1000 resultados para VECTOR BIOLOGY


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This paper investigates detection of architectural distortion in mammographic images using support vector machine. Hausdorff dimension is used to characterise the texture feature of mammographic images. Support vector machine, a learning machine based on statistical learning theory, is trained through supervised learning to detect architectural distortion. Compared to the Radial Basis Function neural networks, SVM produced more accurate classification results in distinguishing architectural distortion abnormality from normal breast parenchyma.


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The externally recorded electroencephalogram (EEG) is contaminated with signals that do not originate from the brain, collectively known as artefacts. Thus, EEG signals must be cleaned prior to any further analysis. In particular, if the EEG is to be used in online applications such as Brain-Computer Interfaces (BCIs) the removal of artefacts must be performed in an automatic manner. This paper investigates the robustness of Mutual Information based features to inter-subject variability for use in an automatic artefact removal system. The system is based on the separation of EEG recordings into independent components using a temporal ICA method, RADICAL, and the utilisation of a Support Vector Machine for classification of the components into EEG and artefact signals. High accuracy and robustness to inter-subject variability is achieved.


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Objective: This paper presents a detailed study of fractal-based methods for texture characterization of mammographic mass lesions and architectural distortion. The purpose of this study is to explore the use of fractal and lacunarity analysis for the characterization and classification of both tumor lesions and normal breast parenchyma in mammography. Materials and methods: We conducted comparative evaluations of five popular fractal dimension estimation methods for the characterization of the texture of mass lesions and architectural distortion. We applied the concept of lacunarity to the description of the spatial distribution of the pixel intensities in mammographic images. These methods were tested with a set of 57 breast masses and 60 normal breast parenchyma (dataset1), and with another set of 19 architectural distortions and 41 normal breast parenchyma (dataset2). Support vector machines (SVM) were used as a pattern classification method for tumor classification. Results: Experimental results showed that the fractal dimension of region of interest (ROIs) depicting mass lesions and architectural distortion was statistically significantly lower than that of normal breast parenchyma for all five methods. Receiver operating characteristic (ROC) analysis showed that fractional Brownian motion (FBM) method generated the highest area under ROC curve (A z = 0.839 for dataset1, 0.828 for dataset2, respectively) among five methods for both datasets. Lacunarity analysis showed that the ROIs depicting mass lesions and architectural distortion had higher lacunarities than those of ROIs depicting normal breast parenchyma. The combination of FBM fractal dimension and lacunarity yielded the highest A z value (0.903 and 0.875, respectively) than those based on single feature alone for both given datasets. The application of the SVM improved the performance of the fractal-based features in differentiating tumor lesions from normal breast parenchyma by generating higher A z value. Conclusion: FBM texture model is the most appropriate model for characterizing mammographic images due to self-affinity assumption of the method being a better approximation. Lacunarity is an effective counterpart measure of the fractal dimension in texture feature extraction in mammographic images. The classification results obtained in this work suggest that the SVM is an effective method with great potential for classification in mammographic image analysis.


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Two algorithms for finding the point on non-rational/rational Bezier curves of which the normal vector passes through a given external point are presented. The algorithms are based on Bezier curves generation algorithms of de Casteljau's algorithm for non-rational Bezier curve or Farin's recursion for rational Bezier curve, respectively. Orthogonal projections from the external point are used to guide the directional search used in the proposed iterative algorithms. Using Lyapunov's method, it is shown that each algorithm is able to converge to a local minimum for each case of non-rational/rational Bezier curves. It is also shown that on convergence the distance between the point on curves to the external point reaches a local minimum for both approaches. Illustrative examples are included to demonstrate the effectiveness of the proposed approaches.


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Maculalactone A is the most abundant secondary metabolite in Kyrtuthrix maculans, a marine cyanobacterium found in the mid-high shore of moderately exposed to sheltered rocky shores in Hong Kong and South East Asia. This species appears to survive as pure colonies forming distinct black zones on the rock. Maculalactone A may provide K. maculans with a chemical defense against several marine organisms, including the common grazer, Chlorostoma argyrostoma and settlement by larvae of the barnacles, Tetraclita japonica, Balanus amphitrite and Ibla cumingii. The natural concentration of maculalactone A varied with season and also with tidal height on the shore and although a strong positive linear correlation was observed between maculalactone A concentration and herbivore grazing pressure, manipulative experiments demonstrated that grazing pressure was not directly responsible for inducing the biosynthesis of this metabolite. The potential of maculalactone A as a natural marine anti-fouling agent (i.e. as an alternative to environmentally-damaging copper- and tin-based anti-fouling paints) was investigated after achieving a gram-scale synthesis of this compound. Preliminary field trials with anti-fouling paints which contained synthetic maculalactone A as the active principle have confirmed that this compound seems to have a specific activity against molluscan settlers.