1000 resultados para Urheilu, maine ja raha : tutkimuksia vuoden 2005 yleisurheilun MM-kisoista
The purpose of this study was to analyse the nursing student-patient relationship and factors associated with this relationship from the point of view of both students and patients, and to identify factors that predict the type of relationship. The ultimate goal is to improve supervised clinical practicum with a view to supporting students in their reciprocal collaborative relationships with patients, increase their preparedness to meet patients’ health needs, and thus to enhance the quality of patient care. The study was divided into two phases. In the first phase (1999-2005), a literature review concerning the student-patient relationship was conducted (n=104 articles) and semi-structured interviews carried out with nursing students (n=30) and internal medicine patients (n=30). Data analysis was by means of qualitative content analysis and Student-Patient Relationship Scales, which were specially developed for this research. In the second phase (2005-2007), the data were collected by SPR scales among nursing students (n=290) and internal medicine patients (n=242). The data were analysed statistically by SPSS 12.0 software. The results revealed three types of student-patient relationship: a mechanistic relationship focusing on the student’s learning needs; an authoritative relationship focusing on what the student assumes is in the patient’s best interest; and a facilitative relationship focusing on the common good of both student and patient. Students viewed their relationship with patients more often as facilitative and authoritative than mechanistic, while in patients’ assessments the authoritative relationship occurred most frequently and the facilitative relationship least frequently. Furthermore, students’ and patients’ views on their relationships differed significantly. A number of background factors, contextual factors and consequences of the relationship were found to be associated with the type of relationship. In the student data, factors that predicted the type of relationship were age, current year of study and support received in the relationship with patient. The higher the student’s age, the more likely the relationship with the patient was facilitative. Fourth year studies and the support of a person other than a supervisor were significantly associated with an authoritative relationship. Among patients, several factors were found to predict the type of nursing student-patient relationships. Significant factors associated with a facilitative relationship were university-level education, several previous hospitalizations, admission to hospital for a medical problem, experience of caring for an ill family member and patient’s positive perception of atmosphere during collaboration and of student’s personal and professional growth. In patients, positive perceptions of student’s personal and professional attributes and patient’s improved health and a greater commitment to self-care, on the other hand, were significantly associated with an authoritative relationship, whereas positive perceptions of one’s own attributes as a patient were significantly associated with a mechanistic relationship. It is recommended that further research on the student-patient relationship and related factors should focus on questions of content, methodology and education.
Follow-up of utilisation and prediction of primary health care and hospital care from the municipality point of view. Planning, follow-up, and evaluation of primary health care within municipality entail comprehensive information about factors that influence health. In addition to populationbased research, various statistical data and registries serve as sources of information. The present study examined utilisation of primary health care and hospital care with the existing databases, registries, and categorization of Diagnosis Related Groups (DRGs) from the municipality (purchaser) point of view. Research involving the cases of Paimio, Sauvo, and Turku as examples of municipalities pointed out that, even in the small municipalities, it is possible to assess and predict health services to be offered to the inhabitants by following databases and registries. Health-related databases and registries include a plenty of possible uses that have not adequately been employed at the level of municipality. Descriptive futures research and community analysis formed the framework of the study. Descriptive futures research may be used to establish predictions based on past developmental traditions, and quantitative time trend analyses may be employed to make estimations about future events. Community analysis will assist in making conclusions about population- based health care needs, in assessing the functionality or effectiveness of the health care system, and in appropriately targeting limited resources. The aim of the present study was to describe the health service profile so that the arrangements and planning of health services as well as the contract negotiations of hospital care become easier within municipalities. Another aim was to assess the application of Hilmo (registry for posting hospital care periods), Aitta and Sotka (statistical databases) for the purposes of resource planning in the procurement of hospital care. A third aim was to evaluate how the system of the DRGs adapts in the prediction of retaining health services within short (1-year), intermediate (5-year) and long range (10-15-year) intervals. The findings indicated that the follow-up of primary health care utilisation combined with follow-up of hospital care utilisation allows municipalities to plan and predict health services when databases are applied. Information about the past contacts with the databases has indicated that the health care culture and incidence of disease change rather slowly in the area of investigation. For the purposes of health care research, it is recommended that methods of application used in making predictions about health care utilisation need to be further developed
Opinnäytetyömme on osa IKU-hanketta, joka on Helsingin ammattikorkeakoulu Stadian ja Teknillisen korkeakoulun Sotera-instituutin yhteisprojekti. IKU-hanke on ikäihmisten kuntoutumista tukevien toimintaympäristöjen kehittämiseksi käynnistetty hanke. Opinnäytetyömme tarkoituksena oli selvittää millainen on Kontulan vanhustenkeskuksen päivätoimintayksikkö Päivikin asiakkaiden fyysinen toimintakyky TOIMIVA-testistöllä mitattuna. Lisäksi selvitimme työssämme millainen on Päivikin fyysinen toimintaympäristö tarkasteluna TOIMIVA-testistön osa-alueiden kautta. TOIMIVA-testistö on iäkkään ihmisen toimintakykyä arvioiva mittari. Mittasimme Päivikin asiakkaiden fyysistä toimintakykyä TOIMIVA-testistöllä Kontulan vanhustenkeskuksen tiloissa 28.5 - 1.6.2007. Kohdejoukkoomme kuului yhteensä 32 asiakasta, joista 20 oli naisia ja 12 miehiä. Kohdejoukon ikäjakauma oli 63-96 vuotta. Lisäksi tarkastelimme kahtena erillisenä päivänä Päivikin fyysistä toimintaympäristöä sekä havainnoimme asiakkaiden toimimista siinä. Kontulan vanhustenkeskuksen on tarkoitus muuttaa uusiin tiloihin noin kahden vuoden kuluttua. TOIMIVA-testistön tulosten perusteella pystyimme päättelemään, että Päivikin asiakkaiden alaraajojen lihasvoima ja tasapaino ovat useimmilla asiakkailla heikompia kuin TOIMIVA-testistön vertailuarvot. Ympäristöä havainnoidessamme tulimme siihen tulokseen, että ympäristö on suunniteltu ikääntyneitä varten ja, että ympäristössä on helppo liikkua apuvälineiden avulla. Asiakkailla on mahdollisuus ylläpitää ja kehittää fyysistä toimintakykyä Päivikin ympäristössä, mutta asiakkaat eivät välttämättä ole tietoisia ympäristön erilaisista hyödyntämismahdollisuuksista fyysisen toimintakyvyn ylläpitämisessä ja kehittämisessä. Lisäksi asiakkaille olisi hyvä tarjota enemmän mahdollisuuksia osallistua Päivikin arkisten asioiden hoitamiseen ja näin ylläpitää ja kehittää fyysistä toimintakykyään. Opinnäytetyömme on kartoittava tutkimus, jonka tuloksia ei voida yleistää, koska kohdejoukko on pieni ja otos harkinnanvarainen. Opinnäytetyömme antaa Päivikin työntekijöille tietoa asiakkaidensa toimintakyvystä. Kontulan vanhustenkeskus voi käyttää opinnäytetyössämme esitettyä tietoa hyödyksi suunnitellessaan Päivikin uutta toimintatilaa. Lisäksi ikääntyneiden kanssa työskentelevä henkilökunta voi hyötyä omassa työssään opinnäytetyöhömme kerätystä tiedosta.
Jyväskylän yliopiston psykologian professorin virkaanastujaisesitelmä 23.11.2005