1000 resultados para Turmells--Ferides i lesions


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O gênero Lepidagathis apresenta distribuição pantropical com cerca de 100 espécies. No Brasil ocorrem 16 espécies, a maioria nas regiões Centro - Oeste e Sudeste. O estudo foi realizado em sub - bosque de remanescente florestal do município de Tangará da Serra - MT e teve como objetivo analisar a fenologia de floração, descrever a morfologia e biologia floral, verificar os visitantes florais e avaliar o sistema e o sucesso reprodutivo por meio de polinizações manuais. Lepidagathis sessilifolia apresenta inflorescências espiciformes, terminais, com cálice de cor rósea vistosa e corola de coloração branco-rósea. A floração ficou restrita aos meses de março a abril, durante a estação chuvosa. A senescência floral ocorreu após 24 ou 48 horas. A viabilidade dos grãos de pólen foi elevada (92,5%). O único polinizador observado visitando as flores de L. sessilifolia foi a abelha Partamona nhambiquara (Apidae - Meliponini). O sistema reprodutivo misto da espécie é caracterizado pela formação de frutos por meio de agamospermia, autopolinização e polinização cruzada. Esse sistema reprodutivo flexível é vantajoso, pois, garante a manutenção da espécie na área de estudo mesmo na ausência de polinizadores.


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Previous studies on monocarboxylate transporters expression in prostate cancer (PCa) have shown that monocarboxylate transporter 2 (MCT2) was clearly overexpressed in prostate malignant glands, pointing it out as a putative biomarker for PCa. However, its localization and possible role in PCa cells remained unclear. In this study, we demonstrate that MCT2 localizes mainly at peroxisomes in PCa cells and is able to take advantage of the peroxisomal transport machinery by interacting with Pex19. We have also shown an increase in MCT2 expression from non-malignant to malignant cells that was directly correlated with its peroxisomal localization. Upon analysis of the expression of several peroxisomal ß-oxidation proteins in PIN lesions and PCa cells from a large variety of human prostate samples, we suggest that MCT2 presence at peroxisomes is related to an increase in ß -oxidation levels which may be crucial for malignant transformation. Our results present novel evidence that may not only contribute to the study of PCa development mechanisms but also pinpoint novel targets for cancer therapy.


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Linguagem da Ciência e a problematização na área da Cibercultura: O objecto de estudos científico; conceitos e teoria; Conceitos principais; A validade dos conceitos; Metodologia e técnicas sociológicas; Fontes da pesquisa; Agenda da pesquisa; Metodologias Sociológicas clássicas e emergentes; Métodos e técnicas de pesquisa sobre a Cibercultura; Exemplo de um projeto de investigação: a Comunicação Pública da Arte em museus físicos e virtuais.


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Ciberespaço e o cibertempo na vida quotidiana urbana: Controlo e vigilância na Mediapolis; Michel Foucault; Pós-panoptismos e novas virtualidades do presente urbano. Exemplo de projeto de investigação: ‘Saberes, poderes e vigilâncias nos espaços e tempos urbanos’ - O autor Michel Foucault; - Pesquisa bibliográfica; -Pesquisa histórica; - Pesquisa documental; - Pesquisa sociológica / antropológica.


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Contexto: O transtorno bipolar tipo I está comumente associado a comorbidades clínicas e psiquiátricas, mas ainda há poucos dados disponíveis sobre pacientes brasileiros. Objetivos: O objetivo do presente estudo foi avaliar a prevalência de comorbidades clínicas e psiquiátricas em uma amostra brasileira de pacientes bipolares tipo I. O objetivo secundário foi investigar as associações de características clínico-demográficas e comorbidades com tentativas de suicídio. Métodos: Foram incluídos neste estudo 94 pacientes bipolares tipo I. O diagnóstico psiquiátrico foi determinado utilizando-se a avaliação Mini International Neuropsychiatric Interview (MINI-Plus). O diagnóstico de comorbidades clínicas foi baseado na história clínica e no acompanhamento de clínicos gerais. Resultados: As comorbidades mais prevalentes nos pacientes bipolares foram: transtorno de ansiedade generalizada (19,20%), dependência de substâncias (43,60%), hipertensão arterial (29,80%), diabetes mellitus (17,00%), dislipidemia (22,30%) e hipotireoidismo (19,10%). Não foram encontradas diferenças estatísticas em relação às características demográficas ou à prevalência de comorbidades nos grupos com e sem tentativa de suicídio. Conclusão: Pacientes bipolares atendidos em serviço psiquiátrico apresentam elevada prevalência de comorbidades psiquiátricas e clínicas. Nessa população, tentativas de suicídio não se associam com a presença de comorbidades ou características demográficas.


