998 resultados para Sara
This dissertation examines the issue of invasion as represented in American science fiction. American SF appears as a scenario in which to explore national identity-an identity that has been marked by the imaginary of invasion. The dissertation focuses in particular on the 1983 television series V, which articulates concerns typical of a nation that has established its hegemony on the basis of the separation between oneself and the other. V, as we argue, equals the expression of American identity with the fear of physical otherness, and the fear of the vulnerability of the national borders as the imaginary boundary that separates the American I from everything else
This work presents a study about the elimination of anticancer drugs, a group of pollutants considered recalcitrant during conventional activated sludge wastewater treatment, using a biological treatment based on the fungus Trametes versicolor. A 10-L fluidized bed bioreactor inoculated with this fungus was set up in order to evaluate the removal of 10 selected anticancer drugs in real hospital wastewater. Almost all the tested anticancer drugs were completely removed from the wastewater at the end of the batch experiment (8 d) with the exception of Ifosfamide and Tamoxifen. These two recalcitrant compounds, together with Cyclophosphamide, were selected for further studies to test their degradability by T. versicolor under optimal growth conditions. Cyclophosphamide and Ifosfamide were inalterable during batch experiments both at high and low concentration, whereas Tamoxifen exhibited a decrease in its concentration along the treatment. Two positional isomers of a hydroxylated form of Tamoxifen were identified during this experiment using a high resolution mass spectrometry based on ultra-high performance chromatography coupled to an Orbitrap detector (LTQ-Velos Orbitrap). Finally the identified transformation products of Tamoxifen were monitored in the bioreactor run with real hospital wastewater
Proyecto de aplicación para dispositivos móviles que utiliza la Realidad Aumentada (RA) para contextualizar obras artísticas. Es un producto pensado para museos y galerías pero también para espacios exteriores que posean elementos de valor cultural. Sin embargo, y para servir de ejemplo se ha aplicado en seis piezas destacadas del Museo Episcopal de Vic. Aunque en Europa y EE.UU. los museos ya están innovando en este terreno, en España, que es donde se enmarca el proyecto, existe una carencia de elementos de mediación cultural como estos; sobre todo en los museos de arte donde las obras acostumbran a presentarse despojadas de cualquier herramienta que proporcione información complementaria. Existe, por tanto, una descontextualización del arte que crea barreras para el entendimiento del público general. De esta situación de carencia parte el objetivo principal del producto, el de aprovechar las posibilidades de la RA para mejorar la experiencia y el diálogo entre el visitante y la obra, aportando conocimiento y fomentando el aprendizaje.
Des de l’itinerari professionalitzador del Màster en Educació Inclusiva es realitzen 6 mòduls dels quals el 6 consisteix en fer un període de pràctiques (100 hores – 9 crèdits) i el Treball Final de Màster (6 crèdits). Jo he realitzat les pràctiques a l’Associació Tapís de Vic, una entitat sense ànim de lucre que treballa per donar resposta a les dificultats derivades de l’exclusió sociolaboral que afecten a molts ciutadans i ciutadanes de la ciutat de Vic i de la comarca d’Osona. Concretament, he realitzat el seguiment i l’anàlisi d’un nou projecte impulsat per l’Associació i en el qual hi ha una important participació activa de voluntariat, anomenat “Parelles per a la Inserció”. Per a aquest nou projecte, l’acompanyament emocional o la motivació davant l’adversitat són elements de primer ordre davant les dificultats per trobar feina. Després d’haver conegut el projecte, he dissenyat i planificat una proposta de millora amb la finalitat de donar resposta a algunes de les necessitats detectades. La proposta de millora, com es podrà observar en aquest treball, està relacionada amb la formació i dinamització de les persones voluntàries.
This article presents data from two samples of Catalan adolescents from 12 to 16 years and their parents in 2003 and 2008. The main aim is to explore the changing relationships between parents and their children and the impact that the use of ICT has on these changes. The results show that over the time there is a greater involvement of parents in communicating with their children about this issue, which involves no greater satisfaction of adolescents with such communication, possibly by the perception of lack of control that his/her father or mother has
Sobre el impacto que las TIC pueden tener en las relaciones interpersonales, ya sean en la familia y/o con los amigos/as, desde una perspectiva psicosocial
Chromatographic fractionation of the EtOH extract from the leaves of Swartzia langsdorffii afforded the pentacyclic triterpenes oleanolic acid and lupeol, and two saponins: oleanolic acid 3-sophoroside and the new ester 3-O-b-D-(6'-methyl)-glucopyranosyl-28-O-b-D-glucopyranosyl-oleanate. Their structures were elucidated from spectral data, including 2D NMR and HRESIMS experiments. Antifungal activity of all isolated compounds was evaluated, using phytopathogens Cladosporium cladosporioides and C. sphaerospermum, and human pathogens Candida albicans, C. krusei, C. parapsilosis and Cryptococcus neoformans.
Psychometric analysis of the AF5 multidimensional scale of self-concept in a sample of adolescents and adults in Catalonia. The aim of this study is to carry out a psychometric study of the AF5 scale in a sample of 4.825 Catalan subjects from 11 to 63 years-old. They are students from secondary compulsory education (ESO), from high school, middle-level vocational training (CFGM) and from the university. Using a principal component analysis (PCA) the theoretical validity of the components is established and the reliability of the instrument is also analyzed. Differential analyses are performed by gender and normative group using a 2 6 factorial design. The normative group variable includes the different levels classifi ed into 6 sub-groups: university, post-compulsory secondary education (high school and CFGM), 4th of ESO, 3rd of ESO, 2nd of ESO and 1st of ESO. The results indicate that the reliability of the Catalan version of the scale is similar to the original scale. The factorial structure also fi ts with the original model established beforehand. Signifi cant differences by normative group in the four components of self-concept explored (social, family, academic/occupational and physical) are observed. By gender, signifi cant differences appear in the component of physical self-concept, academic and social but not in the family component