999 resultados para Sobrecarga de Trabalho
OBJETIVO: Identificar variáveis preditoras de sobrecarga de ferro em portadores de anemia falciforme e correlacionar indicadores bioquímicos e imaginológicos. MATERIAiS E MÉTODOS: Foi realizado estudo transversal envolvendo 32 portadores de anemia falciforme, que foram submetidos a dosagem sérica de ferro, ferritina e a ressonância magnética do fígado. Foram realizadas cinco sequências gradiente-eco e uma spin-eco. A intensidade de sinal foi obtida em cada sequência pelas médias das regiões de interesse no fígado e musculatura paravertebral para obter a razão da intensidade de sinal (RIS) fígado/músculo. A partir da RIS foi obtida a concentração hepática estimada de ferro (CHEF) pela fórmula: e[5,808 - (0,877 × T2*) - (1,518 × PI)], onde T2* é a RIS na sequência com TE de 13 ms e PI é a RIS da sequência com ponderação intermediária. Os pacientes foram agrupados segundo o regime de transfusão de hemácias (regulares mensais versus esporádicas). RESULTADOS: Os grupos transfusionais foram comparados pelas variáveis clínico-laboratoriais, sendo significativas as diferenças entre RIS, CHEF e ferritina sérica: o grupo que recebeu transfusões regulares apresentou sobrecarga de ferro hepático mais intensa. CONCLUSÃO: A ressonância magnética foi ferramenta eficiente para avaliação de sobrecarga hepática de ferro em portadores de anemia falciforme.
This article reports questions related to the training and jobs of chemistry graduates from Brazilian universities. It is focussed on academic and career paths and on relations between knowledge and work. The main questions addressed in this study were: what have been the paths since undergraduate education? what were graduates doing before their enrolment in master and doctoral programs? Which were their motivations for this? Where do graduates work now? How do they appraise some aspects of their graduate education? Did the degree enlarge their job opportunities and improve work quality? How much do they earn?
This article reports questions related to the training and jobs of biochemistry graduates from Brazilian universities. It is focussed on academic and career paths and on relations between knowledge and work. The main questions addressed in this study were: what have been the paths since undergraduate education? What were graduates doing before their enrolment in master and doctoral programs? Which were their motivations for this? Where do graduates work now? How do they appraise some aspects of their graduate education? Did the degree enlarge their job opportunities and improve work quality? How much do they earn?
This work focuses its attention in teaching through problems, as a methodological strategy in the system of chemistry learning situations. The philosophical and epistemological basis of our perspective are the works that were developed by M. Majmutov and M.M. Llantada, in the field of sciences didactics and in the social-historical context of the school, where the fundamental categories that structure teaching through problems are discussed: the problem, the problematic tasks and problematic, as main orientations in the process of construction of the knowledge by the students.
A boron-doped diamond electrode is used for determination of Mn(II) in atmospheric particulate matter by square wave cathodic stripping voltammetry. The analytical curve was linear for Mn(II) concentrations between 5.0 and 37.5 µg L-1, with quantification limit of 3.6 µg L-1. The precision was evaluated by the relative standard deviation, with values between 5.1% and 9.3%. The electrode is free of adsorption, minimizing memory effects. Samples collected in the workplace atmosphere of a foundry had Mn(II) concentrations between 0.4 and 4 µg m-3. No significant differences were observed between the proposed method and inductively coupled plasma optical emission spectroscopy.
We treat some subtleties concerning the First Law of Thermodynamics and discuss the inherent difficulties, namely the interpretation of the heat and the work differentials. By proposing a new differential equation for the First Law, which is written using both system and neighborhood variables, we overcome the mentioned difficulties and establish a criterion for the definition of heat and work.
This work aims at investigating and proposing strategies to improve the comprehension of Chemistry concepts by high school students. One of these strategies consists in workshops that emphasize the notion of work as a general educational principle, in the perspective of polytechnic education. Interviews (pre and post-workshops) were used to evaluate the results. In post-workshop interviews, a significant incorporation of scientific concepts was observed, as well as a considerable improvement in the interpretation of experiments.
In this work, we describe a pedagogical experiment using work projects in chemistry undergraduate programs in general chemistry and inorganic chemistry courses making learning more dynamic and consolidating the link between students and the external community. We highlight as fundamental outcomes the improvement in the learning process and, above all, the active participation of the students in investigation and problem-solving activities.
It is argued that the invariants associated to the First Law of Thermodynamics and to the concept of identical processes lead to a clear definition of heat and work. The conditions for heat and work to be invariant under a system-surroundings interchange are also investigated. Finally, examples are presented to illustrate the above conditions.