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Invasive cervical cancer (ICC) is the third most frequent cancer among women worldwide and is associated with persistent infection by carcinogenic human papillomaviruses (HPVs). The combination of large populations of viral progeny and decades of sustained infection may allow for the generation of intra-patient diversity, in spite of the assumedly low mutation rates of PVs. While the natural history of chronic HPVs infections has been comprehensively described, within-host viral diversity remains largely unexplored. In this study we have applied next generation sequencing to the analysis of intra-host genetic diversity in ten ICC and one condyloma cases associated to single HPV16 infection. We retrieved from all cases near full-length genomic sequences. All samples analyzed contained polymorphic sites, ranging from 3 to 125 polymorphic positions per genome, and the median probability of a viral genome picked at random to be identical to the consensus sequence in the lesion was only 40%. We have also identified two independent putative duplication events in two samples, spanning the L2 and the L1 gene, respectively. Finally, we have identified with good support a chimera of human and viral DNA. We propose that viral diversity generated during HPVs chronic infection may be fueled by innate and adaptive immune pressures. Further research will be needed to understand the dynamics of viral DNA variability, differentially in benign and malignant lesions, as well as in tissues with differential intensity of immune surveillance. Finally, the impact of intralesion viral diversity on the long-term oncogenic potential may deserve closer attention.


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The supercritical fluid technology has been target of many pharmaceuticals investigations in particles production for almost 35 years. This is due to the great advantages it offers over others technologies currently used for the same purpose. A brief history is presented, as well the classification of supercritical technology based on the role that the supercritical fluid (carbon dioxide) performs in the process.


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Background and aims: Small bowel capsule endoscopy (SBCE) allows mapping of small bowel inflammation in Crohn’s disease (CD). We aimed to assess the prognostic value of the severity of inflammatory lesions, quantified by the Lewis score (LS), in patients with isolated small bowel CD. Methods: A retrospective study was performed in which 53 patients with isolated small bowel CD were submitted to SBCE at the time of diagnosis. The Lewis score was calculated and patients had at least 12 months of follow-up after diagnosis. As adverse events we defined disease flare requiring systemic corticosteroid therapy, hospitalization and/or surgery during follow-up. We compared the incidence of adverse events in 2 patient subgroups, i.e. those with moderate or severe inflammatory activity (LS =790) and those with mild inflammatory activity (135 = LS < 790). Results: The LS was =790 in 22 patients (41.5%), while 58.5% presented with LS between 135 and 790. Patients with a higher LS were more frequently smokers (p = 0.01), males (p = 0017) and under immunosuppressive therapy (p = 0.004). In multivariate analysis, moderate to severe disease at SBCE was independently associated with corticosteroid therapy during follow-up, with a relative risk (RR) of 5 (p = 0.011; 95% confidence interval [CI] 1.5–17.8), and for hospitalization, with an RR of 13.7 (p = 0 .028; 95% CI 1.3–141.9). Conclusion: In patients with moderate to severe inflammatory activity there were higher prevalences of corticosteroid therapy demand and hospitalization during follow-up. Thus, stratifying the degree of small bowel inflammatory activity with SBCE and LS calculation at the time of diagnosis provided relevant prognostic value in patients with isolated small bowel CD.