)Å, and Z= 4 for (1) and a= 8.730(1), b= 25.691(4), c= 21.313(5)Å, and Z= 4 for (2). The structures were deduced from the analogous CoIII complexes and refined by full-matrix least-squares methods to final R values of 0.087 and 0.131 for 1 211 and 954 reflections for (1) and (2) respectively. An interesting feature of the deoxyribonucleotide complex (1) is that en is not totally labilized from the metal centre on nucleotide co-ordination, as observed in corresponding ribonucleotide complexes. Apart from extensive intra- and inter-molecular hydrogen bonding, the structures are stabilized by significant intracomplex base�base and base�sugar interactions. The nucleotides in both complexes have an anti base, C(2?)-endo sugar pucker, and gauche�gauche conformation about the C(4?)�C(5?) bond.


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Physical properties provide valuable information about the nature and behavior of rocks and minerals. The changes in rock physical properties generate petrophysical contrasts between various lithologies, for example, between shocked and unshocked rocks in meteorite impact structures or between various lithologies in the crust. These contrasts may cause distinct geophysical anomalies, which are often diagnostic to their primary cause (impact, tectonism, etc). This information is vital to understand the fundamental Earth processes, such as impact cratering and associated crustal deformations. However, most of the present day knowledge of changes in rock physical properties is limited due to a lack of petrophysical data of subsurface samples, especially for meteorite impact structures, since they are often buried under post-impact lithologies or eroded. In order to explore the uppermost crust, deep drillings are required. This dissertation is based on the deep drill core data from three impact structures: (i) the Bosumtwi impact structure (diameter 10.5 km, 1.07 Ma age; Ghana), (ii) the Chesapeake Bay impact structure (85 km, 35 Ma; Virginia, U.S.A.), and (iii) the Chicxulub impact structure (180 km, 65 Ma; Mexico). These drill cores have yielded all basic lithologies associated with impact craters such as post-impact lithologies, impact rocks including suevites and breccias, as well as fractured and unfractured target rocks. The fourth study case of this dissertation deals with the data of the Paleoproterozoic Outokumpu area (Finland), as a non-impact crustal case, where a deep drilling through an economically important ophiolite complex was carried out. The focus in all four cases was to combine results of basic petrophysical studies of relevant rocks of these crustal structures in order to identify and characterize various lithologies by their physical properties and, in this way, to provide new input data for geophysical modellings. Furthermore, the rock magnetic and paleomagnetic properties of three impact structures, combined with basic petrophysics, were used to acquire insight into the impact generated changes in rocks and their magnetic minerals, in order to better understand the influence of impact. The obtained petrophysical data outline the various lithologies and divide rocks into four domains. Based on target lithology the physical properties of the unshocked target rocks are controlled by mineral composition or fabric, particularly porosity in sedimentary rocks, while sediments result from diverse sedimentation and diagenesis processes. The impact rocks, such as breccias and suevites, strongly reflect the impact formation mechanism and are distinguishable from the other lithologies by their density, porosity and magnetic properties. The numerous shock features resulting from melting, brecciation and fracturing of the target rocks, can be seen in the changes of physical properties. These features include an increase in porosity and subsequent decrease in density in impact derived units, either an increase or a decrease in magnetic properties (depending on a specific case), as well as large heterogeneity in physical properties. In few cases a slight gradual downward decrease in porosity, as a shock-induced fracturing, was observed. Coupled with rock magnetic studies, the impact generated changes in magnetic fraction the shock-induced magnetic grain size reduction, hydrothermal- or melting-related magnetic mineral alteration, shock demagnetization and shock- or temperature-related remagnetization can be seen. The Outokumpu drill core shows varying velocities throughout the drill core depending on the microcracking and sample conditions. This is similar to observations by Kern et al., (2009), who also reported the velocity dependence on anisotropy. The physical properties are also used to explain the distinct crustal reflectors as observed in seismic reflection studies in the Outokumpu area. According to the seismic velocity data, the interfaces between the diopside-tremolite skarn layer and either serpentinite, mica schist or black schist are causing the strong seismic reflectivities.


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The conformational analysis of a pair of two-linked peptide units in the anti-parallel arrangement is reported here with a view to study the effect of association of one chain with the other. The pair of two-linked peptide units were fixed in space through the hydrogen bonds between them, in accordance with certain hydrogen bond criteria. Model building was undertaken to ascertain whether the proximity of the side-chains could be used to eliminate any one of the right-hand twisted, left-hand twisted or regular β-structures. Stereochemically, it was found possible with all of them. The preference for a right-hand twisted β-structure, however, was indicated by the classical energy calculations. The relevance of the results thus obtained is discussed in the context of the preferential right-hand twist of the β-pleated sheets present in globular proteins. The agreement between the minimum energy conformations obtained for the pair of two-linked peptide units and the globular protein data is also indicated.