1000 resultados para Sensibilização central
The first investigation of arthropods associated with carrion in Cameroon was carried out within the campus of the University of Yaounde I (Cameroon) from 17thJanuary to 3rd April 2008. Carcasses of rats (Rattus norvegicus Berkenhout, 1769 var WISTAR) were exposed to colonization by the local fauna of arthropods. The invading organisms were collected daily during the study period. 2287 individuals of arthropod belonging to 3 classes, 16 orders, 37 families and 7 subfamilies were identified. The insects assessed were mainly Diptera, Coleoptera and Acari. This study illustrates the high diversity of the necroentomofauna in Cameroon and provides an insight approximation into the succession pattern of invading insect and a weekly estimation of the time of death.
INTRODUCTION: In November 2009, the "3rd Summit on Osteoporosis-Central and Eastern Europe (CEE)" was held in Budapest, Hungary. The conference aimed to tackle issues regarding osteoporosis management in CEE identified during the second CEE summit in 2008 and to agree on approaches that allow most efficient and cost-effective diagnosis and therapy of osteoporosis in CEE countries in the future. DISCUSSION: The following topics were covered: past year experience from FRAX® implementation into local diagnostic algorithms; causes of secondary osteoporosis as a FRAX® risk factor; bone turnover markers to estimate bone loss, fracture risk, or monitor therapies; role of quantitative ultrasound in osteoporosis management; compliance and economical aspects of osteoporosis; and osteoporosis and genetics. Consensus and recommendations developed on these topics are summarised in the present progress report. CONCLUSION: Lectures on up-to-date data of topical interest, the distinct regional provenances of the participants, a special focus on practical aspects, intense mutual exchange of individual experiences, strong interest in cross-border cooperations, as well as the readiness to learn from each other considerably contributed to the establishment of these recommendations. The "4th Summit on Osteoporosis-CEE" held in Prague, Czech Republic, in December 2010 will reveal whether these recommendations prove of value when implemented in the clinical routine or whether further improvements are still required.
Audit report on the South Central Iowa Regional E-911 Service Board for the year ended June 30, 2009
Audit report on the South Central Iowa Regional E-911 Service Board for the year ended June 30, 2009
Deccan intertrappean sediments in central India are generally considered as terrestrial deposits of Maastrichtian age, but the Cretaceous-Tertiary (K-T) position is still unknown. Here we report the discovery of the K-T transition, a marine incursion and environmental changes preserved within the intertrappean sediments at Jhilmili, Chhindwara District, Madhya Pradesh. Integrative biostratigraphic, sedimentologic, mineralogic and chemostratigraphic analyses reveal the basal Danian in the intertrappean sediments between lower and upper trap basalts that regionally correspond to C29r and the C29R/C29N transition, respectively. Intertrappean deposition occurred in predominantly terrestrial semi-humid to and environments. But a short aquatic interval of fresh water ponds and lakes followed by shallow coastal marine conditions with brackish marine ostracods and early Danian zone P1a planktic foraminifera mark this interval very close to the K-T boundary. This marine incursion marks the existence of a nearby seaway, probably extending inland from the west through the Narmada and Tapti rift valleys. The Jhilmili results thus identify the K-T boundary near the end of the main phase of Deccan eruptions and indicate that a major seaway extended at least 800 km across India. (C) 2009 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
Report on Aging Resources of Central Iowa for the period July 1, 2005 through June 30, 2009
Audit report on the Central Iowa Juvenile Detention Center in Eldora, Iowa for the year ended June 30, 2009
La pose d'un cathéter veineux central est un geste fréquent dans un service de médecine interne. En suivant la formation des médecins-assistants, nous nous sommes aperçus que certaines questions, doutes ou craintes concernant cette procédure nous sont régulièrement adressées: «Est-ce qu'un cathéter sous-clavier peut être posé avec une thrombocytopénie modérée?»; «Quel site de ponction présente le moins de risques pour le patient?»; «Après combien de jours un cathéter doit-il être changé?». Cet article se propose de répondre à ces questions et à d'autres, en partant d'une mini-revue de la littérature actuelle. Central venous catheterization is a frequently performed procedure in internal medicine units. Residents in training frequently share the same questions, doubts and fears about this procedure : "Should I perform a subclavian catheterization in a patient with mild thrombopenia?"; "Which site has the lesser complication rate?"; "After how long does a catheter need to be replaced?". This mini-review of the current literature tries to answer this and other questions
