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Environmental diagnosis fits in analysis social-spatial organization insofar it contributes to understanding past and present aspects of how a territory works as well as enables the creation of statements for future ordainment. In this context, the present study aims at contributing with data for creating recovery and environmental preservation projects for the basin of Macacos‟ stream‟s headwaters, located in the north of Álvares Machado county in São Paulo state. To achieve this purpose, the main characteristics and existing uses in the basin have been analyzed and its main environmental problems were identified in the data and information collected in journals, field work and interviews with dwellers from the interested area and local government authorities. On this way, a diagnosis of the environmental state of the studied area was performed considering its specific issues regarding the natural and physical process as well as human influences. From the analysis carried out it was possible to identify environmental impacts on different levels resulting from the conflictuous relation between uses and occupations and the natural dynamics of the studied basin.
The current concern with environmental issues by the scientific community, governmental and civil society also brings out the need to recover, preserve and conserve the environment. With this understanding, this work was prepared, which had as one of the main objectives of the historical process of land use and occupancy of the Pontal, since the nineteenth century to the present day. From this, the changes were evident in the types of land use, which rose from native forest to plant crops (permanent and temporary crops) and later as pasture. Through this process of occupation, exploitation of forests and replacement even three, Reserves being brought from the Far West Paulista, through the state government of Sao Paulo, they were almost decimated. Such areas decreed by law to be preserved and conserved, with the rampant occupations, were suffocated by the fakes and illegal occupation of land tenure contracts, leaving the region currently only a few forest fragments and protected areas of State Park Morro do Diabo, PRNP Boa Vista and Ecological Station Black Lion Tamarin. Furthermore, the article emphasizes the main legislation being developed by federal and state levels aimed at protecting natural resources and the effectiveness they had with the passage of time, demonstrating that the conservation of the environment, has several contributions in the law, however, and they are so vast that hinder its application.
Os processos geomorfológicos são responsáveis pelas formas do relevo, constituindo uma das dimensões do substrato físico para o desenvolvimento das atividades antrópicas. O conhecimento e a identificação dos mecanismos destes processos podem contribuir para o entendimento das dinâmicas naturais e das ações humanas sobre a superfície terrestre. Desta forma, objetivo desse trabalho de pesquisa foi identificar e caracterizar as principais unidades geomorfológicas do baixo curso do rio Paranapanema, a partir da utilização dos Sistemas de Informação Geográfica (SIG) e do uso de geotecnologias. No SIG foram realizadas as seguintes etapas da pesquisa: processamento digital das imagens de radar, georreferenciamento dos dados, delimitação e compilação da área de estudo e elaboração dos mapas temáticos. Os procedimentos metodológicos adotados fundamentaram-se basicamente nos conceitos de morfoestrutura e morfoescultura para classificação e taxonomia do relevo, desenvolvidos por Jurandir L. S. Ross (1992). As classes de dissecação do relevo, carta clinográfica e hipsometria da bacia foram obtidas a partir do processamento de cartas topográficas e imagens de radar da missão SRTM. Os resultados apresentados na forma de mapas, gráficos e tabelas permitiram analisar e caracterizar os processos geomorfológicos atuantes na bacia do baixo Paranapanema, com maior riqueza de detalhe (1: 250 000)
The intense urbanization in coastal environments can cause environmental changes due to the susceptibility of these areas. It is therefore of utmost importance to understand the environmental quality of coastal area and the geomorphological features are essential to make it possible, as well as the geomorphological maps that are used as an instrument to analyze the relief. However, there is no standardization among the geomorphological mapping techniques, since the proposals vary according to the taxonomy of the relief, the adopted scale and the objective of the researcher. This paper aims to carry out geomorphological mappings of sectors of the city of Mongaguá, in São Paulo state, according to the conceptions of Verstappen and Zuidam (1975) and Gustavsson, Kolstrup and Seijmonsbergen (2006), seeking to verify the possibilities and constraints that each one can provide for environmental management. Verstappen and Zuidam’s design (1975) is a classical international bibliography proposal indicating the symbols and colors that will be used to represent the relief according to the origin shape of the geomorphological features; Gustavsson, Kolstrup and Seijmonsbergen's conception (2006) is a latest international proposal which also uses symbols and colors that can be combined to represent various forms of relief, coming from different origins. The mappings in this research are although not presented as a mainstream map, but as a cartographic representation in which the symbols are superimposed on the digital ortophoto map to provide the reader an association between symbolism and the relief represented. The result is a comparative analysis among the symbols that were used in each mapping, in which is discussed what design is the most appropriate, considering the adopted scale and the geomorphological features of the mapped area
