998 resultados para Switzerland, Parliament, Democratization, Professionalization, Comparison
In most Western postindustrial societies today, the population is aging, businesses are faced with global integration, and important migration flows are taking place. Increasingly work organizations are hiring crossnational and multicultural workteams. In this situation it is important to understand the influence of certain individual and cultural characteristics on the process of professional integration. The present study explores the links between personality traits, demographic characteristics (age, sex, education, income, and nationality), work engagement, and job stress. The sample consisted of 618 participants, including 394 Swiss workers (200 women, 194 men) and 224 foreigners living and working in Switzerland (117 women, 107 men). Each participant completed the NEO-FFI, the UWES, and the GWSS questionnaires. Our results show an interaction between age and nationality with respect to work engagement and general job stress. The levels of work engagement and job stress appear to increase with age among national wotkers, whereas they decrease among foreign workers. In addition, work engagement was negatively associated with Neuroticism and positively with the other four personality dimensions. Finally, job stress was positively associated with Neuroticism and Conscientiousness, and negatively associated with Extraversion. However, the strength of these relationships appeared to vary according to the worker's nationality, age, sex, education, and income.
The schizont maturation assay for in vitro drug sensitivity tests has been a standard method employed in the global baseline assessment and monitoring of drug response in Plasmodium falciparum. This test is limited in its application to synchronous plasmodial infections because it evaluates the effect of drug on the maturation of parasite especially from ring to schizont stage and therefore synchronized P. falciparum cultures are required. On the other hand, P. knowlesi, a simian malaria parasite has a unique 24-h periodicity and maintains high natural synchronicity in monkeys. The present report presents the results of a comparative study on the course of in vitro maturation of sorbitol synchronized P. falciparum and naturally synchronous P. knowlesi. Ring stage parasites were incubated in RPMI medium supplemented with 10-15% pooled homologous serum in flat-bottomed 96-well micro plates using a candle jar at 37°C. The results suggest that the ideal time for harvesting the micro-assay plates for in vitro drug sensitivity test for sorbitol-synchronized P. falciparum and naturally synchronous P. knowlesi are from 26 to 30 h and from 22 to 25 h, respectively. The advantages of using P. knowlesi in chemotherapeutic studies are discussed.
A total of 106 women with vaginitis in Nicaragua were studied. The positive rate for the identification of Candida species was 41% (44 positive cultures out of 106 women with vaginitis). The sensitivity of microscopic examination of wet mount with the potassium hydroxide (KOH) was 61% and 70% with Gram's stain when using the culture of vaginal fluid as gold standard for diagnosis of candidiasis. Among the 44 positives cultures, isolated species of yeast from vaginal swabs were C. albicans (59%), C. tropicalis (23%), C. glabrata (14%) and C. krusei (4%). This study reports the first characterization of 26 C. albicans stocks from Nicaragua by the random amplified polymorphic DNA method. The genetic analysis in this small C. albicans population showed the existence of linkage disequilibrium, which is consistent with the hypothesis that C. albicans undergoes a clonal propagation.
Introduction Lesion detection in multiple sclerosis (MS) is an essential part of its clinical diagnosis. In addition, radiological characterisation of MS lesions is an important research field that aims at distinguishing different MS types, monitoring drug response and prognosis. To date, various MR protocols have been proposed to obtain optimal lesion contrast for early and comprehensive diagnosis of the MS disease. In this study, we compare the sensitivity of five different MR contrasts for lesion detection: (i) the DIR sequence (Double Inversion Recovery, [4]), (ii) the Dark-fluid SPACE acquisition schemes, a 3D variant of a 2D FLAIR sequence [1], (iii) the MP2RAGE [2], an MP-RAGE variant that provides homogeneous T1 contrast and quantitative T1-values, and the sequences currently used for clinical MS diagnosis (2D FLAIR, MP-RAGE). Furthermore, we investigate the