998 resultados para Secure Base
El TFC s'ha basat en la creació d'una aplicació basada en tecnologia J2EE que permet obtenir informació bursàtil a través de la font d'informació de Yahoo Finances. La informació obtinguda a través d'aquesta font és de dos tipus: en forma de dades incloses en un arxiu descarregable o en forma de gràfica que el client pot veure directament a l'aplicació. Així doncs, l'aplicació permet mostrar gràfiques de preus d'accions bursàtils i també descarregar-ne arxius amb dades.
This paper reviews the most important methods used to characterize the porosity of styrene-divinylbenzene resins. Methods such as adsorption of nitrogen for determination of surface area and mercury intrusion porosimetry for characterization of pore size distribution are related.
The reaction between hydroxy-terminated polybutadiene and isophorone diisocyanate constitutes the base of the curing process of the most composite solid propellant used in the propulsion of solid rocket propellant. In this work, differential scanning calorimetry and viscosity measurements were used to evaluate the effect of the ferric acetylacetonate catalyst concentration on the reaction between HTBR and IPDI. These analyses show one exotherm, which shifts to lower temperatures as the catalyst concentration increases. The viscosity analyses show that the increase of temperature causes, at first, a reduction in the mixture viscosity, reaching a minimum range called gelification region (increasing the crosslinking density).
Traducción del Anteproyecto de Propuesta Directiva concerniente a la armonización de las reglas de determinación de los beneficios imponibles, de marzo de 1988.
Today satellites propulsion is based on the use of monopropellant and/or bipropellant chemical systems. The maneuvering of satellite is based on the hydrazine decomposition micropropulsors catalyzed by metallic iridium supported on g-alumina. This reaction is a surface reaction and is strongly exothermic and implies that the operation of the micropropulsor is controlled by the mass and heat diffusions. For this reason and for the fact that the propulsor operation is frequently in pulsed regime, the catalyst should support high pressure and temperature variations within a short time period. The performance and the durability of the commercial catalyst are jeopardized by the low thermal conductivity of the alumina. The low thermal conductivity of the alumina support restricts the heat diffusion and leads to the formation of hot spots on the catalyst surface causing the metal sintering and/or fractures of the support, resulting in loss of the activity and catalyst destruction. This work presents the synthesis and characterization of new carbon composite support for the active element iridium, in substitution of the commercial catalysts alumina based support. These supports are constituted of carbon nanofibers (30 to 40 nm diameter) supported on a macroscopic carbon felt. These materials present high thermal conductivity and mechanical resistance, as well as the easiness to be shaped with different macroscopic shapes. The mechanical stability and the performance of the iridium supported on the carbon composite support, evaluated in a laboratory scale test in hydrazine decomposition reaction, are superior compared to the commercial catalyst.
This paper describes the drawing, construction and optimization of a device, which can be used to obtain single crystals of different metallic materials with melting point from 550 to 1050 ºC. Components of ease obtaining and of low cost were used. The device was based on the modified Bridgman technique and it was used to obtain single crystals of copper-based alloys. The temperature axial profiles and a difference less then 1% in the temperature between the wall and the center of the ceramic tube in the critical region for obtaining single crystals of good quality indicated that the oven presents a good thermal stability. Single crystals of CuZnAl and CuAlAg alloys of good quality were growth and characterized using optical microscopy and Laüe X-ray back reflection.
Ultra-trace amounts of Cu(II) were separated and preconcentrated by solid phase extraction on octadecyl-bonded silica membrane disks modified with a new Schiff,s base (Bis- (2-Hydroxyacetophenone) -2,2-dimethyl-1,3-propanediimine) (SBTD) followed by elution and inductively coupled plasma atomic emission spectrometric detection. The method was applied as a separation and detection method for copper(II) in environmental and biological samples. Extraction efficiency and the influence of sample matrix, flow rate, pH, and type and minimum amount of stripping acid were investigated. The concentration factor and detection limit of the proposed method are 500 and 12.5 pg mL-1, respectively.
The present work reviews recent advances in the preparation of new reversed phase packing materials such as sterically protected, bidentate, hybrid organic-inorganic and monolithic phases and phases containing embedded polar groups. The bonding chemistry involved in the preparation of these phases as well as their advantages over conventional C8 and C18 reversed phases are discussed. Understanding the reasons behind the development of these newer column packings helps analysts select the best stationary phase for a given application.