996 resultados para SYNTHETIC STRATEGY


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Tämän tutkimuksen tarkoituksena oli tunnistaa uusia markkinoita ja markkinasegmenttejä yrityksen kasvustrategiaa varten. Yritys on kasvanut erittäin voimakkaasti viime vuosina nykyisillä markkinoillaan ja haluaa nyt jatkaa kasvuaan uusilla markkinoilla. Työ koostuu kirjallisuuskatsauksesta ja empiirisestä osuudesta. Kirjallisuuskatsauksessa on tunnistettu useita pk-yrityksen kasvuun vaikuttavia tekijöitä, uusien markkinoiden kartoittamiseen ja arvioimiseen vaikuttavia tekijöitä, ja lisäksi liiketoimintastrategiaan ja markkinasegmentin valintaan vaikuttavia tekijöitä. Empiirisen osuuden data kerättiin 60 asiantuntijahaastattelusta, joilla kartoitettiin kokonaismarkkinoita ja saatiin tarkkaa markkinainformaatiota kohdemarkkinoista. Tutkimuksessa tunnistettiin kymmenen potentiaalista toimialaa ja 54 potentiaalista markkinasegmenttiä. Kirjallisuudesta tunnistetuilla kriteereillä, teknologisin perustein ja yrityksen omien näkökulmien perusteella näistä valittiin kohdemarkkinoiksi kahdeksan. Tutkimuksessa kehitettiin markkinasegmenttien arviointiin malli. Mallin avulla valitut kahdeksan markkinasegmenttiä listattiin järjestykseen niiden houkuttelevuuden perusteella. Jatkotoimenpiteenä yrityksessä tullaan kehittämään kasvustrategia perustuen tutkimuksen tuloksille.


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The deoxy derivative of pancratistatin 1.10 was prepared in good yield through the use of a [4+2] Diels-Alder cycloaddition and Bischler-Napieralski cyclization approach. The Bischler-Napieralski cyclization was shown to yield two additional side products 2.9, 2.10, however, under slightly modified hydrolysis conditions, the tetracyclic product 2.11 was obtained exclusively in greater than 84% yield. Initial screening of the di-hydroxylatgd derivative, and the other complementary pair analogue 1.10' previously prepared in our laboratories gave interesting results. Both of these compounds were shown to exhibit cytostatic activity; the mono-alcohol was marginally active while the di-hydroxylated analogue proved to be more potent although one to two magnitudes less potent than pancratistatin itself Human tumour cell line assay results indicated that the di-hydroxylated derivative exhibited selective cytotoxic inhibition in the following cell lines: non-small cell lung cancer line NCI-H226 (ED50 - 0.65 ^g/mL), leukemia cell lines CCRF-CEM (ED30 = 0.55 Hg/mL) and HL-60(TB) (ED50 = 0.89^ig/mL). Our results demonstrated that the pharmacophore is not a mono-alcohol, and that the minimum pharmacophore contains the hydroxyl group at the C4 position in addition to either, or both, of the hydroxyl groups present at C2 and C3.' The minimum pharmacophore has been narrowed to only three possibilities which are current synthetic targets in several research groups. The controlled Grignard addition to the tartaric acid derived bis-Weinreb amide 1.25 afforded a direct entry to a host of 1,4-diflferentiated tartaric acid derived intermediates (2.12-2.18). This potentially usefiil methodology was demonstrated through the efficient synthesis of the naturally occurring lactone 2.23, which bears the inherent syn-dio\ subunit. Based on this result, a similar approach to the synthesis of syn-dio\ bearing natural products looks very promising? A direct 2,3-diol desymmetrization method using TIPS-triflate was shown to be effective on the selective differentiation of Z,-methyl tartrate (and diisopropyl tartrate). The mono-silyl-protected intermediates 2.31 also proved to be useful when they were selectively differentiated at the 1,4-carboxyl position (2.35, 2.36) through the use of a borohydride reducing agent. Furthermore, the mono-silyl-protected derivative underwent periodate cleavage affording two synthetically useful a,P-unsaturated esters 2.43, 2.44, with one of esters being obtained via a silyl-migration method.''


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Vitamin E is considered as the most effective lipophilic chain breaking antioxidant. a-Tocopherol and its analogues have been studied thoroughly with regards to its biokinetics and bioavailabily. Deuterated tocopherols have been synthesized and utilized in such studies. Tocotrienols are arousing more and more interest because of their high efficiency as antioxidants. However, to date, there is no effective synthetic method reported for deuterated tocotrienols. This thesis is focused on the investigation of the synthetic methods of deuterated tocotrienols and their analogues: 5-trideuteromethyl-a-tocotrienol, 5- trideuteromethyl-p-tocotrienol, tocotrienol acetate, silyl tocotrienol ether, etc. Several synthetic procedures for the preparation of poly-deuterated tocopherols are known. Mainly the deuterium is introduced by use of labelled formaldehyde and deuterated hydrogen chloride under Lewis acid catalysis. However, these methods are not effective in tocotrienols due to exchange of protons for deuterium at other sites under the acidic conditions. We developed several different approaches to generate polydeuterated tocotrienols by using both morpholinomethylation followed by reduction with NaCNBDs as deuterated reducing reagents and transmetalation strategy. The 5-trideuteromethyl-a-tocotrienol was finally obtained in a satisfactory yield of 60%. In addition, this thesis also discussed the study of structural comparison and the chemical property difference of tocopherols and tocotrienols, which provides hints to explain the reactivity difference of them towards oxidation at the C3-C4 positions.Furthermore, the methodology of halogenation and dehydrohalogenation of tocotrienol was explored to prepare a hexaene tocotrienol derivative as a florescent reporter of tocopherol.