T1 relaxation times of cortical and sub-cortical regions in the brain hemispheres and the cerebellum at 3T. Methods 10 early-stage female MS patients (age: 31.64.7y; disease duration: 3.81.9y; disability score, EDSS: 1.80.4) and 10 healthy controls (age and gender-matched: 31.25.8y) were included in the study after obtaining informed written consent according to the local ethic protocol. All experiments were performed at 3T (Magnetom Trio a Tim System, Siemens, Germany) using a 32-channel head coil [5]. The imaging protocol included the following sequences, (all except for axial FLAIR 2D with 1x1x1.2 mm3 voxel and 256x256x160 matrix): DIR (TI1/TI2/TR XX/3652/10000 ms, iPAT=2, TA 12:02 min), MP-RAGE (TI/TR 900/2300 ms, iPAT=3, TA 3:47 min); MP2RAGE (TI1/TI2/TR 700/2500/5000 ms, iPAT=3, TA 8:22 min, cf. [2]); 3D FLAIR SPACE (only for patient 4-6, TI/TR 1800/5000 ms, iPAT=2, TA=5;52 min, cf. [1]); Axial FLAIR (0.9x0.9x2.5 mm3, 256x256x44 matrix, TI/TR 2500/9000 ms, iPAT=2, TA 4:05 min). Lesions were identified by two experienced neurologist and radiologist, manually contoured and assigned to regional locations (s. table 1). Regional lesion masks (RLM) from each contrast were compared for number and volumes of lesions. In addition, RLM were merged in a single "master" mask, which represented the sum of the lesions of all contrasts. T1 values were derived for each location from this mask for patients 5-10 (3D FLAIR contrast was missing for patient 1-4). Results & Discussion The DIR sequence appears the most sensitive for total lesions count, followed by the MP2RAGE (table 1). The 3D FLAIR SPACE sequence turns out to be more sensitive than the 2D FLAIR, presumably due to reduced partial volume effects. Looking for sub-cortical hemispheric lesions, the DIR contrast appears to be equally sensitive to the MP2RAGE and SPACE, but most sensitive for cerebellar MS plaques. The DIR sequence is also the one that reveals cortical hemispheric lesions best. T1 relaxation times at 3T in the WM and GM of the hemispheres and the cerebellum, as obtained with the MP2RAGE sequence, are shown in table 2. Extending previous studies, we confirm overall longer T1-values in lesion tissue and higher standard deviations compared to the non-lesion tissue and control tissue in healthy controls. We hypothesize a biological (different degree of axonal loss and demyelination) rather than technical origin. Conclusion In this study, we applied 5 MR contrasts including two novel sequences to investigate the contrast of highest sensitivity for early MS diagnosis. In addition, we characterized for the first time the T1 relaxation time in cortical and sub-cortical regions of the hemispheres and the cerebellum. Results are in agreement with previous publications and meaningful biological interpretation of the data.
OBJECTIVES: To describe disease characteristics and treatment modalities in a multidisciplinary cohort of systemic lupus erythematosus (SLE) patients in Switzerland. METHODS: Cross-sectional analysis of 255 patients included in the Swiss SLE Cohort and coming from centres specialised in Clinical Immunology, Internal Medicine, Nephrology and Rheumatology. Clinical data were collected with a standardised form. Disease activity was assessed using the Safety of Estrogens in Lupus Erythematosus National Assessment-SLE Disease Activity Index (SELENA-SLEDAI), an integer physician's global assessment score (PGA) ranging from 0 (inactive) to 3 (very active disease) and the erythrocyte sedimentation rate (ESR). The relationship between SLE treatment and activity was assessed by propensity score methods using a mixed-effect logistic regression with a random effect on the contributing centre. RESULTS: Of the 255 patients, 82% were women and 82% were of European ancestry. The mean age at enrolment was 44.8 years and the median SLE duration was 5.2 years. Patients from Rheumatology had a significantly later disease onset. Renal disease was reported in 44% of patients. PGA showed active disease in 49% of patients, median SLEDAI was 4 and median ESR was 14 millimetre/first hour. Prescription rates of anti-malarial drugs ranged from 3% by nephrologists to 76% by rheumatologists. Patients regularly using anti-malarial drugs had significantly lower SELENA-SLEDAI scores and ESR values. CONCLUSION: In our cohort, patients in Rheumatology had a significantly later SLE onset than those in Nephrology. Anti-malarial drugs were mostly prescribed by rheumatologists and internists and less frequently by nephrologists, and appeared to be associated with less active SLE.
