998 resultados para Supersymmetric formalism


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Starting from the Schwinger unitary operator bases formalism constructed out of a finite dimensional state space, the well-known q-deformed commutation relation is shown to emerge in a natural way, when the deformation parameter is a root of unity.


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The production of third generation leptoquarks can give rise to multilepton events accompanied by jets and missing ET. In this work we study the signals of these leptoquarks at the CERN Large Hadron Collider and compare them with the ones expected in supersymmetric models. ©1998 The American Physical Society.


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The Regge-Mueller formalism is used to describe the inclusive spectrum of the proton in pp collisions. From such a description the energy dependences of both average inelasticity and leading proton multiplicity are calculated. These quantities are then used to establish the connection between the average charged particle multiplicities measured in e+e- and pp/p̄p processes. The description obtained for the leading proton cross section implies that Feynman scaling is strongly violated only at the extreme values of xF, that is at the central region (xF≈0) and at the diffraction region (XF≈1), while it is approximately observed in the intermediate region of the spectrum. ©1999 The American Physical Society.


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We study chargino pair production at LEP II in supersymmetric models with spontaneously broken R-parity. We perform signal and background analyses, showing that a large region of the parameter space of these models can be probed through chargino searches at LEP II. In particular, we determine the attainable limits on the chargino mass as a function of the magnitude of the effective bilinear R-parity violation parameter ∈, demonstrating that LEP II is able to unravel the existence of charginos with masses almost up to their kinematical limit even in the case of R-parity violation. This requires the study of several final state topologies since the usual MSSM chargino signature is recovered as ∈ → 0. Moreover, for sufficiently large ∈ values, for which the chargino decay mode χ ± → τ ± J dominates, we find through a dedicated Monte Carlo analysis that the χ ± mass bounds are again very close to the kinematic limit. Our results establish the robustness of the chargino mass limit, in the sense that it is basically model-independent. They also show that LEP II can establish the existence of spontaneous R-parity violation in a large region of parameter space should charginos be produced. © 1999 Elsevier Science B.V.


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We discuss perturbative and non-perturbative strong-interaction effects in the pair production of stop squarks (t̃1) at e+e- colliders. Events with an additional hard gluon allow to detect or exclude t̃1t̃*1 production even in scenarios with very small mass splitting between ti and an invisible lightest supersymmetric particle (LSP). Such events can also help to establish that t̃1 transforms as a triplet under SU(3)C. We also carefully study non-perturbative t̃1 fragmentation, which is currently not well understood: not only is the t̃1 fragmentation function not known very well, but also there are ambiguities in the algorithm employed to model fragmentation. We present numerical results both for CERN LEP-183 and for a proposed future e+e- collider operating at center-of-mass energy s1/2 = 500 GeV.


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Measurements of the inelastic photoproduction of charmonium at HERA have ignited a new charmonium crisis. The Color Singlet approach to computing onium production cross sections fits the data for large charmonium energy fraction z, where color octet models fail. This approach is however in qualitative disagreement with a wealth of information that exist on charmonium production by other initial states. We here suggest that the source of the discrepancy between color octet models (whether implemented in the soft color or NRQCD formalism) and data is due to the neglect of non-perturbative effects. Implementing these in a scheme originally developed for Drell-Yan phenomenology, we illustrate how agreement with the data is achieved. © 1999 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved.


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Using the manifestly spacetime-supersymmetric version of open superstring field theory, we construct the free action for the first massive states of the open superstring compactified to four dimensions. This action is in N = 1 D = 4 superspace and describes a massive spin-2 multiplet coupled to two massive scalar multiplets. © 1999 Published by Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved.


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We review a formalism of superstring quantization with manifest six-dimensional spacetime supersymmetry, and apply it to AdS3 × S3 backgrounds with Ramond-Ramond flux. The resulting description is a conformal field theory based on a sigma model whose target space is a certain supergroup SU′(2|2).