Background: Providing analgesia without suppressing motor or sensory function is a challenge for regional anesthesia and postoperative pain management. Resiniferatoxin (RTX), an ultrapotent agonist for transient receptor potential subtype-1 (TRPV1) can produce this selective blockade, as TRPV1 is selectively expressed on nociceptors. Futhermore, after peripheral nerve injury, spontaneous ectopic activity arises from all types of nerve fibers that can affect spinal neurons and glial cells. The goal of the present experiment is to determine whether spontaneous activity generated in C-fibers or in both A&C-fibers is required for microglia activation. Method: We applied RTX (0.01%) or bupivacaine microspheres to the sciatic nerve of rats to block the conduction of C-fibers or A&C-fibers, respectively, before spared nerve injury (SNI). Behavior was tested and all the rats were sacrificed 2 days later; immunohistochemistry was performed on their spinal cord for mitogen-activated protein kinase (MAPK) p38, bromodeoxyuridine (BrdU, marker of proliferation) and Iba1 (microglial marker). Result: At day 2 after SNI robust mechanical allodynia and p38 activation in spinal microglia were documented. There was also a substantial cell proliferation in the spinal cord, all proliferating cells (BrdU+) being microglia (Iba1+). RTX blocked heat sensitivity and produced heat hypoalgesia without affecting mechanical allodynia and motor function. Microglial proliferation and p38 activation in the spinal cord were not affected by RTX (p >0.05). In contrast, a complete sensory and motor blockade was seen with bupivacaine which also significantly inhibited p38 activation and microglial proliferation in the spinal cord (p <0.05). Conclusion: We conclude that (1) RTX can provide a selective nociceptive blockade but that (2) blocking only nociceptive fibers does not impair the development of mechanical allodynia and microglia activation. Therefore (3) if microglia activation is important for chronic pain development then specific nociceptive blockade won't be sufficient to prevent it.
A colheita seletiva de madeira pode vir a ser uma forma sustentável de uso da terra para ecossistemas florestais da Amazônia, uma vez que permite a manutenção de parte considerável da biomassa florestal, diminuindo, assim, a perturbação nas áreas exploradas. Neste sentido, o presente estudo teve como objetivo avaliar o efeito da exploração seletiva de madeira sobre as características físicas de um Latossolo Amarelo. A área de estudo localiza-se a cerca de 80 km ao norte de Manaus e a vegetação é do tipo Floresta Ombrófila Densa. O número de árvores retiradas com um trator de esteiras D6, por arraste, em 1993, variou de sete a dez árvores/ha (DAP > 55 cm). O delineamento experimental foi do tipo blocos ao acaso, com três repetições. Seis tratamentos foram avaliados, equivalendo às seguintes classes de perturbação identificadas na área: trilha de trator, centro de clareira, borda da clareira/floresta, borda da floresta/clareira, floresta remanescente e floresta-controle. A colheita seletiva de madeira provocou modificações nas características físicas do solo, principalmente nas trilhas de trator, e representou, em média, 13,8 % da área total explorada. Os valores de densidade do solo e resistência à penetração foram maiores para o solo sob estas áreas, enquanto a macroporosidade e o volume de água disponível para as plantas apresentaram-se menores do que nas demais classes de perturbação. Estas classes foram menos afetadas, não se estabelecendo diferenças significativas para as características físicas do solo entre estas e a floresta-controle, indicando, assim, a colheita seletiva como uma prática de menor impacto para o solo dos ecossistemas florestais da Amazônia.
A pesar de que todavía se suele identificar al archivero con el profesional que se dedica exclusivamente a la clasificación, descripción y difusión de los documentos históricos o, como mucho, de aquellos que ya han acabado su función administrativa, esta concepción no se corresponde con el trabajo que actualmente desarrolla un número cada vez mayor de expertos.