Recrystallization rims are a common feature of zircon crystals that underwent metamorphism. We present a microstructural and microchemical study of partially recrystallized zircon grains collected in polymetamorphic migmatites (Valle d'Arbedo, Ticino, Switzerland). The rims are bright in cathodo-luminescence (CL), with sharp and convex contacts characterized by inward-penetrating embayments transgressing igneous zircon cores. Laser ablation-inductively coupled plasma-mass spectrometry (LA-ICP-MS) data and transmission electron microscopy (TEM) imaging indicate that the rims are chemically and microstructurally different from the cores. The rims are strongly depleted in REE, with concentrations up to two orders of magnitude lower than in the cores, indicating a significant loss of REE during zircon recrystallization. Enrichment in non-formula elements, such as Ca, has not been observed in the rims. The microstructure of zircon cores shows a dappled intensity at and below the 100 nm scale, possibly due to radiation damage. Other defects such as pores and dislocations are absent in the core except at healed cracks. Zircon rims are mostly dapple-free, but contain nanoscale pores and strain centers, interpreted as fluid inclusions and chemical residues, respectively. Sensitive high-resolution ion microprobe (SHRIMP) U-Pb ages show that the recrystallization of the rims took place >200 Ma ago when the parent igneous zircon was not metamict. The chemical composition and the low-Ti content of the rims indicate that they form at sub-solidus temperatures (550-650 degrees C). Recrystallization rims in Valle d'Arbedo zircon are interpreted as the result of the migration of chemical reaction fronts in which fluid triggered in situ and contemporaneous interface-coupled dissolution-reprecipitation mechanisms. This study indicates that strong lattice strain resulting from the incorporation of a large amount of impurities and structural defects is not a necessary condition for zircon to recrystallize. Our observations suggest that the early formation of recrystallization rims played a major role in preserving zircon from the more recent Alpine metamorphic overprint.
Introduction: The last twenty years has witnessed important changes in the field of obstetric analgesia and anesthesia. In 2007, we conducted a survey to obtain information regarding the clinical practice of obstetric anesthesia in our country. The main objective was to ascertain whether recent developments in obstetric anesthesia had been adequately implemented into current clinical practice. Methodology: A confidential questionnaire was sent to 391 identified wiss obstetric anesthetists. The questionnaire included 58 questions on 5 main topics: activity and organization of the obstetric unit, practice of labor analgesia, practice of anesthesia for caesarean section, prevention of aspiration syndrome, and pain treatment after cesarean section. Results: The response rate was 80% (311/391). 66% of the surveyed anesthetists worked in intermediate size obstetric units (500-1500 deliveries per year). An anesthetist was on site 24/24 hours in only 53% of the obstetric units. Epidural labor analgesia with low dose local anesthetics combined with opioids was used by 87% but only 30% used patient controlled epidural analgesia (PCEA). Spinal anesthesia was the first choice for elective and urgent cesarean section for 95% of the responders. Adequate prevention of aspiration syndrome was prescribed by 78%. After cesarean section, a multimodal analgesic regimen was prescribed by 74%. Conclusion: When comparing these results with those of the two previous Swiss surveys [1, 2], it clearly appears that Swiss obstetric anesthetists have progressively adapted their practice to current clinical recommendations. But this survey also revealed some insufficiencies: 1. Of the public health system: a. Insufficient number of obstetric anesthetists on site 24 hours/24. b. Lack of budget in some hospitals to purchase PCEA pumps. 2. Of individual medical practice: a. Frequent excessive dosage of hyperbaric bupivacaine during spinal anesthesia for cesarean section. b. Frequent use of cristalloid preload before spinal anesthesia for cesarean section. c. Frequent systematic use of opioids when inducing general anesthesia for cesarean section. d. Fentanyl as the first choice opioid during induction of general anesthesia for severe preeclampsia. In the future, wider and more systematic information campaigns by the mean of the Swiss Association of Obstetric Anesthesia (SAOA) should be able to correct these points.
Histopathologic and morphometric (area, perimeter, major and minor diameters) analysis of hepatic granulomas isolated from twelve naturally infected Nectomys squamipes were compared to four experimentally infected ones and six C3H/He mice. Liver paraffin sections were stained for cells and extracellular matrix. Both groups of N. squamipes presented peculiar granulomas consisting predominantly of large macrophages, full of schistosome pigment, characterizing an exudative-macrophage granuloma type, smaller than the equivalent granuloma type in mouse. Naturally infected animals exhibited granulomas in different stages of development, including large number of involutional types. Morphometric analysis showed that all measurements were smaller in naturally infected animals than in other groups. The results demonstrated that both N. squamipes groups reproduced, with small variations, the hepatic granuloma aspects already described in cricetidium (Calomys callosus), showing a genetic tendency to set up strong macrophage responses and small granulomas. Unexpectedly, natural infection did not engender distinguished histopathological characteristics distinct from those derived from experimental single infection, showing changes predominantly secondary to the duration of infection. It appears that the variability of the inocula (and the number of infections?) interfere more with the quantity than with the quality of the pathological changes, denoting some morpho-functional determinism in the response to schistosomal infection dependent on the animal species.