995 resultados para Robô de duas rodas


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Since the beginning of the railway industry until today, rail wheels are important components to the good working of a railway. For being a critical security item, design and maintenance are done with extremely care to avoid failures. Despite de fact of railway components be projected to support a big number of cyclic solicitation during its life, some accidents still occur. These accidents, despite the low frequency, always have great consequences, drawing in great financial, material, and people losses. Nowadays, railway component failure is relatively low, because it’s been projected to work below the materials Fatigue Resistance Limit, however, with the growing demand of faster trains and higher load for each axle, the occurrence probability is even bigger. This work includes a comparative study of two fabrication processes (casting and forging) applied in the production of rail wheels where it was measured the mechanical properties of traction and fatigue. The study also verified through microstructural analysis, hardness, traction and fatigue tests, statistical analysis of fatigue test results and fractographic analysis that forging process lead to better correlations between fatigue life and mechanical properties, providing more security in railroads, less wagon retention caused by corrective maintenance and smaller operational cost with its use


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This project is comprised by an interactive mobile robotics’ environment, focused in human-robot interaction. The system was developed to work in a smartphone, with Android operating system, embedded in a small size mobile robot. Information provided by the smartphone’s camera and microp hone, as well as by proximity sensors embedded in the robot, is used as inputs of a control architecture, implemented in software. It is a behavior-based and receptive to human commands control architecture, to assist the robot’s navigation. The robot is controlled by its own behaviors or by commands em it ted by humans


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With the degradation of Atlantic Forest over the years, the area that this ecosystem has occupied before decreased and in a lot of cases it was separated in little fragments, each one isolated in a different way depending of the local antropic action. In this context, this study compares the helminth fauna of anurans from two different fragments of Atlantic Forest, one inset in a matrix of eucalyptus (Eucaliptus sp.) reforestation and the other in a matrix of pasture (Brachiaria sp.), verifying if there is any difference between the structure of helminth communities. There were collected 155 anurans in both fragments, being 77 Hypsiboas albopunctatus, 18 Hypsiboas faber, 27 Hypsiboas polytaenius e 33 Dendropsophus minutus. These were weighted and their snout-vent lengths were measured. After the animals were euthanatized and their internal organs and coelomatic cavity were evaluated for helminth infection. There were identified one trematode species (Haematoloechus fuelleborni) and 14 nematode species (Aplectana sp., Cosmocerca parva, Cosmocerca sp1., Cosmocerca sp2., Cosmocercoides sp., Falcaustra mascula, Cosmocercidae larvae, nematode larvae, Physaloptera sp. larvae, Ochoterenella sp., Oswaldocruzia subauricularis, Raillietnema simples, Rhabdias sp. e Schrankiana sp.). The hylids' helminth fauna studied in São Luiz do Paraitinga fragments were relatively rich, being registered 15 helminth species in the captured anurans. The comparison between the fragments did not show differences in relation of the composition and abundance of helminth fauna in spite of the individualities of each environment


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This work presents a proposal to replace thetraditional system of traction electric car that usesone electric motor and a mechanical differential, by two electric motors of lower power, controlled byelectronic control low cost. The proposed control isopen loop and uses the technique of Pulse WidthModulation (PWM), discrete and synchronizedaiming to reduce the generation of harmonics. The implementation of two smaller motor one on each wheel-drive distributes the weight of the vehicle, improving the heat exchange of the windings,beyond enable the power components supporting a current of 50% predicted for only one motor . The solution adopted for being open-loop, has a similar behavior to the mechanical differential, where theeffort imposed by the trajectory makes the velocity distribution between the wheels be appropriate tovehicle trajectory


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Faço parte do grupo de estudos sobre Jovens, Violência e Educação que desenvolve o estudo que procura compreender os modos de inserção da escola no bairro e os modos de inclusão dos jovens na comunidade e na própria escola. Os objetivos gerais do estudo são caracterizar os modos de inserção das escolas e dos jovens no bairro, o imaginário dos jovens sobre a escola, sobre seus projetos de vida e a prevenção da violência escolar. A participação neste grupo de pesquisa fez com que interesse se direcionasse à temática família, escola e comunidade. Assim sendo constituem-se objetivos específicos deste estudo: investigar a relação escola/família. Este estudo foi feito em duas escolas da periferia da cidade de Rio Claro- SP. Essas escolas atendem alunos moradores na região que pertencem aos extratos sócios econômicos mais baixos da população. O bairro é conhecido na cidade como violento, com ocorrências de assassinatos, tiroteios, brigas e presença do tráfico de drogas. Tanto é que este bairro é considerado área prioritária pela Prefeitura Municipal de Rio Claro – SP para intervenções que objetivem a prevenção da violência de jovens. Os dados coletados por meio de questionários e entrevistas foram pelo grupo com alunos do 8º ano e 9º ano do ensino fundamental e 1º ano do ensino médio. Esses dados serão analisados neste estudo