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This study examined the challenges associated with the explicit delivery of questiongeneration strategy with 8 Arab Canadian students from the perspective of a bilingual beginning teacher. This study took place in a private school and involved 2 stages consisting of 9 instructional sessions, and individual interviews with the students. Data gathered from these interviews and the researcher's field notes from the sessions were used to gain insights about the participants' understanding and use of explicit instruction. The themes that emerged from the data included "teacher attitude," "students' enhanced metacognitive awareness and strategy use," "listening skills," and "instructional challenges." Briefly, teacher's attitude demonstrated how teacher's beliefs and knowledge influenced her willingness and perseverance to teach explicitly. Students' enhanced metacognitive awareness and strategy use included students' understanding and use of the question-generation strategy. The students' listening skills suggested that culture may influence their response to the delivery of explicit instruction. Here, the cultural expectations associated with being a good listener reinforced students' willingness to engage in this strategy. Students' prior knowledge also influenced their interaction with the question-generation strategy. Time for process versus covering content was a dominant instructional challenge. This study provides first hand information for teachers when considering how students' cultural backgrounds may affect their reactions to explicit strategy instruction.


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Studies on persistence and degradation of the synthetic pyrethroid insecticides, permethrin and fenvalerate, were carried out under natural environmental conditions of the Niagara Peninsula. Permethrin and fenvalerate were treated on apple foliage atrat~s of 0.21 kg(AI)!ha and 0.14 kg(AI)/ha, respectively. The initial cis- and trans-permethrin spray deposits were found to be 13.5 ppm and 19.2 ppm, respectively and 38.0 ppm was observed for the fenvalerate treated sample. Twenty-three days and 84 days after spray application, permethrin residues were 4.0 ppm and 2.7 ppm for the cis-isomer, whereas they were 7.9 ppm and 4.7 ppm for the trans-isomer, respectively. Residues of fenvalerate 23 days and 84 days after spray application were 13.4 ppm and 8.0 ppm, respectively. The values of observed half-life of cis-permethrin, trans-permethrin and fenvalerate were found to be 42 days, 46 days and 51 days, respectively. Studies were extended to quantitatively determine some of the major degradation compounds of permethrin and fenvalerate, which were expected to be produced as results of ester cleavage of the parent compounds. A permethrin treated sample, 84 days after initial spray application, showed 0.25 and 0.8 ppm of cis- and trans-3-(2,2-dichlorovinyl)-2,2-dimethylcyclopropanecarboxylic acid (C12CA (18), respectively. These two acids were not found as free acids, but found as conjugated compounds. The other expected degradation compounds, 3-phenoxybenzyl alcohol (PBalc (~)),3-phenoxybenz.aldehyde (PBald (38)) and 2- (4-chlorophenyl) isovaleric acid (CPIA (31)) were not detected by the methods employed in this study. The results indicate that these degradation compounds were not present, or, if they were present, their concentrations were too low to detect by the methods used.


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This study assessed the usefulness of a cognitive behavior modification (CBM) intervention package with mentally retarded students in overcoming learned helplessness and improving learning strategies. It also examined the feasibility of instructing teachers in the use of such a training program for a classroom setting. A modified single subject design across individuals was employed using two groups of three subjects. Three students from each of two segregated schools for the mentally retarded were selected using a teacher questionnaire and pupil checklist of the most learned helpless students enrolled there. Three additional learned helplessness assessments were conducted on each subject before and after the intervention in order to evaluate the usefulness of the program in alleviating learned helplessness. A classroom environment was created with the three students from each school engaged in three twenty minute work sessions a week with the experimenter and a tutor experimenter (TE) as instructors. Baseline measurements were established on seven targeted behaviors for each subject: task-relevant speech, task-irrelevant speech, speech denoting a positive evaluation of performance, speech denoting a negative evaluation of performance, proportion of time on task, non-verbal positive evaluation of performance and non-verbal negative evaluation of performance. The intervention package combined a variety of CBM techniques such as Meichenbaum's (1977) Stop, Look and Listen approach, role rehearsal and feedback. During the intervention each subject met with his TE twice a week for an individual half-hour session and one joint twenty minute session with all three students, the experimentor and one TE. Five weeks after the end of this experiment one follow up probe was conducted. All baseline, post-intervention and probe sessions were videotaped. The seven targeted behaviors were coded and comparisons of baseline, post intervention, and probe testing were presented in graph form. Results showed a reduction in learned helplessness in all subjects. Improvement was noted in each of the seven targeted behaviors for each of the six subjects. This study indicated that mentally retarded children can be taught to reduce learned helplessness with the aid of a CBM intervention package. It also showed that CBM is a viable approach in helping mentally retarded students acquire more effective learning strategies. Because the TEs (Tutor experimenters) had no trouble learning and implementing this program, it was considered feasible for teachers to use similar methods in the classroom.