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The family Alpheidae, composed by shrimps of relatively small size, popularly known as snapping shrimps, is the one of the most diverse decapod groups. These shrimps are found worldwide and Occur in tropical and subtropical waters, from the intertidal zone to great depths. We investigated reproductive aspects of Alpheus armillatus, in order to gather information on egg production, aiming to enhance knowledge of its reproductive strategies in a population in an intertidal area of the South Atlantic. Ovigerous females were collected under rocks, in May and July 2006 (dry season) and in November 2006 and March 2007 (rainy season). Egg production and reproductive output were analyzed and compared seasonally and during the period of embryonic development. Females measured on average 11.28 mm CL with a mean of 763 eggs and 0.11 mm(3) egg volume. The egg volume of this population was smaller than previous estimates for other species of snapping shrimps, but the mean egg number was higher. The volume of eggs doubled during the incubation period, but despite this increase, no significant loss of eggs was observed. Alpheus armillatus invests oil average about 12% of body weight in reproduction. The proportional investment in egg production IS Significantly higher in the rainy season when compared with the dry season (17.9% vs 4.8%), correlated with higher temperatures and increased food availability at this time. Our results corroborated the hypothesis of a pattern of egg production influenced by environmental conditions and intraspecific variability among the family Alpheidae, as a function of the biogeographic region.
Perianth development is specifically disrupted in mutants of the PETAL LOSS (PTL) gene, particularly petal initiation and orientation. We have cloned PTL and show that it encodes a plant-specific trihelix transcription factor, one of a family previously known only as regulators of light-controlled genes. PTL transcripts were detected in the early-developing flower, in four zones between the initiating sepals and in their developing margins. Strong misexpression of PTL in a range of tissues universally results in inhibition of growth, indicating that its normal role is to suppress growth between initiating sepals, ensuring that they remain separate. Consistent with this, sepals are sometimes fused in ptl single mutants, but much more frequently in double mutants with either of the organ boundary genes cup-shaped cotyledon1 or 2. Expression of PTL within the newly arising sepals is apparently prevented by the PINOID auxin-response gene. Surprisingly, PTL expression could not be detected in petals during the early stages of their development, so petal defects associated with PTL loss of function may be indirect, perhaps involving disruption to signalling processes caused by overgrowth in the region. PTL-driven reporter gene expression was also detected at later stages in the margins of expanding sepals, petals and stamens, and in the leaf margins; thus, PTL may redundantly dampen lateral outgrowth of these organs, helping define their final shape.