999 resultados para Reperfusion therapy


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Objectives: To assess the efficacy of Panobacumab, a fully human IgM monoclonal antibody against P. aeruginosa serotype O11, by comparing a phase IIa trial with a standard care cohort trial both in hospital acquired pneumonia (HAP) caused by P. aeruginosa O11. Methods: Demographics, outcome and survival of HAP including Ventilator Associated Pneumonia (VAP) in patients either treated with standard antimicrobial therapy in a retrospective cohort trial (CT) or with adjunctive Panobacumab therapy during an open phase IIa trial were compared. Both trials applied the same inclusion exclusion criteria and the same trial period of 30 days. Results: 17 patients with VAP/HAP (14 / 3) caused by P. aeruginosa O11 were enrolled in a phase IIa trial (ITT population) and treated with Panobacumab, 13 of them received the full treatment course of 3 infusions (PP population, 12 VAP, 1 HAP) and 4 patients received only one infusion. In the cohort trial 14 patients (VAP/HAP: 12 / 2) treated with standard antibiotic therapy were included. The mean age and weight were 65.8 y (years) (SD 17.2) and 78.0 kg (SD 22.1) in the PP, 67.8 y (SD 15.4) and 77.1 kg (SD 20.2) in the ITT population and 51.8 y (SD 22.3) and 67.1 kg (SD 13.0) in the CT. At the time of suspicion of pneumonia a mean APACHE II and CPIS of 19.4 (13 - 33) and 8.7 (7 - 11) in the PP, 18.9 (13-33) and 8.5 (7 -11) in the ITT and 14.5 (2 - 24) and 7.5 (3 -12) in the CT population were observed. Tracheostomy was present in 53.8% and 52.9% in the PP and ITT populations and 38.4% in the CT. The pneumonia was polymicrobial in 69.2%, 70.6% and 85.7% in the PP, ITT and CT respectively. Stay at ICU and hospital before diagnosis of pneumonia were similar in the 3 groups. All 13 patients that received 3 doses of Panobacumab achieved resolution of pneumonia with only two relapsing during the study. Hence 85% achieved resolution and 15% recurrence at day 30. In the ITT group 64.7% of the pneumonia resolved 11.8% recurred and 23.5% continued while in the CT 57% resolved, 7% recurred and 34% continued. Resolution of pneumonia occurred markedly earlier in the Panobacumab trial (8.9 days, SD: 3.3) than in the cohort trial (15.3 days, SD: 9.5). The expected mortality derived from APACHE II score was 31% and 32% in the PP and ITT population and 22% in the cohort group. All patients who received 3 doses of Panobacumab survived, 18% died in the ITT group while in the CT 21% mortality matched the predicted mortality. Conclusions: Treatment of VAP/HAP caused by P. aeruginosa O11 with 3 doses of Panobacumab resulted in 100% survival, with highest pneumonia resolution (85%), and in a shorter time when compared with patients under standard therapy. The results indicate that Panobacumab may be effective in such life-threatening indication and warrants larger controlled trials.


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Résumé L'antidépresseur chiral venlafaxine (VEN) est à la fois un inhibiteur de la récapture de la sérotonine et de la noradrénaline. Le CYP2D6 et le CYP3A4 contribuent à son métabolisme stéreosélectif. Dix patients génotypés au CYP2D6 et dépressifs (F32x et F33x, ICD-10) ont participé à cette étude ouverte sur les conséquences pharmacocinétiques et pharmacodynamiques d'une « augmentation » avec la carbamazepine chez des non-répondeurs à la venlafaxine. Après une première période de traitement de quatre semaines avec VEN (195 - 52 mg/ jour), le seul patient qui présentait un déficience génétique de CYP2D6 (poor metaboliser), avait les taux plasmatiques de S-VEN et R-VEN les plus élevés, tandis que ceux de R-0-déméthyl-VEN étaient les plus bas dans ce groupe. Comme seulement 4 patients ont été des répondeurs après 4 semaines de traitement, 6 patients ont été inclus dans la deuxième période de traitement combiné VEN et carbamazépine. Cinq patients non-répondeurs ont complété cette deuxième période d'étude de quatre semaines. Chez l'unique non-répondeur au traitement combiné, on pouvait observer à la fin de la période d'étude une diminution importante des deux énantiomères de VEN, 0-desmethy'lvenlafaxine (ODV), N-desmethylvenlafaxine (NDV) et N, 0-didesmethylvenlafaxine (NODV) dans le plasma. Cela suggère un manque de compliance chez ce patient, mais une induction métabolique par la carbamazepine ne peut pas être exclue entièrement. L'administration de la carbamazepine (moyen ± s.d. (range) ; 360 ± 89 (200-400) mg/jour)) pendant quatre semaines n'a pas eu comme résultat une modification significative des concentrations plasmatiques des énantiomères de VEN et de ses métabolites 0- et N-démethylés chez les autres patients. En conclusion, ces observations préliminaires suggèrent qu'une combinaison de VEN et de carbamazepine représente une stratégie intéressante par son efficacité, sa tolérance et l'absence de modifications pharmcocinétiques, mais ces résultats devraient être vérifiés dans une plus grande étude.


