998 resultados para Turismo na Boavista
[EN] Different kinds of physical anomalies are frequently observed in any sea turtle breeding population. Nesting beaches are an excellent place to study the injuries and defects that occur in adult females. The archipelago of Cape Verde is situated about 500 km of Senegal, West Africa. Boavista is the eastern most island and may constitute the most important nesting area for the loggerhead turtle in the archipelago. The studies conducted from 1998 to 2004 indicate that Cape Verde might account for one of the most important loggerheads populations in the eastern Atlantic. The nesting females in Boavista were surveyed during the 2004 season, in order to (1) know the health status of the population (2) determine the effects of physical anomalies on nesting behaviour and (3) determine the possible origin of the injuries observed.
[EN] The fungus Fusarium solani (Mart.) Saccardo (1881) was found to be the cause of infections in the eggs of the sea turtle species Caretta caretta in Boavista Island, Cape Verde. Egg shells with early and severe symptoms of infection, as well as diseased embryos were sampled from infected nests. Twenty-five isolates with similar morphological characteristics were obtained. Their ITS rRNA gene sequences were similar to the GenBank sequences corresponding to F. solani and their maximum identity ranged from 95% to 100%.
BEZERRA, Márcia Maria de Oliveira. Estrategias de desenvolvimento do turismo: em busca de uma tipologia. Economia e Sociedade, Campinas, v. 15, n. 2, p. 347-374, ago. 2006.
La tesi si occupa dell'uso di più tecniche fotogrammetriche e di strumenti GIS nel recupero digitale e nell'integrazione di una molteplicità di dati storici, opportunamente georeferenziati, inerenti l'area del Centro Cadore, ai fini anche della valorizzazione turistico-culturale del territorio. Un ampio spazio viene dato alla caratterizzazione del territorio e delle fonti - cartografiche, fotografiche e testuali - che sono state recuperate ed organizzate in archivio. Le applicazioni fotogrammetriche comprendono la generazione di ortofoto digitali a scala territoriale da immagini storiche e modelli 3D close-range ottenuti con tecniche SfM.
[EN] The impact of nest predators on sea turtle hatching success is highly variable depending on predator abundance and also on interactions among different predators. Food web connectivity usually makes it difficult to understand predator-prey interactions and develop efficient conservation strategies. In the Cape Verde archipelago there is an important nesting area for loggerheads where ghost crabs are the only described nest predator. We have studied the impact of ghost crabs on loggerhead nests on this threatened population as well as the efficiency of several management practices to reduce this impact.
[ES] Boavista, o Bubista como prefieren escribir sus habitantes, es la isla más oriental del archipiélago volcánico de Cabo Verde con 620 km2 de superficie. Su antiguo origen se ve reflejado en una geografía extremadamente erosionada y plana, en la que no se sobrepasan los 390 metros sobre el nivel del mar. Soporta un clima extremadamente árido (precipitaciones: 91 mm media anual), con temperaturas suaves (Tmax = 26.7ºC; Tmin = 21.4ºC) y con la presencia casi constante de los vientos del nordeste (Alisios) (KASPER, 1987). La vegetación es esteparia, rala y generalmente 10 desprovista de estrato arbóreo, con la salvedad de algunas áreas localizadas (CASTANHEIRA & CARDOSO, 1988).
Programa de doctorado: Turismo y Desarrollo Sostenible. La fecha de publicación es la fecha de lectura
Es relevante el número de personas con alguna discapacidad en Portugal, España y, dentro de la misma, Andalucía, y la Unión Europea que desean gozar del ocio y del turismo. Por tanto, a la imposición legislativa hay que añadir la oportunidad económica del turismo accesible. Los variados modelos turísticos existentes (sol y playa, rural, turismo cultural, turismo activo, etc.) pueden y deben llevar también la etiqueta de «accesible». Pero la realidad, a pesar del avance experimentado en materia de accesibilidad, todavía está lejos de ello. No obstante, surgen novedosas experiencias públicas y privadas de destinos y equipamientos de uso público y vocación turística especialmente volcados con este colectivo y que es interesante resaltar por sus trascendencias empresariales y sociales. Asimismo, se trata de una nueva tipología o modelo, el del turismo accesible, con notables indefiniciones conceptuales y muy poco estudiado desde la geografía.