994 resultados para Tissue specificity


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Two families of membrane enzymes catalyze the initiation of the synthesis of O-antigen lipopolysaccharide. The Salmonella enterica Typhimurium WbaP is a prototypic member of one of these families. We report here the purification and biochemical characterization of the WbaP C-terminal (WbaP(CT)) domain harboring one putative transmembrane helix and a large cytoplasmic tail. An N-terminal thioredoxin fusion greatly improved solubility and stability of WbaP(CT) allowing us to obtain highly purified protein. We demonstrate that WbaP(CT) is sufficient to catalyze the in vitro transfer of galactose (Gal)-1-phosphate from uridine monophosphate (UDP)-Gal to the lipid carrier undecaprenyl monophosphate (Und-P). We optimized the in vitro assay to determine steady-state kinetic parameters with the substrates UDP-Gal and Und-P. Using various purified polyisoprenyl phosphates of increasing length and variable saturation of the isoprene units, we also demonstrate that the purified enzyme functions highly efficiently with Und-P, suggesting that the WbaP(CT) domain contains all the essential motifs to catalyze the synthesis of the Und-P-P-Gal molecule that primes the biosynthesis of bacterial surface glycans.


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Lectins and adhesins are involved in bacterial adhesion to host tissues and mucus during early steps of infection. We report the characterization of BC2L-C, a soluble lectin from the opportunistic pathogen Burkholderia cenocepacia, which has two distinct domains with unique specificities and biological activities. The N-terminal domain is a novel TNF-alpha-like fucose-binding lectin, while the C-terminal part is similar to a superfamily of calcium-dependent bacterial lectins. The C-terminal domain displays specificity for mannose and L-glycero-D-manno-heptose. BC2L-C is therefore a superlectin that binds independently to mannose/heptose glycoconjugates and fucosylated human histo-blood group epitopes. The apo form of the C-terminal domain crystallized as a dimer, and calcium and mannose could be docked in the binding site. The whole lectin is hexameric and the overall structure, determined by electron microscopy and small angle X-ray scattering, reveals a flexible arrangement of three mannose/heptose-specific dimers flanked by two fucose-specific TNF-alpha-like trimers. We propose that BC2L-C binds to the bacterial surface in a mannose/heptose-dependent manner via the C-terminal domain. The TNF-alpha-like domain triggers IL-8 production in cultured airway epithelial cells in a carbohydrate-independent manner, and is therefore proposed to play a role in the dysregulated proinflammatory response observed in B. cenocepacia lung infections. The unique architecture of this newly recognized superlectin correlates with multiple functions including bacterial cell cross-linking, adhesion to human epithelia, and stimulation of inflammation.


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The PglB oligosaccharyltransferase (OTase) of Campylobacter jejuni can be functionally expressed in Escherichia coli, and its relaxed oligosaccharide substrate specificity allows the transfer of different glycans from the lipid carrier undecaprenyl pyrophosphate to an acceptor protein. To investigate the substrate specificity of PglB, we tested the transfer of a set of lipid-linked polysaccharides in E. coli and Salmonella enterica serovar Typhimurium. A hexose linked to the C-6 of the monosaccharide at the reducing end did not inhibit the transfer of the O antigen to the acceptor protein. However, PglB required an acetamido group at the C-2. A model for the mechanism of PglB involving this functional group was proposed. Previous experiments have shown that eukaryotic OTases have the same requirement, suggesting that eukaryotic and prokaryotic OTases catalyze the transfer of oligosaccharides by a conserved mechanism. Moreover, we demonstrated the functional transfer of the C. jejuni glycosylation system into S. enterica. The elucidation of the mechanism of action and the substrate specificity of PglB represents the foundation for engineering glycoproteins that will have an impact on biotechnology.