994 resultados para Reforestation -- Catalonia -- Montgrí
This paper makes a contribution to the knowledge of the coastal fringe morphology of the ‘Macizo de Begur’. A lithological study, macro and microscopic, has been carried out of a variety of a series of metamorphic, plutonic, phyllonianic and effusive rocks
Descripció del conjunt de gravats repartits sobre la superfície de dues roques molt properes que es troben a l'eix de la divisòria d'aigües que separa les rieres de Bell-lloc i de Vall-llobrega, entre els cims de Montagut i Montagut Petit, dins el terme municipal de Vall-llobrega.
Es descriu la morfologia i els dipòsits del volcà inèdit del camp dels Ninots (Caldes de Malavella)
The monitoring of the ecological water quality of 'Aiguamolls de l’Empordà' Natural Park was carried out between September 1996 to August 1997. The aim was to evaluate the impact of effluent from a nearby wastewater treatment plant, on the flooding of marshes in the Natural Park. In this paper we present physical and chemical data together nutrient concentrations and its changes in the lentic system of the 'Aiguamolls de l’Empordà'. The ultimate aim was to evaluate the effect of reclaimed wastewater on the salt marsh system. Seasonal variation in nutrients concentrations and their relationship to turnover and source of water were analysed. Significant variation in the N/P ratio was related to water turnover. Confined systems presented lower values for this ratio. Taking into account the nutrient concentrations of the reclaimed water, which is rich in nitrogen, it is recommended flooding applied in zones with high water turnover and higher N/P ratios