1000 resultados para Shade elements


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The MUC1 gene encodes a transmembrane mucin glycoprotein that is overexpressed in several cancers of epithelial origin, including those of breast, pancreas, lung, ovary, and colon. Functions of MUC1 include protection of mucosal epithelium, modulation of cellular adhesion, and signal transduction. Aberrantly increased expression of MUC1 in cancer cells promotes tumor progression through adaptation of these functions. Some regulatory elements participating in MUC1 transcription have been described, but the mechanisms responsible for overexpression are largely unknown. A region of MUC1 5′ flanking sequence containing two conserved potential cytokine response elements, an NFκB site at −589/−580 and a STAT binding element (SBE) at −503/−495, has been implicated in high level expression in breast and pancreatic cancer cell lines. Persistent stimulation by proinflammatory cytokines may contribute to increased MUC1 transcription by tumor cells. ^ T47D breast cancer cells and normal human mammary epithelial cells (HMEC) were used to determine the roles of the κB site and SBE in basal and stimulated expression of MUC1. Treatment of T47D cells and HMEC with interferon-γ (IFNγ) alone enhanced MUC1 expression at the level of transcription, and the effect of IFNγ was further stimulated by tumor necrosis factor-α (TNFα). MUC1 responsiveness to these cytokines was modest in T47D cells but clearly evident in HMEC. Transient transfection of T47D cells with mutant MUC1 promoter constructs revealed that the κB site at −589/−580 and the SBE at −503/−495 and were required for cooperative stimulation by TNFα and IFNγ. Electrophoretic mobility shift assays (EMSA) revealed that the synergy was mediated not by cooperative binding of transcription factors but by the independent actions of STAT1α and NFκB p65 on their respective binding sites. Independent mutations in the κB site and SBE abrogated cytokine responsiveness and reduced basal MUC1 promoter activity by 45–50%. However, only the κB site appeared to be constitutively activated in T47D cells, in part by NFκB p65. These findings implicate two cytokine response elements in the 5 ′ flanking region of MUC1, specifically a κB site and a STAT binding element, in overexpression of MUC1 in breast cancer cells. ^


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Analysis of the human genome has revealed that more than 74% of human genes undergo alternative RNA splicing. Aberrations in alternative RNA splicing have been associated with several human disorders, including cancer. ^ We studied the aberrant expression of alternative RNA splicing isoforms of the Fibroblast Growth Factor Receptor 1 (FGFR1) gene in a human glioblastoma cancer model. Normal glial cells express the FGFR1α, which contains three extracellular domains. In tumors the most abundant isoform is the FGFR1β, which lacks the first extracellular domain due to the skipping of a single exon, termed alpha. The skipping of the α-exon is regulated by two intronic silencing sequences within the precursor mRNA. Since we observed no mutations on these elements in tumor cells, we hypothesized that the over-expression of regulatory proteins that recognize these sequences is responsible for the aberrant expression of splicing isoforms. Hence, we blocked the formation of protein complexes on the ISS using antisense RNA oligonucleotides in vitro. We also evaluated the impact of the ISS antisense oligonucleotides on the endogenous FGFR1 splicing, in a glioblastoma cell model. By targeting intronic regulatory elements we were able to increase the level of alpha exon inclusion up to 90% in glioblastoma cells. The effect was dose dependent, sequence specific and reproducible in glioblastoma and other cancer cells, which also exhibit an alpha exon skipping phenotype. Targeting FGFR1 endogenous ISS1 and ISS2 sequences did not have an additive or synergistic effect, which suggest a regulatory splicing mechanism that requires the interaction of complexes formed on these elements. An increase in the levels of the FGFR1α isoform resulted in a reduction in cell invasiveness. Also, a significant increase in the levels of caspase 3/7 activities, which is indicative of an elevation in apoptosis levels, suggests that expression of FGFR1β might be relevant for tumor survival. These studies demonstrate that it is possible to prevent aberrant expression of exon skipping events through the targeting of intronic regulatory elements, providing an important new therapeutic tool for the correction of human disease caused by alternative RNA splicing. ^


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The second chapter of the Case text on the phase rule, this time dealing with two component systems, added to by the author, is presented here.


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This presentation was made at the Connecticut State Library Service Center, Willimantic, CT, April 14, 2009. It focused on digital capture workflows for both archival and derivative image creation using accepted current standards. Tools used were inexpensive by choice and focused towards the needs of small to mid-sized cultural heritage institutions who wish to begin digital capture in their own facilities.


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One component systems are treated from the point of view of the Gibbs' phase rule.


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This out of print 1939 manuscript, updated, is added to the literature with slight additions


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This is the last (third) chapter of the phase rule text, again altered by the author, addressing 3 and 4 compnent systems.


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Maurice Fishberg


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Expression of the structural genes for the anthrax toxin proteins is coordinately controlled by host-related signals such as elevated CO2 , and the trans-acting positive regulator, AtxA. No specific binding of AtxA to the toxin gene promoters has been demonstrated and no sequence-based similarities are apparent in the promoter regions of toxin genes. We hypothesized that the toxin genes possess common structural features that are required for positive regulation. To test this hypothesis, I performed an extensive characterization of the toxin gene promoters. I determined the minimal sequences required for atxA-mediated toxin gene expression and compared these sequences for structural similarities. In silico modeling and in vitro experiments indicated significant curvature within these regions. Random mutagenesis revealed that point mutations associated with reduced transcriptional activity, mostly mapped to areas of high curvature. This work enabled the identification of two potential cis-acting elements implicated in AtxA-mediated regulation of the toxin genes. In addition to the growth condition requirements and AtxA, toxin gene expression is under growth phase regulation. The transition state regulator AbrB represses atxA expression to influence toxin synthesis. Here I report that toxin gene expression also requires sigH, a gene encoding the RNA polymerase sigma factor associated with development in B. subtilis. In the well-studied B. subtilis system, σH is part of a feedback control pathway that involves AbrB and the major response regulator of sporulation initiation, Spo0A. My data indicate that in B. anthracis, regulatory relationships exist between these developmental regulators and atxA . Interestingly, during growth in toxin-inducing conditions, sigH and abrB expression deviates from that described for B. subtilis, affecting expression of the atxA gene. These findings, combined with previous observations, suggest that the steady state level of atxA expression is critical for optimal toxin gene transcription. I propose a model whereby, under toxin-inducing conditions, control of toxin gene expression is fine-tuned by the independent effects of the developmental regulators on the expression of atxA . The growth condition-dependent changes in expression of these regulators may be crucial for the correct timing and uninterrupted expression of the toxin genes during infection. ^