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BACKGROUND: Poor tolerance and adverse drug reactions are main reasons for discontinuation of antiretroviral therapy (ART). Identifying predictors of ART discontinuation is a priority in HIV care. METHODS: A genetic association study in an observational cohort to evaluate the association of pharmacogenetic markers with time to treatment discontinuation during the first year of ART. Analysis included 577 treatment-naive individuals initiating tenofovir (n = 500) or abacavir (n = 77), with efavirenz (n = 272), lopinavir/ritonavir (n = 184), or atazanavir/ritonavir (n = 121). Genotyping included 23 genetic markers in 15 genes associated with toxicity or pharmacokinetics of the study medication. Rates of ART discontinuation between groups with and without genetic risk markers were assessed by survival analysis using Cox regression models. RESULTS: During the first year of ART, 190 individuals (33%) stopped 1 or more drugs. For efavirenz and atazanavir, individuals with genetic risk markers experienced higher discontinuation rates than individuals without (71.15% vs 28.10%, and 62.5% vs 14.6%, respectively). The efavirenz discontinuation hazard ratio (HR) was 3.14 (95% confidence interval (CI): 1.35-7.33, P = .008). The atazanavir discontinuation HR was 9.13 (95% CI: 3.38-24.69, P < .0001). CONCLUSIONS: Several pharmacogenetic markers identify individuals at risk for early treatment discontinuation. These markers should be considered for validation in the clinical setting.


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BACKGROUND: A novel dinucleotide variant TT/∆G (ss469415590) has been associated with hepatitis C virus clearance. AIM: To assess the role of the ss469415590 variant, compared with the known IL28B polymorphisms (rs8099917, rs12979860 and rs12980275) for predicting virological response to therapy in chronic hepatitis C, and its association with the CXCL10 chemokine serum levels - a surrogate marker of interferon-stimulated genes activation. METHODS: Multivariate analysis of factors predicting rapid and sustained virological response in 280 consecutive, treatment-naïve, nondiabetic, Caucasian patients with chronic hepatitis C treated with peginterferon alpha and ribavirin. RESULTS: In hepatitis C virus genotype 1, the OR (95% CI) for rapid and sustained virological response for the wild-type ss469415590 TT was 9.88 (1.99-48.99) and 7.25 (1.91-27.51), respectively, similar to those found for rs12979860 CC [9.55 (1.93-47.37) and 6.30 (1.71-23.13)] and for rs12980275 AA [9.62 (1.94-47.77] and 7.83 (2.02-30.34)], but higher than for rs8099917 TT [4.8 (1.73-13.33) and 4.75 (2.05-10.98)]. In hepatitis C virus genotype 1, mean (SD) CXCL10 levels in patients with the TT/TT, TT/∆G and ∆G/∆G variants were, respectively, 355.1 (240.6), 434.4 (247.4) and 569.9 (333.3) (P = 0.04). In patients with genotypes 2 and 3 no significant association was found for TT/∆G with viral response. The predictive value of ss469415590 was stronger in patients with advanced fibrosis. CONCLUSIONS: The novel IL28B variants at marker ss469415590 predict response to IFN alpha in chronic hepatitis C patients, especially in those with advanced fibrosis. Their determination may be superior to that of known IL28B variants for patient management using IFN-based regimens.


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BACKGROUND: Sorafenib (Sb) is a multiple kinase inhibitor targeting both tumour cell proliferation and angiogenesis that may further act as a potent radiosensitizer by arresting cells in the most radiosensitive cell cycle phase. This phase I open-label, noncontrolled dose escalation study was performed to determine the safety and maximum tolerated dose (MTD) of Sb in combination with radiation therapy (RT) and temozolomide (TMZ) in 17 patients with newly diagnosed high-grade glioma. METHODS: Patients were treated with RT (60 Gy in 2 Gy fractions) combined with TMZ 75 mg m(-2) daily, and Sb administered at three dose levels (200 mg daily, 200 mg BID, and 400 mg BID) starting on day 8 of RT. Thirty days after the end of RT, patients received monthly TMZ (150-200 mg m(-2) D1-5/28) and Sb (400 mg BID). Pharmacokinetic (PK) analyses were performed on day 8 (TMZ) and on day 21 (TMZ&Sb) (Clinicaltrials ID: NCT00884416). RESULTS: The MTD of Sb was established at 200 mg BID. Dose-limiting toxicities included thrombocytopenia (two patients), diarrhoea (one patient) and hypercholesterolaemia (one patient). Sb administration did not affect the mean area under the curve(0-24) and mean Cmax of TMZ and its metabolite 5-amino-imidazole-4-carboxamide (AIC). Tmax of both TMZ and AIC was delayed from 0.75 (TMZ alone) to 1.5 h (combined TMZ/Sb). The median progression-free survival was 7.9 months (95% confidence interval (CI): 5.4-14.55), and the median overall survival was 17.8 months (95% CI: 14.7-25.6). CONCLUSIONS: Although Sb can be combined with RT and TMZ, significant side effects and moderate outcome results do not support further clinical development in malignant gliomas. The robust PK data of the TMZ/Sb combination could be useful in other cancer settings.