O país passou por um período de grandes transformações no último quarto do século XX, os quais afetaram em grande medida a esfera social, política e econômica da sociedade. Dado o enfraquecimento do Estado de Bem Estar Social, e a ascensão do pensamento neoliberal nos anos 1970, houve a revisão do papel do Estado em todo o globo. As reformas neoliberais durante a década de 1990 tiveram um impacto significativo sobre os níveis do produto, e refletiram na redução do emprego até o fim da década, além do surgimento de novas formas de precarização do trabalho. Este trabalho tem como principal objetivo elucidar o impacto destas reformas estruturais sobre o emprego e seus desdobramentos na sociedade
Geological-geotechnical problems affecting escarps as well as embankment and fill slopes of roads and motorways may generate different types of unsteadiness, which are mainly arisen from the deficient knowledge about the physical environment. This results in unsuitable engineering projects and inadequate executions, which can be worsened by an occasional inappropriate maintenance of the construction. A geologically-geotechnically characterization of escarps and slopes is crucial in order to prevent these problems. This work deals with a geological-geotechnical study of 1:10.000 scale mapping in a stretch of a local road (CHQ-40) at the Serra de Itaqueri, Charqueada town, State of São Paulo. The stretch is known by several physical problems as erosion and mass movement. The methods of study were based on an integrative analysis of the diverse elements of the physical environment by using aerial photographs - to obtain the physiographic compartmentalization of terrain units - as well as field work - to accomplish the evaluation of the units by employing sketch lists. To achieve this, we selected several techniques in order to identify and classify different types of existing problems as erosion, landslide in embankments and fill slopes, rockfall, block rolling, among others. We also included the analysis of soil horizon, thickness and composition. The geological-geotechnical mapping resulted in six units: 1- Sandstones in cuesta’s backhill; 2 – Basalts in cuesta’s front; 3- Sandstones in cuesta’s front; 4 – Talus and colluvial deposits at cuesta’s foothill; 5- Sandstones of the Piramboia Formation in hillside; and 6 – Colluvial soil in the hill top. A characterization of the geological-geotechnical units is detailed, coupled to the cartographic material. Other cartographic products elaborated for this study included 1:10.000 maps of hypsometry, slope and curvature
The city of Guaratinguetá, SP, presents in its history, several instances of property damage and human losses, conditional on the event of flooding and mass movement of soil, resulting from the development of erosion processes. The extent and severity of these events that affect humans and their properties is the result of the illegal occupation of these areas as potential geohazard. Thus, it is of great importance to physical characterization and identification of such areas within the map of the same city as a way to minimize the effects and mitigate the consequences of these events. Thus, this graduate report presents a series of field campaigns, geotechnical laboratory testing, consultation with maps and satellite images, representative of the physical environment, and the city plan as a means conclusive for the delimitation of risk areas with potential for occurrence of erosion and / or flooding on the map representing the urban area of Guaratinguetá, SP. Also featured are the descriptions of the main characteristics of those areas identified as being at risk, along with proposals to avoid or minimize the impact of problems related to flooding and erosion processes on the local population
Este trabalho apresenta a Caracterização Estrutural da Zona de Falha da Cachoeira na região compreendida entre as cidades de Jundiaí e Monte Mor no estado de São Paulo. A Zona da Falha da Cachoeira constitui um importante alinhamento estrutural de direção NW no Embasamento Cristalino e adentra-se no mesmo sentido na Bacia do Paraná afetando os sedimentos paleozóicos. Para a investigação da Zona de Falha foi necessária a definição das características geológico-estruturais e tectônicas da área. As análises macro e mesoscópicas indicam forte estruturação de relevo e dos alinhamentos de drenagem para direção NW-SE e subordinadamente para NE-SW. A zona de falha é marcada pela presença de rochas com texturas miloniticas, cataclásticas e trama de cristais isorientados não deformados. Falhas normais, transcorrentes dextrais, sinistrais foram identificadas e suas análises permitiram inferir um quadro evolutivo para a zona da Falha da Cachoeira, onde as falhas de direções NW-SE antigas relacionadas à paleotectônica e a formação das rochas miloniticas e cataclásticas , as NE-SW aos falhamentos normais da tectônica distensiva do sistema rifts do Sudeste Brasileiro que geraram os depósitos terciários e as falhas normais NW-SE a aos movimentos transcorrentes neotectônicos.