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BACKGROUND: The purpose of this study was to determine the long-term outcomes of patients undergoing endocavitary contact radiation therapy (ECR) for stage I rectal cancer. METHODS: A database of patients treated with ECR for biopsy-proven rectal adenocarcinoma from July 1986 to June 2006 was reviewed retrospectively. Only patients with primary, non-metastatic, ultrasonographically staged T1 N0 and T2 N0 cancer who had no adjuvant treatment were included. Patients received a median of 90 (range 60-190) Gy contact radiation, delivered transanally by a 50-kV X-ray tube in two to five fractions. RESULTS: Of 149 patients, 77 (40 T1, 37 T2) met the inclusion criteria. Median age was 74 (range 38-104) years, and median follow-up 69 (range 10-219) months. ECR failed in 21 patients (27 per cent) (persistent disease, four; recurrence, 17), of whom ten remained disease free after salvage therapy. The estimated 5-year disease-free survival rate was 74 (95 per cent confidence interval 63 to 83) per cent after ECR alone, and 87 (76 to 93) per cent when survival after salvage therapy for recurrence was included. CONCLUSION: ECR is a minimally invasive treatment option for early-stage rectal cancer. However, similar to other local therapies, ECR has a worse oncological outcome than radical surgery.


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Cystic fibrosis (CF) patients often present with malnutrition which may partly be due to increased resting energy expenditure (REE) secondary to inflammation. Both REE and tumour necrosis factor-alpha (TNF-alpha), as other markers of inflammation, are elevated during respiratory exacerbations and decrease after antibiotic treatment. However, the effect of antibiotic therapy on REE and inflammation in patients without respiratory exacerbation is not known. The aim of our study was to determine the effect of such an elective antibiotic therapy on REE, TNF-alpha, and other serum markers of inflammation. Twelve CF patients 5F/7M, age 15.9 +/- 6.1 years, weight for height ratio 89 +/- 8% without clinically obvious exacerbation and treated by intravenous antibiotics were studied. Both before (D0) and after (D14) treatment, pulmonary function tests were performed. REE was measured by indirect calorimetry and blood taken to measure inflammation parameters. Body weight increased by 1.1 kg from D0 to D14 (P < 0.001), composed of 0.3 kg fat mass and 0.8 kg fat-free mass (FFM). The forced expiratory volume at 1 s increased from 43 +/- 15% of predicted at D0 to 51 +/- 15% of predicted at D14 (P < 0.01). Mean REE was 41.1 +/- 7.6 kcal/kg FFM per day at D0 and did not change significantly at D14 (40.6 +/- 8.5 kcal/kg FFM per day). Serum markers of inflammation decreased from D0 to D14: C-reactive protein 17 +/- 17 mg/l to 4 +/- 7 mg/l (P < 0.05), elastase 62 +/- 29 microg/l to 45 +/- 18 microg/l (P < 0.02), orosomucoid acid 1.25 +/- 0.11 g/l to 0.80 +/- 0.15 g/l (P < 0.001), and TNF-alpha 37 +/- 14 pg/ml to 29 +/- 6 pg/ml (P = 0.05). Individual values showed a correlation between changes in REE and in TNF-alpha (P < 0.02). The contribution of inflammation to energy expenditure is possible but appears to be minimal in cystic fibrosis patients treated by antibiotics on a regular basis in the absence of clinically obvious exacerbation.


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The management of luminal Crohn's disease, the most common form of initial presentation of the disease, depends on the location and the severity of the lesions. Mild to moderate disease represents a relatively large proportion of patients with a first flare of luminal disease, which may also be associated with perianal disease. As quality of life of these patients correlates with disease activity, adequate therapy is a central goal of the overall patient management. Treatment options include mainly sulfasalazine, budesonide and systemic steroids, while the role of mesalazine and antibiotics remains controversial. The role of biological therapies in mild to moderate disease has not been thoroughly evaluated and will not be discussed here.