The research addresses the need for detailed geological and geotechnical investigations in pipeline’s design, given the diversity of geological units crossed by these works along its layout, which often extends for hundreds of miles. For its large size, this type of work often goes through different states and regions with very different characteristics in terms of topography, vegetation, geology and geotechnical conditions. For a better use of these investigations in order to avoid unnecessary costs and inefficient results, some authors recommend that steps be taken to study, seeking a progressive detail of the pipeline’s implantation area. The main objective of the study is to describe, analyze and correlate the proposals for geological and geotechnical’s investigation recommended by the authors selected. Nogueira Junior & Marques (1998) suggest that for better effectiveness of geological and geotechnical investigations associated with the deployment of pipelines, different research methods are applied sequentially in five major stages of the building. Rocha et al (2008) recommend that, for the pipeline’s implantation using horizontal directional drilling, investigations are performed in three phases of study, to be developed in coordination with the project stages. For Gelinas & Mathy (2004), when time and budget constraints permit, geotechnical investigations for directional drilling projects for pipelines must be made in four sequential phases. Heinz (2008) suggests that the geotechnical investigations for pipeline’s implantation using horizontal directional drilling at crossings of water bodies are carried out in three successive stages. By the development of research, we could see that all the different proposals recommend studies in sequential phases, starting from a more general scale for a more specific, seeking a progressive understanding of the geological model of the area where you intend to deploy the pipeline
A Zona de Falha de Cássia constitui um feixe de falhas de direção preferencial NW-SE e aproximadamente 2 km de largura. Dados de campo, petrográficos e microestruturais evidenciam uma longa história deformacional da zona de falha. Assim, foram caracterizadas três fases de atividade/movimentação da Zona de Falha de Cássia. A primeira fase (précambriana) é caracterizada por deformação em regime dúctil, acarretando na geração de milonitos formados em condições metamórficas de fácies xisto verde. Este é o estágio de formação da falha, apresentando caráter transcorrente oblíqua, com movimentação sinistral inversa. A segunda fase corresponde a uma reativação da zona de falha como uma falha normal, com bloco alto a NE e bloco baixo a SW da referida estrutura. Seu registro é dado pela ocorrência localizada de brechas e cataclasitos. Este episódio de deformação eminentemente rúptil é correlacionado com o Soerguimento do Alto Paranaíba, o que indica movimentação da falha no Neocretáceo. A terceira e última fase é marcada pela formação de depósitos sedimentares plio-pleistocênicos compostos por brecha sedimentar de leques aluviais e sedimentos argilosos lacustres. Tais depósitos são interpretados como originados pelo represamento da drenagem subatual e conseqüente mudança do nível de base local, em decorrência de uma reativação da Zona de Falha de Cássia. O referido pacote sedimentar apresenta-se localmente cortado por fraturas, zonas brechadas e falhas, caracterizando atividade neotectônica na região. Além disso, foi mostrada a forte influência da zona de falha no desenvolvimento da paisagem da região, sendo constatada a inversão do relevo e da drenagem na área estudada.